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Treatment Index and Flow charts for Practitioners
General References
Prana - Inhalation energy - back through the spine upwards
Apana - Exhalation energy - front from
head downwards
Vyana - Circulation energy - central nervous system to peripheral parts of the body
Samana - Digestive
energy - Liquified grain and oxygen from peripheral nervous system to center
Udana - Cognitive energy
Ayurvedic Pulse
Vatta - Bustline - Nerves - Apana Energy (felt like a snake moving)
Pitta - Waistline - Digestion
- Samana Energy (felt like a frog jumping)
Kabba - Hipline - Circulation - Vyana Energy (felt like swan gliding)
per ayurveda 3 x 3 combinations - 9 pulses and types
With Jin Shin Jyutsu - Pulses are 6 textures x 12 Organ Flows = 72 Pulse types
Fluff - 3D, Pulse - 5D, Gummy - 1D, Rocks
and Rods - 2D, Gurgles - 4D, Fluff with Tone - 6D
Superficial Pulse: Descending - Front of the body - Yang (+)
Deep Pulse: Ascending - Back of the body - Yin
Superficial Pulse on Right Wrist:
Yang Organs which are exterior and hollow organs eg- Large Intestine,
Stomach, Diaphragm
Deep Pulse: Yin Organs which are interior and solid eg - Lung, Spleen, Umbilicus
Superficial Pulse on Left Wrist:
Yang Organs which are exterior and hollow organs eg- Small Intestine,
Gall Bladder, Bladder
Deep Pulse: Yin Organs which are interior and solid eg - Heart, Liver, Kidney
26 Keys
Yin Ascending - 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 23, 25 = 12 Total
Yang Descending - 1,
5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 = 12 Total
Neutral Keys - 7, 26
Wrist Pulse Fingers -
Index Fingers - 10, 13 - Releases Opposite Mental and Emotional - Unlock by 3 - Upper Body
fingers - 9, 23 - Releases Opposite Digestive - Unlock by 23 - Middle Body
Ring Fingers - 2, 15 - Releases Opposite Physical
- Unlock by 25 - Lower Body
Neck Releases
# 4 - Unlocks # 13 & 10 - which unlocks # 3
# 12 - unlocks # 14 & 9 - which unlocks # 23
11 - unlocks # 15 & 2 - which unlocks # 25
Teeth Correspondences
Total 32 tooth - upper 16 on right side 8 and left side 8;
Lower 16 on right side 8 and
left side 8
Here is the correlation from incisors backwards for the 8 on either side numbered 1 - 8
Upper Teeth - Top
1 - Stomach
2- Heart Flow
3 - Lung Flow
4 - Gall bladder Flow
5 - Stomach Flow
6 - Spleen Flow
7 -
Small Intestine Flow
8 - Spleen Flow
Lower Teeth - Bottom
Here is the correlation from incisors backwards for the 8 on either side numbered 1 - 8
1 -
Kidney Flow
2 - Small Intestine Flow
3 - Thyroid # 13 Flow
4 - Liver Flow
5 - Large Intestine Flow
6 - Bladder
and Umbilicus Flow
7 - Large Intestine Flow
8 - Bladder and Umbilicus Flow
Quickie Finger Release of Mental and Emotional States and Number Releases:
Thumb - Emotion - Depression, Guilt; Mental
- Worry; Number releases - 1, 9, 16, 19, 21
Index Finger - Emotion - Fear; Mental - Perfectionism; Number releases -
5, 8, 10, 11, 22
Middle Finger - Emotion - Anger; Mental - Indecision; Number releases - 3, 6, 12, 13, 25
Finger - Emotion - Grief; Mental - Negative attitude, Loss of Common Sence; Number releases - 2, 4, 7, 14,
Little Finger - Emotion - Pretense; Mental - Confusion; Number releases - 15, 18, 20, 23, 24
of Hand - 6th Depth - Emotion - Manifested and Unmanifested state; Mental - merging of energy body to physical body - Primordial
Life Force - Spiritual self - soul and essence of exsistance; Number releases - 26
Energy Cycles of the Body
8th Depth - GOD Source
7th Depth - Yin and Yang
6th Depth - Spirit; Fire; Life Force;
Palm of Hand - Diaphragm, Umbilicus
5th Depth - Blood; Fire; Pretense; Little Finger - Small Intestine; Heart - 60 + years
Depth - Bone; Water; Fear; Index Finger - Bladder; Kidney - 46 upto 60 years
3rd Depth - Muscle; Wood; Anger; Middle
Finger - Gall Bladder; Liver - 31 upto 45 years
2nd Depth - Deep Skin; Metal; Grief; Ring Finger - Large Intestine; Lung
- 16 upto 30 years
1st Depth - Skin Surface - Earth; Worry; Thumb - Stomach; Spleen - 1 upto 15 years
Energy Cycle Correlations:
Chest - # 3 - Lung @ 4 am - # 14 - Heart @ 12 Noon - Diaphragm @ 8 pm - Vitality, Blood,
Fingers - # 13 - Large Intestine Index Finger @ 6 am - Small Intestine Little Finger @ 2 pm - Umbilicus Ring Finger
@ 10 pm - Reproduction, Regeneration, Elimination
Face - # 14 - Stomach # 21 @ 8 am - Bladder # 20 @ 4 pm - Gall Bladder
# High 21 @ 12 midnight - Mental, Emotional, Revitalization
Toes - # 15 (all three flows combine here)
- Spleen Big Toe @ 10 am - Kidney Little Toe @ 6 pm - Liver Big Toe @ 2 am - Back to beginning with lung -
Anchor Flows to be used when critical, chronic, or deep
Energy and Elements on the Spine: Source Yogi Pramahamsa Yogananda
Vibrations of the astral centers of consciousness
and life in the spine can be tuned in with cosmic vibrations in time intuitionally.
Coccyx or Tail Bone: - Element
Earth heard as Hum of Bumblebee
- Shape Square
Sacral Centers : - Element Water heard as Flutelike
Sound - Shape Downward Triangle
Lumbar Spines: - Element Fire heard as Harplike Sound - Shape Upward
Dorsal Spines: Element Air heard as Bell-like sound - Shape Circle
Spines: Element Ether heard as rushing waters
Medulla Oblongata or Base of Brain: Combination
of Elements heard as Symphony of all sounds together - the Oceanic roar of the Cosmic Om Vibration.
Influence of Sun and Moon on Mind Center - Fasting Observed by ancient yogi's on Ekadesi (ek=one; desi=10) or 11th
day of Lunar Cycle: Source Swami Sivananda
Mind Center travels up and down through each Chakras or Energy centers
in body. During the 11th day of Bright Lunar Cycle (4 days before Full Moon) Mind center finds home in Ajna Center. During
the 11th day of Dark Lunar Cycle (4 days before New Moon) Mind finds home in Heart Center. The significance of this is if
the center is not in harmony Mind spins out of control. To easily control the mind Ancient Yogi's used to fast during
the 11th day called Ekadesi. For Modern day we can do juice fast, salads, nuts and eat foods that is not processed on these
two days to avoid migrane headaches and issues related to brain before full moon, and avoid stress to the heart
before New Moon.
Keys Of Solomon - Source British Museum Translated from ancient scripts by Author S. Liddell MacGregor Mathers
1888; Edited by George Redway 1889.
King Solomon had keys that may open the knowledge and understanding
of magical arts and sciences like a key that opens treasure-house. He was given the power to rule Terrestial and Celestial
things. Is was said King Solomon requested from Archangel Homdiel the Gift of Wisdom, Virtue of that wisdom,
Eternal Happiness, Divine Prosperity, Perfect Joy, Abundant Charity, Eternal Salutations.
King Solomon created 44 pentacles. Seven Pentacles for Saturn - Black, Seven Pentacles for Jupiter - Blue, Seven Pentacles
for Mars - Red, Seven Pentacles for Sun - Yellow, Five Pentacles for Venus - Green, Five Pentacles for Mercury - Mixed Colors,
Six Pentacles for Moon - Silver.
The rule of the Planets over each hour begins from the dawn at the rising of the Sun on the day which its name from such
Planet, and then the Planet which follows it in order, succeeds to the rule over the next hour. Thus (on Saturday) Saturn
rules the first hour, Jupiter the Second, Mars the third, the Sun the fourth, Venus the fifth, Mercury the sixth, the Moon
the seventh, and the Saturn returns in the rule over the eighth, and the others in their turn, the Planets always keeping
the same order. The day starts with the ruling planet for that day at 6am. For example, 6am on Sunday is ruled by planet Sun,
6am on Monday is Moon, 6am on tuesday is Mars, 6am on Wednesday is Mercury, 6am on Thursday is Jupiter, 6am on Friday is Venus,
6am on Saturday is Saturn. Divine Love ought to precede the acquisition of knowledge and virtues of the planets are - Saturn
to perform experiments to summon Souls from Hades, Jupiter for obtaining honors, Mars for experiments with war, Sun for temporal
wealth and to dissolve hostile feelings, Venus for forming friendships, Mercury for eloquence and intelligence, promptitude
in business, Moon for voyages and reconciliation.
How this knowledge gets synthesized with Medicine -JSJ perspective? Well Cervical Spines each are ruled by a planet so
C1=Saturn, C2=Jupiter, C3=Mars, C4=Sun, C5=Venus, C6=Mercury, C7=Moon (C8 is present in few and the cycle again starts so
this is Saturn). The other Significance is in Pregnancy the first pregnant month the Fetus is ruled by Saturn, 2nd month is
Jupiter, 3rd month is Mars, 4th month is Sun (Sun is the ruler for soul - the fetus gets anchored with Soul), 5th month is
Venus, 6th month is Mercury, 7th month is Moon (this completes the cycle which makes this a viable birth after 7 month), 8th
month - second cycle of Saturn, 9th month 2nd cycle of Jupiter, 10th month 2nd cycle of Mars.
Online Seminar 2005
Five Day Self Directed Course Material
Text 1
Day one
Jiro Murai's pupils Mary
Ino Burmeister and Ruko Kato Sensay
Mary 85 yrs now
JSJ is complicatedly simple
Thought becomes words, Words becomes
deeds, Deeds become habits, Habits become character, Character becomes destiny
Lt inhale, Rt exhale
inside 6d circle
Philosophy philo means lover, sophy is wisdom
deep inside us is divine love
Ignorance seeks many pieces, Wisdom seeks
the oneness in pieces
2. Psychology
The longer we study in depth we simplfy the art and make things very easy
Depth of awareness makes sense
without the 1 and 2 above have only false concepts
Numbers are mysterious
constitute principle of life
vital cosmos
vibrations to physical beings, depths represents various state of
9d descent to matter
Journey of infinite to matter
SEL 26 completeness
spherical energy in body creates
movements of flow and are the binders of soul - SEL
Protects us from destruction, they are 3 inch in radius, location to
specific functions have visible and invisible qualities
9space sourceless source
8d energy condensing in dot and bursting
7d light illumination and sustaines us
all of us are born from 9,8,7d universal depths unique expression of divine
starts from 6d
6d moon reflects light of divine
no body manifested yet is still in spirit world
personal source of
life MCV
6d energy descending exhale and energy ascending inhale circle
main central vertical harmonizing energy MCV
- Lt and Rt supervisors from one duality to expand
Lt supervisor negative polarity, masculine energy (unmanifested body)
supervisor positive polarity, feminine energy (unmanifested body)
supervisors are air element - mind
Lt brings past
into our life - karma, ancesteral life energy
helps build the body and is descending movement, exhaling energy
Lt binds
5D and exhale helps with logic linear thoughts
Rt supervisor being in the present, regeneration of the body, cleaner helps
to clean us
Inhaling ascending energy, spatial orientation
Trinity energy - mediators from left and right supervisors,
diagonal flow - Lt mediator and Rt mediator flow. Activity prinicple helps bring action - water element blends things together
is a divine comforter, holy spirit, communicator
Mediator not in order - emotional reactor - attitudes, roots of disease
feelings are love
disease feelings are attitudes
diagonal issues in body work on mediator, same side body issues work
on supervisor flows
L/R supervisor, L/R mediators, give birth to 12 organ flows Lt and Rt
denser energy build body to
sustain material body (text 2)
Lt 12 organ flows and Rt 12 organ flows gives 72,000 special body flows and Lt and Rt SBF
together creates 144,000 SBF in body 144,000 is number 9 completion
in bible mention of 144,000 beings saved in genesis
is a loss of 144,000 SBF
26,000 years to change the cycle of life - yuga
young age projects, childhood ailments are
Left side projects
MCV in pelvic girdle, pubic area Left supervisor is born and then Rt supervisor Left pulse is ahead
of Rt if reversed pulse disharmony
1st SEL movement - prime mover, inside knee, moves through life, grounds the person
1 exhale, SEL 2 inhale, SEL 3 balance, door, not breathing in disharmony
supervisor go through SEL 1 go down front, up
through the back, and SEL 2 structural balance, upright spinal alignement, orthopedic, bony, chiropractic needs
2 rising
up back shoulder blades, SEL 3, which is respiratory specialist, not breathing, defence system, policeman - lymph system,
sheds unnessary stuff
3 & 15 same side prevents airbourne ailments
base of occiput 4 window brings in light, illumination
and air, shut 4 one side coma, both sides death
1st depth finishes builds skin surface then 2nd depth starts
2d deeper
skin tissues, holds everything in and helps pull all things together
supervisor goes through SEL 1 inside of the leg to
SEL 5 regeneration, moves 1st depth to 2nd depth
let go of the fear of the journey so far it is a psychologist SEL 5 clears
our minds 5 regenerates is at ankle
SEL 6 arch of feet - balance, discrimination in life, arch is balance, physical, emotional,
circulatory balance, hormonal balance - menopausal projects
SEL 7 perfect creation, victory, clears head, mind helps to
see spirit world, pituitary, pineal gland clearence
7 shamanic healing animal kingdom, and spirit world
head of fibula
8 magic and infinity connects heaven and earth, open pelvic girdle, regeneration systems fertility systems, 8 divine harmony
muscle balance, muscle strength in body
8 energy raising up back at T8 SEL 9 completion, ending of one cycle and begining
of second cycle
9 opens respiratory and digestive tracts
T5 SEL 10 abundance, 9 let go 10 allows us to experience abundance
energy raises to 11 unloading of excess burdens holding on to things, clear 11, clears everything not worried about anything
midpart of neck opening the will to creator, let thy will be done, 12 up through the top of the head face 3rd rib is number
13 regeneration of physical level, fertility specialist, spirit coming to life, love thyself
14 waist sustanence in life,
wordly desires, gathering more, excessive
15 groin area, last SEL of 2nd depth
full of joy and happiness, 15 = 6 balance
fullness of who we are
5 - 15 letting go of fear, and end with joy
SEL 1 flow pg 15 text 1, sit on same side
s 2
L/R s 1
s 5
s 7
Post Lunch
2d joint happiness connecting spirit - M/B/S
3d supervisor 3d of body outside
of foot, outside of ankle, SEL 16 action, and activity, source of energy for activity
close to mediator, activity principle,
beginning of mediator at 16
3d energy needs - waking up with no energy in morning
helps bind things together
creates energy for us, dynamic for our mind, logic psychological projects, mental illness
psychologist outside psychiatrist
inside of the ankle 5/16
from 16 goes up to arms raise up outside of arms 17 side of wrist medial aspect
17 intuition
natural intelligence, divine state of mind, awareness calm nervous system
17 is good for heart and sleeping
18 laterl
aspect of wrist under thumb - body consiousness and personality
descend to elbow 19 authority and leadership, inside of
elbow soft tissue, 19 opens waistline
descending arm back to shoulder top of head 20 - everlasting eternity, people in
transition death, hold 20s clears mind, let go of everything, clears memory, descent to cheekbones, 21 unloads mental burdens
and physical burdens
21 left for putting on weight, 21 right for loosing weight
22 desend to collarbone master numbers,
hub everything comes in and goes, makes us happy and content wherever we are
4/22 start of liver flow associated with soul,
goodbye to old person and wake up to the new person
descent from 22 goes deeper 4th time and forms 4th depth
SEL 23
controller of destiny, willfullness, wordly desire, waistline projects, controller of circulation fluids in body, 4d water
element addictions, 23 moves deeper to 5d
energy moves to groin area deeper, top of feet raise outside foot midfoot, near
tarsal metatarsal 24 is born which is peace, harmony in body, not in peace is chaos krisna has foot on 24 helps clear chaos
raises to buttocks ischial tuberosity 25 helps quietly regenerate, helps bring energy to body
opens up mind
raise the
energy 26 outside of axilla that was is ever will be, complete - all you need
fatty accumilation, tumors of body daily
hugs to ourselves
6d energy spiralling down, 5d spiritual inheritance, 4d destiny, 3d karma, 2d energy to harmonize M/B/S,
1st depth begin to manifest who we are going to be, color yellow, have a physical body now, need skin to contain us
container, saturday, stomach exhale, spleen inhale, to nourish body, 1d digestion energy materiliaze our needs, SEL 1, 2,
3, 4 hottest season, saturday, thumb hold for nausea and headaches
page 16
2 flow
sit on opposite side
L/R s 2
s 6
s 8
s 5
s 2
Swith hands L/R s 9
s 26
s 3
s 4
2d planet venus, beauty of life, fall autum time,
ring finger for respiratory projects, responsible for harmonizing M/B/S white, air element, 11 SELs 5 - 15, friday, connective
tissue, loss leads to rigidity, ascending energy 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and descending energy 13, 14, 15
T8 9 shoulder blade
tip mid arm, T5 10 mid shoulder blade, axilla crease, T3 3 acromian process
11 shoulder neck junction, 1 inch above and
below, elbow level 23, 2 is at ant superior illac crest
19 thumbside of elbow, high 19 mid arm, and also near axilla, 18
thumb side wrist area, 17 medial wrist
19 has 3 ascending and 3 descending flows from face and finger flows
high 19
clears 10, 19 clears 9 and 23
lung inhale, and large intestine exhale descending energy, 2d breathing, respiratory projects
green spring time, 16 - 22 SEL total of 7, thursday, 16 for mind, 17 for spirit, 18 for body
source for the manifested
level, energy plan power to do things
20 heavens door, 21 weight, 22 happy where we are, digest the mind, action to our
life, element is wood a binder
blood essense, energy that creates vibration to build blood, blood connected to soul, 3d
soul, jupiter gall bladder descending exhale, liver ascending inhale, middle finger for blood projects, liver projects
standing disharmony - varicose veins, 4d blue, black, 23 around kidney area, controller of destiny muscle functions, and ligaments,
exhale bladder, kidney ascending inhale, winter time, water element mercury, wednesday, index finger for urinary projects
5d little finger blood circulation, heart projects, red, 24 - 26, bone, 9/26 flow releasing, fire element mars, organs
heart ascending, SI descending exhale, manifested movement of blood, (3d vibration and creation of blood essence) tuesday
- summer time
6d palm of hand monday, source of life, endocrines and brain and spinal cord, ascending diaphragm inhale,
descending helps to exhale umbilicus
1d worry obsessive, impulsive, anxiety, intellectual fear hold thumb digestive projects
acid production
2d sadness and grief cancer projects, attachment unable to let go
3d anger, wanting own way in life,
middle finger
4d fear, growth of things, cyst tumor
5d effort trying to pretense, spiritual inheritance
6d source
of life, spirit world till material body happens
7d sunday
pg 5/6 text one connects to 7d
when healer places hands
energy moves from surface to core and out
4 rules of energy work
1. work for an hour or less
2. don't judge yourself
or others
3. don't critize
4. jsj never cause harm
pg 9 text one jumber cables
umbilicus up front left arm back
lumbar area, front down right leg up back umbilicus creating a figure of 8
similarly down right arm umbilicus, back left
leg back up front left leg another figure of 8
polarity left negative, right positive polarity, left arm and left leg energy
going up
right side energy going down
front of body is desending energy and back ascending energy
both side of the
body issues do middle of the body hand placement to move energy
left supervisor desending and right supervisor ascending
pg 11 text one, hand techniques
pg 33 text one, patient has hands on 14 thumb on the inside gathers pain and
healer has hands cross and place on 20 thumb outside scatters pain
2nd step 15 with thumb inside by the patient and healer
has the base of sternum and pubic bone with hands energy descending moving energy down
3rd flow
sit on opposite side
s 3
R/L s back of index, back of middle, palm of ring, palm of little finger
o 21
o 19
o back of index, back
of middle, palm of ring, palm of little finger
s 1
o 7
Day 2
Body reading
knuckles thumb to little on back related to #3, 10, 9, 23, 2 respectively
8 same side hip
and opposite shoulder projects
bladder line goes through upper lip crease and nose medial aspect
little toe 4d kidney
and bladder energy
forehead 2d
3flow for detoxification
end of body reading
0 express everything, divine
#, sourceless source
1, 2, 3 represents spirit
1 divine connection, connects extreme height to extreme depth
2 begin
to expand, duality, direction, moving forward
3 family, trinity, triangle
spirit ends and matter begins with 4
direction, elements, building blocks of life, square, sacred in native american tradition and some tribes
5 life begins,
symbol of man, a pyramid, become aware of life, open up the senses
6 balance, 6 pointed star
7 perfect life power, victory,
completing the journey of exhale
8 bring heaven on earth, purpose of life if heaven and earth living in harmony
9 then
we are complete, let go so we can have a brand new begining
GOD = 7+15+4=26 # of completion
10 abundance
sacred science
of numbers by kuren helene for numerology reference, #087516
1d in harmony expression of #5 no worry, beginning of man
let go of fear, is our psychologist, we live and know everything is ok
SEL 5 helps 1d full of worry
2d in harmony #9
no sadness, let go for new beginning
9 flow for grieving partners, mourning
3d in harmony #8 no anger, heaven and earth
4d in harmony #6 no fear, balance
5d in harmony #7 no pretense, perfect life power
6d in harmony #5 as
human raising above 5 senses, entering the spirit world with special senses, no death in harmony
6 pointed star cervical
c1 - 1d - saturn
c2 - 3d - jupiter
c3 - 5d - mars
c4 - 7d - sun
c5 - 2d - venus
c6 - 4d - mercury
- 6d - moon
listening to pulse first depth to come in 3d - energy initiated when you feel pulse it is fluffy quality
energy moves into 5d louder pulse, called pulse texture, energy then moves to 1d gummy, sticky pulse, skin and pulse feels
sticky in gummy, 1d moves into 2d - rocks and rods, then moves into 4d gurgles then moves through the 6d fluff with tone which
is silkiness, smooth and refined, soft
every 7 years every body changes, projects change, everything can be rebuilt
6 pointed star
all the vertebra in the star above c4 - c1, c2, c3 are superior outer planets, the vertebra below are inferior
or near planets c5, c6, c7
pg 7, text one
1 is 1d
2, 3 is 5d
4, 5 is 1d
6,7,8,9 is 2d
10 is 4d
11 is
6d fluff to tone
in oriental medicine fluff is plasma, gummy solidifying, 2d solid state which is rocks and rods in jsj
liquifying, fluff springtime, pulse summertime, gummy indian summer the hottest time, sticky, hot rocks and rods fall time,
solidify the fruits and harden them due to cold, gurgles winter
pg 8, text one
1. 5d pretend flow, little finger, hipline,
schizophrenic flow, 15 flow to release
2. duality pulse, waistline, 14 stuck, 3d, middle finger holding
3. worry 13
flow, bustline, thumb
emotions are reactions, feelings are great are expressions
feeling compassion is good, empathy
gets us stuck
8 is a thermostat, rt leg over left leg warm ourselves, left leg over rt leg cool down
bustline mental
emotional state, front 13 and back 10
13/10 opens mental emotional stress
descending congestion 13 flow, ascending 10
waistline lifestyle stress, digestive both mental and physical, world we desire, 14 in front descending 9 in back
mental and emotional digestion
hipline 15 in front descending, 2 in back ascending, physical body needs
4 bustline helps 13/10, 12 flow for waistline helps 14/9, 11 flow hipline helps 15/2
20 bustline 13/10, 21 waistline 14/9,
22 hipline 15/2
high 19 bustline clearence 13/10, elbow 19 waistline 14/9, wrist 18/17 hipline 15/2
high 1 bustline,
1/8 is waistline, 8 ascending for 9 and 1 descending flow for 14
ankle 5/16 hipline 5/15 descending and 16/2 ascending
feel just below scaphoid on radius, index finger is bustline, mental emotional, superficial pulse descending energy 13, 10
ascending energy which is deep, middle finger is waistline, digestive 14 descending, 9 ascending, ring finger hipline, physical
stress 15 desending, superficial, 2 ascending and deep
cause is always energitic, never physical, effect is physical, effects
appear so we can change the cause
9 flows for preventing illness
pulse listen to superficial and deep and which side
needs help, louder pulse needs help
newborn babies 1d quickie 9/26 with opposite 2 for equanimity in journey in the world,
and check 8s
8 helps 3d and pelvic area
for relationships - eg with stepdaughter 13 flow, umbilicus for maternal relationships
neck projects 1d and 3d and 9 flow
treat the depths and not the effects
mediators and 3 flows for relationships
is 4d - standing
4 flow dynamic flow to open consciousness
sit on the sameside
R/L s 4
L/R s 13
s 1
s 7
then switch hands, R/L
s 22
L/R s 10
s l middle finger
switch hands R/L o 4
o coccyx
L/R 8th Thoracic
pg 12 text one
disharmony in mediators
1d 0-15 yrs 9/26 and opposite 2 mouth, teeth, stomach and spleen
16-30yrs nose, lung, skin
3d 31 - 45 yrs eyes, liver, gallbladder
4d 46-60 yrs ear, kidney and bladder
5d after 60
yrs all combined projects
6d loss of consiousness
kato sensay says SEL has 5 lines similar to jsj 3 inch radius
does not do self help has taught his son to treat him during ailments
jiro murai did not share this with kato the self
kato does bilateral treatments and moves quickly through the SELs
5 layers of supervisors gives 5 depths
are born from supervisors
SEL at facilitator levels
thumb 1, 16, 9, 19, 21
index 5, 8, 10, 11, 22
middle 6, 25,
3, 12, 13
ring 7, 2, 17, 4, 14
little 24, 23, 18, 20, 15
palm of hand 26 ascending energy
thumb 1d 1-4
4d 23
middle 3d 16-22
ring 2d 5 -15
little 5d 24-26
thumb 16 and 9 ascending and remaining flows desending
crossing their hands while lying down look from outside if left hand is over right then trying and not made up mind yet, right
hand over left ready to change
5,6,7,8 flow sit on opposite side
L/R s 5
R/L o 15
s l toe
s 4th toe
hands L/R s 6
s 5
switch hands R/L s 7
s little toe
switch hands L/R s 8
s 2
lt shoulder higher trying too
hard, right shoulder does it doers
chemotherapy flow and lou geriehs disease 23/25 flow, 11 and 3 flow,
L/R 11/23, 11/15, 15/6 on the lt side of patient
26 SEL friendly reminders to understand problems filled with fear and
turn them to projects filled with fun, to turn it into no-thing
0 is 6d no-thing musical note e natural, pale yellow color
15 text one
SEL 1 exhale, prime mover, general practitioner, anchor step is quickie 2/1 or hold both 1s
hold thumb and
below waist stuck above waist clears these, respiratory, digestive projects, heart, reproductive, throat, choking helps
anything, if not sure what flow to do 1 flow is best
1 flow 1st step 2/1 inhale ascending, 2nd step 2/5, 3rd step 2/7 completion
of exhale, perfect creating
2 inhale, 1, 5, 7 exhale
doing 1flow for one year general disharmony clears let go of past
good for seizures
2 flow orthopedic specialist, see through creators eyes total harmonizer, hip projects,
alignment project scoliosis, do the convex side for treatment, injured bone, hip pain, pubic, groin area, symphysis pubis
disharmony of 2
varicose veins, tension in legs, inhaling, altitude adjustments, hold 2s while walking running helps with
breathing, holding ring finger mudra helps spine
2 for menopausal projects, blood pressure issues, 2 and opposite 10/9
for blood pressure
liver energy moves through 2 so helps blood pressure
pg 16 text one
7 dynamic steps
open 2s
in 6, magic in 8, let go of fear 5, creative wisdom 2, totally complete 9, complete 26, open hub 3, light of creator in 4
17 text one
3 swing door of life, trinity, sacred intelligence, family, relationships, defense against all problems in
body, policeman, natural antibiotics, defends us against assault, cleaning the system
3/15 on the same side, 3 and each
finger on both hands helps with immunity, fever, movement disorders, parkinsons, cerebral palsy, tourettes syndrome, clears
face, bells palsy, arm bursitis, shoulders, carpel tunnel, Mary says if you can't laugh don't bother to breathe
3 and back
index, middle, (4d,3d ascending cleaner, regenerator) palm of ring, little finger, (2d,5d depths descending energy)
1 movement,
7 victory
sinus flow (this is part of 3 flow)
Left flow Sinus
do from the right side
L left 3
R right 9/10
left 4/12
R right 20 high hair line
R eyebrow midline
R right 21 close to nose
R right 22 close to sternum
for chronic sinusitis and sinus headaches
nose 4d kidney energy clears sinus
snoring is waistline project
2d and 4d project 11/5 quickie by AW
Asthma Right Flow
sit on right side
L right 10
R left 8
L right 2
and 8 helps asthma by WH
3 flow great for asthma which is fear and grief
3 flow opens 15, 3/15 or 15/6
clear both
hands on 3 flow
immune innoculation 3 flow to move through the body
SIDS diaphragm flow, crib death cause is heart
are our windows, allow light and air to come in
4 bridge for invisible and visible
kane and able are 4s
left 4 is
kane, mars and right 4 is able, mercury
mars is aggressive behaviour and mercury is mental and emotional
4 brings consiousness
to life
beginning of coma loss of awareness of life, positive, alive alert
pg 18 text one
L on left 4/12, R on right
9 quickie
same limb helps opposite eyes, affects learning, sleep, pregnancy
4 flow for insomnia
it is a ascending
need if people sleep with hands on their 4s
4 flow for heart irregularity, eye project, cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration
is called the weaving princess
Opposite 4 to eye projects
4 and opposite 21, 4/21, ring finger quickie for 4 is 16
4 flow
in come go to 6th step of 4 flow and reverse this
sit on same side
L/R s 10
R/L s 22
switch hands L/R
s 15
s 7
s 1
s 13
s 4
10 steps in 4 flow quickie for transition soul exists through 4
quickie 4/12 and opposite
4 affects 13/10 bustline, 12 affects 14/9 waistline, 11 affects 15/2 hipline
Gallbladder, bladder flow go through
4 and all 3 great for headaches
pg 19 text one
5,6,7,8 flow all inclusive includes all depths, skeptics flow
5 regenerates
radical intelligence, final symbol of healing, reproductive systems, regenerates us, fertility, ovaries, uterus, prostate
opposite breat projects
Releasing fear in life Mary says "nothing to be feared only to be understood"
projects, chest congestion, digestive projects, hiatus hernia
5 clears mind
6 balance, discrimination, promotes beauty
and harmony in body, dizziness projects
balance system in body
foot projects, arch of foot
bone marrow, leukemia
fungus in feet
male, female balance, right and left brain balance
migrane, ear projects
7s perfect life power, human
being moving into perfection
ballerina press on 7 which is 5d dynamic # for seizures, bones, hip projects, asthma, brain
8 perfect intelligence, magic splendor in life, highest feminine # reproductive even # are female, odd numbers
are male
pelvic girdle 8 helps, helps elimination, rectal projects, left 8 dynamic for constipation, right 8 for diahorrea,
hemorrhoids, rectum, breast projects, thermostat Right 8 warms, left 8 cools, menstrual projects
opposite 8 for ovulation
pain, Opposite 8 and sacrum and coccyx helps get rid of menstrual pain, irregularity, cramps
ovary sacrum coccyx and high
tip of nose ovulating side will be sore
labor pains, endometriosis, 8/16 same side for labor pains
blood pressure,
diabetic - 8 flow
L14 diabetic
Dr. Bernard Jensen(chiropracter) said Keep mouth shut and bowels open
opposite chest, back and arm projects, stroke, thryoid conditions, opposite teeth, gums
cramping legs, muscle pain, broken
legs, fractures
5,6,7,8 helps same side legs and above waist opposite side needs
lupus, smokers
5,6,7,8 can be for
acne which is also helped with 13 and 14 flow
no incurable disease only incurable people
fibromyalgia is due to virus
helped with 5,6,7,8
9 flow
ending of cycle and beginning of new
caterpillar to butterfly transformation, dissolve
solidification in life, calcium deposits, in arteries, gall bladders, bunions, foot projects
Lt 9 flow opposite chest,
liver, gall bladder, hip, back, same side foot, same side arch projects
arthritis same side, deep respiratory projects,
deep asthma, sinus projects, blood pressure projects, heart and circulation, fevers, sinus, hammer toes - contracted toes
pressure 9 and sacrum/coccyx, 9 and each fingers, bunions 9, 8, low 8, 16 takes 2 months to clear
trauma, emotional shock
20 text one
8 steps
9/19, let go and leadership, 17 intuition, index, middle, ring fingers 4d, 3d, 2d, 9 on top of
9, 12/4, 21 let go of excess baggage, 21 helps waistline
Day 3
Body reading
10 governs opposite knee
tow up and down ie top and back holding for trinity flows, sideways
hold toes for organ flows, the tissue will specify the needs
horizontal line over the lip is a large intestinal need
of body reading
10 flow
for abundance, breathing and circulation, respiratory projects, all heart projects, breathing,
pneumonia tuberculosis, asthma, 10 helps same side hip and opposite knee, helps same side back and opposite shoulders, vocal
cords projects, voice post stroke, cerebral palsy, helps bustline, mental and emotional stress, diabetic condition, growth
in vocal cords
10 balances male and female voices in body, bladder condition, frequent urination, cystitis, down's syndrome
mongoloid mental retardation, irritable bowel syndrome, deep emotional stress, depression
as per WH "10=T5 mars, vitality,
violet in color, jupiter/mars, 1-9 knowledge new cycle of 1(10) 7 steps of perfect creation for flows, 10 is abundant breath
and p22 is breathing, p23 is balance, p24 is vision"
Pg 21 text one
clarity and discernment, movement disorder, 9 new
beginning, 16 psychiatrist, 7 perfect creation, 10 abundance 19 authority, 18 body consiousness
pg 22 text one
disorders, respiratory issues, headaches, dialysis, 2d 10 relationships, pneumonia
quickie for breathing high 19 and opposite
high 1
Mary says "with breathing flow i can look beyond and see there is no problem"
steps start with high 19 WH says
there will be tension in 9/10 area
pg 23 text one
WH says "involved in destiny keep 6s open, balance"
1st depth projects,
ascending flow, dizziness flow 4d projects, inner ear projects, motion sickness, vertigo, good for 1st depth helps eyes, opposite
21 and 4/12
quickie for dizziness is 18s
4 and opposite 21 quickie for dizziness and 1st depth need
base of nose
and forehead with one finger for fainting
quickie for nausea 1 and high one this works since the stomach flow passes there
6 on feet and opposite 9/10 dizziness let the patient hold their 15s
asthma 10 T3 vertebra and index, middle and ring finger
flow for morning sickness and upright in the world
vision is 3d pg 24 text one
vision controlled by 14
harmonizer of 10 is 14
quickie for eyes 4 and opposite 21 and 20
armpit and opposite 20 area (hand on forehead) for
eye quickie
eye flow helps respiration in 1 and 2 step, underarm/10, index finger, blood pressure in eyes helped in steps
3,4 (20/21) 5,6,7th step helps bustline and hipline (20,14,2ndtoe)
good flow for digestive projects, great for diabetic,
black outs, travel, jetlag, balance, harmonal system, clears our mind, we have 2 eyes one right another wrong, as somebody
said bright eyes means curiosity, black eyes is too much curiosity
eyes are our window to heaven
rt eye flow clears
liver, hepatitis, left eye flow for pancreas
epilepsy waistline for this, hold 7, base of big toe, and 1 stops seizures
another quickie hold 18s
seizure 14 collision of ascending and descending energy
pg 25 text one
11 and 12 flows
justice janitor of supervisors, helps to let go of the past so we can be in heaven, keep 11 clear helps everything, don't
worry about anything, digestive, reproductive, assimilation, mental projects, SEL 11 physical stress, 15/2 back projects,
11 and 15 energy down front so clears back, quickie for back projects 11/15
11/25 energy up back clears everything in front
11+25=9 so completion, 11 for blood pressure projects sciatic projects
12s perfect tolerance to all people, C4 perfect
happiness, thy will be done
submission of mind to universal mind
left 12 stuck personality - aggressive and destructive,
violent behaviour, right 12 stuck mental illness
12th house in horoscope is mental illness and penitantry
12 opens unconditional
love, 12 dynamic number opens, face, facelift, gets rid of aging
detox for the body, quickie for hangover right hand on
left 12 for alcohol hangover
helps vision open, perception of life, get rid of narrowness of life
get rid of neck pain,
attitudes, helps hip and waistline, physical and lifestress all serious conditions, stroke, sciatica, immune system, aids,
blood pressure projects, hormonal balance
quickie 9 and 4/12/11/3 good for neck projects
thyroid quickie is 3rd step
of MCV top of head and v of throat
quickie left hand on right arm pit, right hand on collarbone just above back of collarbone,
on the right side, helps with both hypo and hyperthyroid
pg 26 text one
WH said "Marys life was saved by Jiro Muroi
doing this flow"
4 and opposite 9/10, 11 and opposite ring finger
whiplash and neck projects, great tension in nerves,
discs in neck, vertebra out of alignment in neck
ring finger helps with hormonal issues in the flow
first flow mary
used outside of her family
mary used this for a neck pain patient
for self help 4 and high 19 for 9 and 11 and ring
finger as a ring with thumb
fascial palsy, parkinsons, left stuck
pg 27 text one
back of leg flow
hip pain, sciatica,
work on the right for left leg, opposite flow, diagonal flow left flow for right sciatica, breast projects, shoulder projects,
bursitis on elbow, left flow for left shoulder projects serious breast projects, stay happy quickie 11/15 and 11/25
opposite 11 and opposite 15 to pull in mediator
WH said "thumb on 12 mary did this to wayne for sciatica, mary slapped
wayne on the cheek and said did you resist pain if you focus on the pain it will be back" wayne released by thinking and understanding
the stubborness - sciatica is stubborn attitude
pg 28 text one
13 # of spirit love thy neighbour as thyself, parents
and babies, pregnancy, reproductive, fertility specialist, fountain of youth flow
mental and emotional stress, breast projects,
ovaries, uterus, trying to become pregnant, 13 flow for pregnancy, 13 flow will help mom, dad and babies, to help mothers
and any nurturing persons, all nurturers will be helped can send the flow by doing on oneself and sending the energy to nurturers,
- long distance healing, endocrine systems, one flow no duality ie rt and lt, similar to MCV flow, dynamic for helping 6d
source, endocrine systems, immune systems, good for eating disorders
bulimia is reaction to parents, 13 flow for menopause,
post delivery, milk production, lactation projects
Love your enemies it will drive them crazy
self help both 4s
high 19s open 13s, clears 13 by self help MCV and both high 19s and right indexfinger and right little finger, and left index
and left little finger
growth and development in body child growth, mental retardation, hearing projects, spiritual deception
is when we are separate from one - pithogras said
addictions appetite, nausea, chest congestion, neck shoulder discomforts,
13 center of sternum, T5/T1 high 19, lung energy, finger flows for large intestine, small intestine and umbilical energy
of sternum, index finger, little finger, 4 and 5th depth reproduction
T7 diaphragm, T12 stomach energy
pg 29 text one
WH says "#14 is sagitarius new perceptions of life, quickie for heartburn L right 14 and R left 4th toe
flow" waistline, sustinance equilibrium of life, wordly desires, consumer mentality, western society, 14 for digestive help,
assimilation situation, natural vitamin, Rt 14 digests protein, Lt 14 for carbohydrates
WH said "Right 14 protein, GB,
liver, Left 14 pancreas, carbohydrates, spleen, sugar supervisors cross at rt/lt 9/14 hold 19/14 opposite and right 9 for
carbohydrates hold 19 and op 14
pancreas treat with spleen function, SEL 23 for diabetic, leukemia, blood projects, 14/9"
digitalis, heart rhythm, plastic surgeon, body young and youthful, keep open 13,14,15
14 and bulimic patients do liver
and spleen
digest outside world, see the world clearly, 19s self help for 14s quickie
ring finger help 14s
high one for 14s
supervisor flow - same 12 help 14, organ flow opposite 12 and 14
14 get rid of nightmares, snoring,
digestive, sleep apnea, learning disabilities, digesting information autism, sensory projects, low life thoughts, unnatural
sexual desires, arthritis projects, leukemia, stroke toe flows, boyd shapiness
tremors in hand do 11,12 and small intestinal
brain stress, epilepsy, paralysis
14 not held but clears both 9s in flow
pg 29 text one
10 on blade bladder
lower third of shoulder blade 1d and 4d
middle third of blade 2d and 5d
upper third of blade 3d and 6d
30 text one
15 flow
wash our hearts with laughter, renewing intelligence, happiness is knowing i am in the flow of life
to being alive is laughter, laughter heals, joy is jogging on the inside, laughter is exhaling letting go
15s open pubic
area, vascular, blood circulation, in the body, blood projects, bleeding, healing broken bones, injuries and scars
injury and 15s, holding will heal break in 1/2 the time
15 flow scar tissue can use 13,14,15 for scars, hold 15 and scar
tissue same side 15 to body of injury
bones, spine projects, bone marrow, immune system, 11/15 and 15/6 good for postures,
15 for same side leg projects
varicose veins 15 and opposite 9s
pg 31 text one
3d 16s begins 3d which a depth of
binder, 2 flows in 3rd depth 16,17,18,19 and 20,21,22 foundation of life, harmonizer of 4 elements, dynamic for muscle, muscle
tone, muscle tension, jaw teeth and gum 16 and opposite jaw - TMJ projects - quickie, strokes, open up mind, cognisense, smelling
salt to revive after faiting, dizziness, leaning over stabilize blood pressure, good for scar tissue, ears, hearing projects
ringing in the ears, stuttering, to of lateral ankel bone, for eyelids, stye, ptosis, Quickie for eye projects opposite flows
- middle of underarm opposite to affected eye and other hand on high 19 for self help and 10 for others,
opposite reproductive
projects, ovaries, prostate, breast
most opposite flows for reproductive projects with below waist SEL's
17s germinate
ideas, intuitive, fainting, dizziness, smelling salt, calm nervous system, release nervous system, anxiety and mental illness,
breast projects, calm the mind and listen within, the language of GOD is silence, aspirin for the body hold 17s for meditation
to calm the mind, same side breast projects
18s thumb near wrist pull people into body, personality adjustments, insomnia,
distortion in rib cage back and front
19s elbow authority and leadership, perfect balance, clears waistline
pg 31 text
19 wordly desires, thumb projects, digestion, brain development, malformation of brain, stroke, aneurysm, ringing in
ears, breast projects
19 helps same side 14/9 thumbside, little finger side of 19 helps open 9
center of soft side of
elbow, urinary incontinance, center 19 and opposite side of pubic bone for urinary control, bedwetting
16,17,18,19 3rd
depth clearence, helps relationships, diagonal relationships, stroke within 24 hours help change long lasting effects of stroke
16 and each finger of body - quickie, same side 16 and 19, 16/9, high 19 and low 8 same side great for teeth, gum projects,
post partum depression, phantom limb pain, gravity effects, prolapse of body, scar tissue in body, bedwetting, all serious
projects, clears mind
WH quickie little toe and 5/6 area, 6 and little toe, or 5 and little toe
19 and bladder diaphragm
for tinnitus
pg 32 text one
20,21,22 3rd depth
20 everlasting eternity helps consiousness, all mental activity, bladder
energy begins, small intestine energy ends, balance in body, equilibrium, chronic headaches, migranes, frontal headaches,
bladder control, clear mind, loss of memory, senility, quickie 22s
connects to universal mind akasic records
21 profound
security, escape mental baggage, physical weight left 21, take of weight right 21, takes of mental weight, depression right
21, worries, stomach energy begins, Large intestine energy ends
21 close to nose sinus projects, 21 close to ears mental
plastic surgeons 21s face beautiful
22 base of collarbone, happy and content wherever we are, prevents stroke,
circulation of energy in head, brain psychological, psychiatric projects, heart projects, vascular condition
22 for thyroid,
great for blood pressure projects
20,21,22 dynamic for mind psychologic and psychiatric flow, bipolar, depression, hyperactivity,
stroke, body fluids, plasma, mental harmonizer
quickie 21 with 23 either side both side works
pg 32 text one
9 steps
12s, open will, focus, 20,21,22 let go of fear, joy and laughter, abundance, move in spirit
pg 33 text one
get rid of
discomfort in head right flow
left flow for chronic headaches
tension from locked 9 - 20,21,22 flows look in
- pg 32
pg 34 text one
23, 25 flow
23 controller of destiny, symbol of human being, 4d immobilize in fear
are fear based, appetite balance, sexual appetite, adrenal glands, helps with immune system immunization clears body with
23 urinary projects, retension of fluids dehydration, blood chemistry, back projects, 4d connects heaven and earth, critical,
selfish, jealous, stubborn impatience balance male and female, dialysis
25 regenerate brings energy to body, sit on hands,
after exercise, takes out tiredness from body to enjoy benefits of exercise. lose extra weight on side of thighs, helps 5th
23/25 helps vascular bone, seizure condition, leukemia, osteoporosis, hepatitis, virus, lymes disease
23 - 19s
11/25 quickie for 23/25
blood pressure projects, fibroids, bacterial staph infections, herpes infections, epstein
barr virus, back projects, addictions, STDs, warts (warts kidney, liver, spleen flow) 10, 23/25 flow for people with confused
sexual identity
pg 35 text one
24 harmonizer of chaos, peace helps being 4d helper, calms body down, stubborness, jealousy,
traumatic shock
26 final number total complete, that which was is and ever will be. vital life force for total being perfect
realization of eternal splendor of limitless life power, fatty tumors, accumilation, fibroid, breast lump, post mastectomy,
lymph, lymph cancers, 26 clears the arms, open 26
depression, MCV 26/24 opposite to quiet pulse
26 and opposite 24
said it took mary 15 years to complete self help book - big toes both 7s no pulses 9/10/11 quickie 17 or 26
pg 36 26 flow
spiritual harmony, pioneer in life, 26 good for tremors of body
5 steps
26, lf, rf, 12, 21, 19,15 26/24 self help
26 and little finger, hold 17s
post lunch
MCV source of life manifested form of mcv is spine higgest differentiation
from source
quickie for mcv top of pubic bone and coccyx, or hold center of both palms
pg 37 text one
mcv - 5th depth
eyebrows - opens pituitary and pineal glands, tip of nose - reproductive functions, 4d v of throat helps thyroid, growth,
calcium absorbtion, osteoporosis, youth and 1st depth
between breasts - 4d immune system, thyroid reproductive functions
of sternum 4d digestion energy in body, 2d kidney energy
umbilicus - digestive system, energy
pubic 6d energy for legs,
hormonal balance
tail bone 3d warming, vitality
pubic and coccyx nuturing and sourcing
base of spine 3d comes to
Base of Coccyx - gall bladder energy comes in
sacrum 1 - liver energy
2nd depth at upper lumbar and lower thoracic
- lung energy
T12 - large intestine energy
1st depth at cervical and upper thoracic
T2 - stomach energy
c1 - spleen
5th depth at top of head
top of head - heart energy
eyebrows - small intestinal energy
eyebrow area helps
pituitary, pineal gland and and clairvoyance
4th depth front of chest
between breasts - bladder energy
base of sternum
- kidney energy
6th depth at belly button
belly button - diaphragm energy
base of pubic bone - umbilicus
sensay ends sessions with MCV
worn ourselves through 6d depletion
we live our life on excess of energy
after loss
of adrenal and other organs start to fail with 6d depletion
7 yrs of MCV all projects will go away
endocrine systems
38 text one
vertebral relationship to organs
spinal energy horizontal energy to organs
T1 - stomach, gb, all organs
- lung
T5 - heart
T7 diaphragm
T9 - liver T10 - gb T11 - spleen
T12 - stomach, pregnancy
L2 - kidney
- large intestine,
L4 - small intestine
L5 - bladder
coccyx - descend to toes
T5 and little finger quickie for
heart attack
T5 is 10s helps heart
7 cervical are planets, 12 thoracic are zodiacs, 5 lumbar are elements, 5 sacrum
and 4 coccyx tale of man
Thumb is
C1, T1, T7, L1, S1, Cox1
Index finger
C2, T2, T8, L2, S2, Cox2
Middle finger
T3, T9, L3, S3, Cox3
Ring finger
C4, T4, T10, L4, S4, Cox4
Little finger
C5,6,7, T5, T11, L5, S5
Wrist - Palm
Side center T6, Back side center T12
helps through MCV holding fingers for organs
nausea c2 - index finger
back of
wrist for morning sickness
ganglion cyst - back of wrist and hold T12 for 20 minutes
T9 liver - middle finger
40 text one
dermatome level
neurological level
pain in skin and below skin surface
hold spinal # and the finger
associated with it
pg 41-45 text one
finger and toe relationships
pg 42
1- thumb - T7, 2/If/T8, 3/Mf/T9, 4/Rf/T10
and 5- T11- is little finger
pg 46
bending and stretching flow for fingers and toes
rt hand on top of left foot LF-Big
Toe, RF-2nd toe, MF-Mid toe, IF-4th toe, Thumb-little toe
back of hand and sole surface of toe helps
Left toe sole hurts
hold right thumb back
clears all depths in body, skin projects, wheelfchair, hospital, like unwrining a towel the energy
goes to center of disharmony
good for bedsores and arthritis
pg 47 mudra's
1st mudra is 3/6 depth, exhale, 2nd mudra
3/6 depth, inhale receive, 3rd 5/2 depth, exhale needs
4th mudra 4-1-3 ascending totals 8
6,5,2 descending totals 13
middle finger holding exhale clears head to toe 3/6d, exhales 6d, palm side, back ascending inhale, ring finger,
little finger, helps descending energy, pulling in 6d energy
bones, breathing, circulation, self help clears mental and
emotional stuff
back of thumb IF, MF critical project, pulling up energy, releasing worry, fear, anger
1,4,3d janitor,
cleans body
ascending energy
sliding thumb over middle and thumb, digestive, 1stdepth, skin, digestion, energizing bodies,
gives energy, vitality
thumb, RF, altitude, breathing, opens thoracic cavity, asthma
MF staying up, harmonizing head
to toe, 3/6D, hormonize mind body and spirit
MF down - inhaling receive breath of life receive abundance
pg 48 text
Rt hand on left side 11, right foot on left knee, ring finger on the left as a circle
rpt other side
method ascending energy 11/3 or 2/25
2nd method crane posture 11/25 ascending energy pull pain up
3rd method 23/25,
3/12 desending energy
pg 49 text one
1. descending flow, 2. desending flow, 3. ascending flow, 4. ascending flow, 5.
ascending flow
6. both ascending and desending, 11/3 and 15 quickie for heart discomforts same side, breathing difficulty
underarm swelling
7. ascending and desending for cold, hot perpiration 11/25 and 11/15
pg 50 text one
male, female energy, MCV left starts before rt supervisor, left energy of past build, male energy, ancesterol logic,
common sense
rt positive, now, cleaning, responsibility, regenerate polarity, recreate the body
12 and opposite 20,21,22,
clears opposite front chest flows 1st 5 steps
at 4 the supervisor cross over and clear the front face and chest
pulse and superficial pulse on other side supervisor need
face, chest disharmony, ascending neck, back
pg 52 text one
6d flow
from supervisors 3d of supervisors mediators are born at 3 (16-22)
Mediator flow starts at 3 goes through
hands little finger and thumb, comes down front of chest crosses to sides goes to 25 and crosses over to the other side through
side of thigh comes down lateral aspect of leg and ascends medial aspect of leg at 1 gives rise to supervisor - left mediator
becomes right supervisor
supervisor flow goes inside leg and comes up outside, mediator goes down outside and comes up
mediator gives sparks to life
9 steps
helps give energy
helps get rid of attitude
high 19 and opposite
high one - quickie
pg 53 text one
clearing arm and shoulder projects, elimination, respiratory projects, reproductive
mediator great for frozen shoulders, finger numbness, nose bleeds - close to the midline front and back, bedwetting
away from midline
close to spine - kidney energy, away from spine bladder energy
quickie nose bleeds 12 close to spine
and 20 close to midline, 12 and pinch nostril or nose on the same side
concave side of spine to hold 12
methods of correction
pg 54 text one
1st MOC bustline, emphysema etc, 13s 2nd MOC - diahorrea, constipation - hipline elimination, 15s, 3rd MOC
- stomach waistline, 14s
pg 55 1st MOC
respiratory projects, cold, fever, sinus, asthma, skin projects, mediator flow
1st and 2nd depth facilitates
3rd ribs, trauma emotional injury, immune, reproductive system, hold 3 and 11, each
finger, stop cold preventive treatment for cold
2nd MOC 11/15, 11/25 quickie, 15s hipline quickie 15/2 - 1st step
stress, abuse of body, mucous condition, supervisory flow, scoliosis, concave side of spine in scoliosis, once cold comes
gets rid of cold out of the body, 15/2, 21,22, each rib all the way down laterally clearing, helps spine, elimination, diahorrea,
constipation, fibroid, tumor cyst, breast project heaviness in legs, herpes virus, chemotherapy, 2nd and 3rd MOC, all chemo
radiation assault in body
2nd, 3rd and 1st method of correction
clears hip, waist and bustline
1st MOC bustline 1/2D,
2nd MOC hipline 3/4D, 3rd MOC waistline 5/6D
bedwetting specialist far away from spine bladder 3 inch from spine
57 text one
3rd MOC similar to MCV
focus 14s cross over at waistline for herniated discs, spinal projects, front and
back bent spine, kyphosis, lardosis, spondylosis, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, lumphatics, hodgkins dz, lymphoma,
main central start at base of coccyx, base of sternum
Jed does base of coccyx and goes all the way up spine
center of sternum, tail bone, pubic bone and tail bone
Mary says see and hear not look and listen
EMT flow
self help
do the front part direct the flow back with intension
pg 58/59 text one
fatique flow
17 steps, supervisor, mediator,
MCV harmonizer, love everything you do no fatique
police of the body, builds immune system, supports lymph system, lymphatic
saver before chemo
radiation, hiv projects, depression, hopeless, loss sight of creator, chronic illness, kick to immune
cancer - can i serve gets rid of it
both hands on top of head exhale - quickie for fatique
pg 61-66 text one
not in harmony
pg 62 1st depth reversing, increasing 1st depth, 9/26 and opposite 2
newborn, energy, stomach 0-15yrs,
reproductive projects,
hearing, touch, feeling in uterus with this step
skin projects, scars, plastic surgeons, tonsils,
urinary projects, hair thinning, thumb sucking, baby constipation and diahorrea
align teeth after thumb sucking with 16,
low 8, stomach, 1st depth reversal and increase
2nd depth reverse and increase
16-30yrs deep skin, acne, psoriasis,
mental projects, normal elimination is once in 18 hours, large intestine and lung not in harmony constipation, allergy, asthma,
touch, innervision, in utero
common sense in 2d body and fascial hair, gets rid of chaos in life
24 and opposite 2
64 text one
3rd depth - fluffy texture - less energy arthritic projects, reverse and correct depths, affects blood essence,
chemical blood changes in the body, liver toxicity, gallstones, eye projects, 30-45 yrs gas projects
quickie 3 and opposite
pg 65 text one
4th depth, frequent urination, swelling edema, musculature, joint projects, immune system, depressed
osteoporosis sets in, hemorroids
2 and opposite high 1
pg 66 text one
more than 60 yrs
5th depth, bones, circulation,
hard of hearing, loss of hair, thinning hair, treat with 1st to 4th depth reversal and increase
6d death, extinction of
4s open with thumb on temples and fingers on 4s
cerebral palsy is 6d project
1st depth - hearing, 2nd depth
- touch, 3rd depth - sight, 4th depth - taste, 5th depth - smell
precursor to parkinsons is loss of smell
quickie ball
of feet 6.5 between 6 and 7 and cross fingers 6sel is 4d, 7 sel is 5d
all marys patients gets reversal and increase of
4th depth flows
3rd depth reversal and increase for vitiligo, birth marks
2nd depth reversal increase for treatment
of cancer lets go of past
1st depth reversal and increase for getting rid of congenital defects and longevity for newborns
transplant support organ function energy, immune system 23/25, liver, kidney, spleen, MCV and 3rd MOC
Hair loss all depths
reverse and increase and do spleen flow
fibromyalgia 1/4d, or 2,3,4 depth project
grey hair - 5th depth project
toe sel 7, 2nd toe 10 flow, 3rd toe - stomach - assimilation, 4th toe mediator and gall bladder, 5th toe - kidney and bladder
sucking is 1st depth need
Day 4
Thumb - worry - SEL 21
Index finger - fear - SEL 22
Middle finger - anger - SEL 13
Ring finger - sadness - SEL
Little finger - pretense - SEL 15
Body reading
tourking of finger towards lateral part of body like little toe,
little finger is ascending energy need
end of body reading
organ flows
text two
3d anchor for 6d bridge, move
into creation assume breath 2d air element
inhale ascending lung energy and large intestine descending energy exhale, begin
to nourish us moving into earth element 1d - descending stomach energy and ascending spleen energy transport the breath and
food essence through the 5d energy fire element ascending heart energy and descending small intestine energy filter out un-needed
and clean the body water element descending bladder energy and ascending kidney energy 6d all encompassing ascending diaphragm
and descending umbilical energy. umbilicus helps everything come up the body and diaphragm helps all descending flows similar
to 11/25
3d descending gall bladder and ascending liver energy blends everything wood, key element binder
does final
touches in cleaning enter visible to invisible world
4am lung chest (T1 aries) splits at thumb and index finger into large
intestine energy starts 6am index finger (T2 - taurus) opposite breast 2 flows descending lung and goes into intestine, other
part up breast goes to upper lip same 21 and large intestine energy becomes stomach energy at 8am (T3 gemini) face down opposite
face above ear, eyelids, descending shoulders splits into 2 flows, stomach flow again 2 flows descending opposite thigh and
opposite kidney at T12 pick up the other stomach energy 1/2 inch from umbilicus same side and other energy goes through the
thigh to 3rd toe, base of ankle and 2nd toe, big toe becomes spleen flow at 10am (T4 cancer) goes opposite abdomen 9th rib
2 flows up chest to 3rd rib underarm at root of tongue splits and another one goes into heart at 12 noon starts the heart
flow (T5 leo) heart 4 exits one bottom of heart to intestine, another up face behind eyes to become cerebral energy, 3rd under
arm T7 into kidneys and 4th lungs upto trachea exits shoulder into little finger
at 12 noon heart flow starts and ends
at little finger 2pm as small intestine flow (T6 virgo) which goes up elbow back shoulders T1 opposite shoulders, into 2 flows
one descending chest heart and stomach, second raise up shoulder, cheek and into ears and cross bridge of nose and at forehead
at 4pm small intestine becomes bladder flow (T7 libra) which goes
top of head to ears, deep in brain, exits back of head
into spine all the way down coccyx and in bladder to back of thigh and back of knee pick up other bladder energy has 2 flows
1and 1/2 inch and 3 inch from spine at back of thigh 2 streams join to become one at little toe bladder becomes kidney energy
(T8 scorpio) 6pm energy raise up inside leg opposite reproductive organs both front and back and opposite abdomen, raising
up pelvis goes up umbilicus, kidney 8th rib deep in liver and lung splits into 2 flows raise up neck, tonque middle line of
nose over head down back 1/2 inch from spine, coccyx raise in groin and scatters, and other kidney 3rd ribs and lungs goes
to diaphragm flow (T9 sagitarius) at 8pm by raising up heart 3rd rib, one descending body go to intestine other part 3rd rib
armpit elbows base of hand into 2 flows middle finger and ring finger diaphragm becomes umbilicus (T10 capricorn) 3rd rib
2 flows one opposite chest heart, stomach and second chest up neck cross over T1 goes to ears diagonally at head medial eyebrow
enters occiput bone and other enters ears and crosses over the eyelids and at midnight becomes gallbladder flow (T11 aquarius)
outside of eyelids 3 sweeping movement in head back of head across 1st rib back of shoulder descends chest descends body stomach
and scatters, gb front of face, acromian, left liver and gallbladder rt and lt spleen and pancreas, L4 area, base of coccyx
at rectum cross and lateral thigh into ankle 2 parts one part to 4th toe, with mediator energy and one descends big toe gallbladder
2am becomes liver flow (T12 pisces)
which raise up feet pelvic bones, opposite abdomen, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas,
diaphragm, liver, splits into 3 streams, one opposite armpit pleura, lungs, 2nd raise chest and 1st rib, mid part of eyes
head join heart cerebral flow back stomach scatters, 3rd stream deep stomach 4 am lung flow in chest
every 8 hours movement
chest, finger, face and toe all chest flows are ascending movement, chest flows lungs 4am, ascending movement, at index finger
large intestine flow
finger flows large intestine flow descending finger flow to face becomes stomach flow
face flow
stomach flow 3rd 4th and 5th toe, all descending body, becomes spleen flow
big toe ascending movement spleen flow raises
to chest to become heart flow
this is 1st and 2nd depth
the second 8 hour cycle
chest flow 12 noon heart flow goes
to finger little finger to become small intestine flow
finger flow 2pm small intestine flow descends to face forehead becomes
bladder flow 4pm at 20s
face flow descends back of body bladder becomes kidney flow 6pm little toe
toe flow kidney flow
ascends back up chest becomes diaphragm energy
this is 4th and 5th depth
the third 8 hours cycle
chest flow diaphragm
8pm raise up body from diaphragm into chest at ring finger becomes umbilical energy finger flow descending from ring finger
eyelids gall bladder flow at midnight
face flow gb 12midnight descends to toes big toe liver energy 2am
toe flow 2am
ascending liver energy to chest as lung energy
this is 6th and 3rd depth
1st 8 hours outer form of ours skin deep skin
ectoderm layers surface flow cross over 3rd rib front of body bustline 13s
13 helps 1st and 2nd depth
2nd 8 hours deep
flow endoderm internal structure muscle, ligaments and bone, 15s, hipline, physical structure of body 5th and 4th depth
8 hours middle flows mesoderm digestive joint, flexibility 14s, lifestyle, 14s for 6th and 3rd depth
chest flows fire elements
lung, heart, diaphragm, vital functions 10s help
finger earth elements, reproductive 13s umbilicus, small intestine, large
intestine, intermingle at 13
face flows air element gall bladder front and back stomach front bladder on back 14s empty
out the head
toe flow spleen kidney, liver big cleaners, all critical labels, 23 flows 23/25 flows, water element
helps face flow too
14 helps toe flows too
self help book pg 39 to 42 helps clear spleen flows, ascending flow
43 - 47 ant descending flow stomach
pg 48 - 50 posterior descending flow bladder flow
sometimes people hint whats
wrong with their language
you can't heal them with the thinking that made it stuck
lumbar circle
L1 3d wood element
energy ascending, gall bladder energy descending
L2 2d air element lung ascending, large intestine descending
L3 5d
fire element ascending heart, descending small intestine
L4 4d water element bladder descends, kidney ascends from toe
earth element 1d yellow color stomach descending, spleen ascending
3d energizes 2d energized 5d energizes 4d energizes
1d energizes 3d
ascending organ function energy liver energizes lung - heart - kidney - spleen - liver energizing lung
organ flow gall bladder - large intestine - small intestine - bladder - stomach - gall bladder
2nd relationship in energizing
3d supports 5d
(4d) 5d supports 1d
(3d) 1d supports 2d
(5d) 2d supports 4d
(1d) 4d supports 3d
3d parent to
2d grandparent to 5d
ascending flow liver support heart - spleen - lung - kidney - liver
descending flow gall bladder
- small intestine - stomach - large intestine - bladder - gall bladder
counterclockwise movement disharmony dam in 3d burdens
1d - burden 4d - burdens 5d - burdens 2d - burdens 3d
organ function ascending burden liver - burdens spleen - kidney -
heart - lung - liver
gall bladder burden stomach burden bladder - small intestine - large intestine - gall bladder
tells us the cause of the stuck
effects are pts symptoms
effects in lumbar circle go ahead one or two for energizing,
go back one or two to clean the burden
heart rarely cause disease energitically very important has little effect on physical
heart cause might be other organs
text two page 2
MCV, Lt and Rt supervisors - trinity and with diagonal mediators are
the activating principle gives rise to 12 organ flows
pg 3 text two
5 auxillary flows and 12 organ flows gives 17 flows
of pulse cause and effect
6 x 12 = 72 x 72 pulse
pg 4 text two
lumbar circle relationships
left heart right kidney,
energizes and burdens
left hand heart swallows kidney captures lung, right hand kidney absorbes lung chases liver supervisor
kidney and heart struggle for control and other one cause disharmony
surface 3rd ribs 2/3rd rib body functions
2/1st depth deep 5th depth at umbilicus hipline
middle body at stomach 6th and 3rd depth
intermingling bustline 13 flow
waistline nausea
intermingling hipline pain
deep disharmony surface and middle intermingling in deep joint have difficulty
straightining 15 flow
surface and deep intermingle at middle joints
deep middle in surface pain throughout body
on top of sadness on top of fear
pg 5,6,7 text two
pulse listening
lt hand index finger large intestine 2d and lung
middle finger 1st depth stomach and spleen
left ring finger 6th depth diaphragm and umbilicus
right hand index finger
5th depth small intestine and heart
right middle finger 3d superficial gall bladder, deep liver
right ring finger 4th
depth superficial bladder, deep kidney
louder pulse call for need which side louder needs to be treated first
finger bustline 13, middle finger waistline 14, hipline 15
one side of body supervisor flows, mediator flows and 1 flow
pulse MCV and 6th depth
surface pulse both sides descending flow needs help diaphragm flow
hear deep pulse ascending
flows with umbilicus
MCV, diaphragm, umbilicus and 1 flow
hear 12 brats calm with 24/26 opposite flow calms
listening to divinity at heart of us exists silence pulse of divinity flow
hands on wrist god will do the rest
pulse bp diastolic pr elasticity of vessels of heart at rest deep pulse internal world inherited world overdo diet
go to
deep pulse first that is systolic pressure
pulse harmonizing science and art
registers in pulse first if you dont like
where you are going change otherwise you will get there
thoughts, food, words and activity must be digested
post lunch
8 text two
1 MCV and 10 flow
2 pulse stomach flow, thumb, 21, 22
26, 9/26 and opposite 2, 1st MOC 3rd pulse large
intestine for indigestion
4th pulse 14 with opposite 4th toe, high ones, 1d projects
5 bustline, clear high 19s, 10
flow, 3/15
SEL 4 is 1d, 11 is 2d, 7 is 3d
6 palm of hand feverish cold, 11/3 area with opposite 13
7 slow quiet pulse
sudden weather change spleen flow, 22s
joint surgeries due to changing altitutes SEL 2
making simple things complicated
is commonplace make complicated simple is creativity
pg 9 text two
text two are closer to body closer to manifestation
immediate action trinity clears whatever happened
part 2 immediatly protects furniture and then fix roof part one with
roof leak
quickie for organ functions in handouts
1 energy no 12 seperate flows
1st to manifest second in order of
creation foundation of energy for body 2d logic and commonsense coherent speech, udana, maturity, deep skin projects, body
hair conditions, fall time of year, allergies, 2nd depth allergy
spring allergies 3d, summer allergy 5d, winter allergy
4d, moulds and fungus, killed by oxygen moulds 2d relation, chest to shoulder thumb and index finger
quickie for lung middle
finger, high one/15 and 3, thumb/index finger, ring finger/8
large intestine index finger to T1 cross over op breast one
in intestine, the other op 21
lung flow vital for resp projects, asthma, allergies, skin projects, mucosal projects, drainage,
burdened by lying down
pg 10 text two
lung starts 4 am from liver do organ flows off duty
disharmony lung swelling,
coughing congestion, perspiring when asleep, upper arm and medial side of elbow aching, palm feverish, chills in shoulder
an op back areas
ascending lung flow aries, 9 - 10yrs D musical tone
14 open for sustinance, 22 happy wherver we are
high 19 back 18 body consciousness, 11 unload happy content 13 love and appreciation
large intestine descending flow reproductive
functions circulates through breast op breast projects wrist projects
finger flows large intestine flow zodiac taurus,
11-13 yrs, A Flat major tone
helps elimination right large intestine constipation, left large intestine diaorrhea
clear - elimination proper
quickie MF, 8, IF, 18
11, IF, 13, 14, 21, 22, op 22
large intestine for body odors
tunnel - large intestine, small intestine, umbilicus, 26
numbness of hands 26, finger flows
fleas body odors, large
intestine flow 11/13, 11/IF
red ears 5d small intestine
2 E 5, 2 S 4, 2 D 3, 1
3 E 2, 1 S 2, 5, 4 D 2
1d stomach
and spleen begin manifesting life source, for manifested body, nourish, energizes us
Disharmony worry, low self esteem,
skin teething, thinning hair, fertility, spleen flow, jobs on sitting burdens 1d
blood anemia, RBC stomach, WBC spleen,
immune system
start 21, nose, face shoulder, stomach, body T12, kidney, 3rd toe, big toe
face projects, gum, jaw, teeth,
broken jaw, facelifts, wrinkles in face, bell's palsy, shoulder projects
22 lateral near acromian, clearence inside thighs,
knee projects, ligaments of knee, kneecap, water in knee, 1 and 8 for knee
spleen goes up toe opposite abdomen opposite
reproductive organs to root of tongue, tongue control
become heart flow
stomach mental projects, depression, insanity,
1d tongue function, chatterbox, chap lips, stomach related to C4-T1 tongue biting, tongue tied, 1d
grinding of teeth 4d
cerebral palsy 5d
face and depths
top of head 6th depth
back of head 3d
5d deep under skin - scalp
1d near ears
chocalate is 5d need
chapped lips stomach flow, thickening neck, excess sweets, tonsilitis
21/22, 21/23 thumb, mudra thumb with MF and Thumb for helping 1d
compulsive eating 4d
curling hair touching themselves
1/5d hot food - fire
tics 1d
cold sores, herpes, breast projects, clears mind, head
left stomach putting
on weight and right stomach let go lose weight
7 steps stomach flow 21,22,14,23, op 14 clear waistline, high 1 clears body,
low 8 helps stomach right middle toe, food and breath essense, stomach circulation pathway
stomach gemini analyze things
14-16yrs F sharp major
spleen flow cancer A Flat, 17-24 yrs G short major, vitality, zeal, turn sunlight into energy
D fatique, body feels heavy, lethargic, lack of sun, nerve condition tics, nervous, WBC, immune system, chronic bleeding,
nerve condition, anxious, difficult children, menstrual reproductive projects, prolapse
5d circulation, fire energy, effort
trying to, vascular condition, blood through body, bone, loves in center of brain, 5d thoughts, brain, senility, aneurysm,
cerebral palsy, epilepsy, help with speech stutters, greying of hair, hearing, heart and Small intestine
heart 4 exits,
1 to intestine, 1 to brain, 1 to back T7, kidney, lungs to shoulder, arms, little finger 2pm small intestine to back of shoulder,
op shoulder, chest antoher to neck, face 21 splits to ears raise to forehead, to become bladder flow
heart is leo 25-32
yrs A short major similar to B Flat
heart disharmony eyes yellowish, hearing, smell, blood circulation, blood holds soul,
and has deepest secretes of the body
fire signs air signs are compatable
water signs and earth signs are compatable
clears mind, insomnia, varicose veins, hysteria, insanity, delirium
heart 7 steps
quickie LF,
high 19, 15, 17 small intestine signs virgo, analyzer, 33-40yrs C natural tone
disharmony deafness congestion in ear in
flying, red ears 5d, stuck water in ears, 5d, small intestine swimmers ears 4d infection kidney and bladder
11/op 13, sore
throat op throat
hair loss, b12, movement disorders, parkinsonism, hodgkins dz, leukemia, facial palsy, baby insomnia stutters,
accident prone, ear infections, index finger quickie
cerebral palsy bladder flow 5d flow
4 steps SI 11,13,19,1,7 quickie
RF, 19, 13/LF, 17 4d muscle, ligaments destiny, releasing fear, addictions, hearing, taste buds, craving salt, skin deep projects,
deep respiratory projects, rosacea deep skin and pigmentation, 2d and 3d, muscular dystrophy, bone marrow, teeth nails, pushing
mentality, spleen, stomach, kidney liver flow, Leu Gehrigs dz, over use abuse of 4d, workaholics, perfectionism, accumilate,
4 E 1, 4 S 3, 4 D 5,2
5 E 4, 2 S 4, 1,3 D 4
bladder and kidney energy
bladder head ear and brain cirulated
back of head, 3 rivers on the back 1 inch from spine, 1 and half inch from spine, 3 inch from spine, urinary projects, infection,
back projects, back of knee, lat calf, ends at L toe
becomes kidney energy sole of foot up heel, heel projects, foot projects,
warts, inside of legs op abdomen, reproductive organs, pregnancy, prostate, ovaries, testicles, op reproductive organs, bladder
goes to lungs deep respiratory projects, goes to tongue, 4d cleans body face to nose, back other parts to lungs, heart and
diaphragm shin splints, 15/6 quickie ogars slaughter dz, thyroid, armpit op 20
5,6,7,8 toe neuroma, 9
quickie for bladder
LF, 4 and coccyx, 25, 8 & 1
bladder libra 41-48yrs D major, back, knee, legs, muscle cramping, fluids with calcium,
magnisium cramping, 4d muscle dz, atrophy to muscle, ADD, learning disabilities, migranes, sweating, incontinence bitter taste
in mouth 4d and 3d
25s muscle cramping, 25/11, 25/6, 8 same side
4d quickie center of back of knee
face flows bladder
energy good for migrane
pg 23 text two
bladder (23) 7 steps
12,25,back of knee, 16,23,9,10,3 breath of life swiging
door of life
self help version R/L 12, L/R on 16, switch hands R/L middle finger, switch hands L/R on little toe
dirt and dust at 4s and greese and grime at 7s so be the breath know myself, it is IT
kidney scorpio E major 49-56yrs
sustain body constitution, cleaners critical projects, blood composition, diabetes, glycemia, lupus, resp sytem, chronic asthma,
serious resp label, skin projects, hearing loss animal protein breakdown, nails cracking down, fungus on nails, week teeth,
ring worm is 1d, 2d, 4d project
calcium in bones, reproductive organ project, baby in utero, breech condition, strengthen
womb, rpt abortion, sexual energy harmony, let go of fear, trauma shock, dry eyes, thining of hair
kidney attack - heart
attack, speed up heart circulation, tachycardia, heel spurs, throat stuck, vocal cords plantar fascitis,
5 steps 4d little
toe, pubic bone 6d, coccyx 3d, 14,13,12
Day 5
Diaphragm energy
6d highest differentiated principle, blueprint, sourcing us, connecting us, stay with
us foreever, diaphragm and umbilicus, guards the body, happy and content
diaphragm up heart 3rd rib arm and elbow, circulates
elbow, wrist, 2 flows, mf, rf at rf 10pm umbilicus descends mid shoulder, chest 3rd rib 2 flows op breast deep raise descend
heart stomach right flow cross over liver and gb, lt spleen and pancreas, at 3rd rib raise up same side, op side 2 inch ear
split ear, underneath eyelid, gb flow other dies on top of head, medial eyebrow, occiput, bone and intermingle left and right,
diaphragm, chest finger function, reproductive function, 6d op function ascending cir descending function
diahphragm arterial
system, heart, heart project, heart disharmony, injury to heart, blood chemistry disorders
venous umbilicus, arterial system
diaphragm, blood clot diaphragm, masculine energy, constriction in waistline, descending energy, pot belly, diaphragm need,
impact in lifestyle, ability to see the world sleep difficulty waistline 14
noctural world 14 sleep help release that nighttime
awake at night extroverted personality giant pot belly 14 extrovert inharmony diaphragm stay away at night for workers stay
fresh and sleep day night shifts 11/25 quickie opens back diaphragm similar to pericardial flow
elbow projects, heart attacks,
athelets dropping dead at field, sudden heart attack rebuild, repair heart valve projects, irregularity in heart beat, waistline,
digestive things non prescription drug abuse, innoculation in babies
SIDS diaphragm 11/25 quickie 1st step 19 & op
diaphragm, hiatal hernia, mom, stomach for tongue twister 14
pg 29 text two
diaphragm flow, musical tone F major,
sagitarius, I believe, 57-64yrs critical,
14/19 waistline 25, 5, palm center, ring finger, umbilical flow, triple heater
spent 22 yrs for text one
66 books of bible similar to 66 pages for text books
umbilicus flow nurturing, relationships,
warm relationships maternal relationships
diaphragm cools - air condition, umbilicus heating system, 8 thermostat
nourish 12 organs recharges our batteries
umbilicus is finger flow, opposite breast projects
hormonal balance in body
babies and pregnancy
umbilicus capricorn, 0-3 yrs G Major, reproductive functions, descending movement so helps ascending
function, deep pulse needs
umbilicus comes in pubis 6d coccyx gall bladder 3d
umbilicus serious stuck accumilation in
hipline hormonal balance
phobias 22, 4d index finger
umbilical flow for introverted person, bent forward, upright posture,
great night sleep and alert during the day
holding each finger in flights adapt to new time zone, body rhythm, MCV after
landing, babies with c section harmonize in utero experience, hot flash, umbilicus helps with spine, spinal projects, spinal
osteoporosis, 11/15 bustline, 13, shaping of eyes liver energy, eye twitching is 3d, 4d and 6d diaphragm umbilicus, gall bladder,
liver energy, gb manifested level
hiccops spleen, earlobes hold or 1d stomach, under ears hold, front of ears 1 inch from
ears hold - quickies
eye eruptions, 14s liver energy goes through umbilicus mom's day flow
3d source of life energy
to body spring time, green energy, 3d blood energy, blodd chemsitry, fluids in body, depth of activity, connected to mediator,
connected to 3d and 6d
3d flexibility, adaptability, attitude, personality, gb and liver, gb underneath eyelids 2 flows
outside eye 3 swishes through head so good for migranes and headaches, acromium, shoulders, T1, shoulder projects, through
chest descend to body stomach, umbilicus, underneath eyelids, descends chest left spleen pancreas right liver, gb, L4, go
down base of coccyx, cross over rectum, gb helps rectum
lateral arch 5 out knee around knee 4th toe, big toe, in knee liver
raise op adbomen, 9th rib diaphragm becomes 3 flows one flow to armpit deep to pleura, second flow raise up cross over front
of larynx esophagus, deep through eye, heart, ovary, becomes cerebram flow, with gall bladder energy liver heart helps CSF,
liver stomach lung flow
GB flow organ of decision making timid migranes, convulsions in head, frontal headaches, global
headaches injury to L4L5 area disc fused L4L5 gas flatulence, belching, arthritis, 3d, gallstones, tremors, movement disorders,
head tremors, touretts syndrom - 3d 11/6, stomach, gb, rage is gb and liver
no energy in morning gb and liver flow
color of bruise, which depth, green is 3d, yellow is 1d, red 5d
gallbladder signing, during treatments, big sighs means
big thighs
3E2, 3S5, 3D1,4 1E5 4S3 2,5D3
flow open 12, 20, coccyx, 16, 14, o14, 22
6 steps balance
gb aquarius
4-5 yrs A major, yawning spleen quickie 1d 12/20 12/14 thumb, LF 22, 14, 19 3 flows,
liver toe flows reproductive function
op side throat projects, growth on vocal cords, detox of body, get rid of pollution, thyroid, gives energy, hip, vision, dry
eyes, stye, crsty eyes, nearsightedness, farsightedness, muscle, tendon, ligaments, brittle bone, brittle nails, smooth movement
of menstrual cycles, hiatal hernia, gb, 14 flow, diaphragm flow, heavy menstural cycle, blood projects, cold extremeties cold
toes, feet, hands, deep cleaning for body, toe flows, spine
6 steps 4,22,14,1,5,18,4
quickie MF, 4,18,15,quickie bigtoes
4/21, 14s cross or same side
pg 36 text two
11/25 diaphragm, superficial pulse, mental emotional person, 13 flow
style 14s
physical abuse 15s diaphragm flow
uncomfortable feeling in skin don't harmonize ascending organ functions
deep pulse, descending energy disharmony umbilicus clears the flow accumilate more things tumors cyst, loss of voice, growths,
clear umbilical energy, 11/15 personality, physical stress 2 flow, life style stomach flow 9 flow mental emotions 10 flow,
10 and umbilicus flow for throat voice projects, loss of voice, toe flows, liver kidney larynx vocal cords, cysts, shingles,
herpes zoster, ascending need lung flow, shingles, 5,6,7,8 flow cystic fibrosis - big stuck in lung
pg 36 flow and breathing
tumors, 2nd MOC
pg 36,37 text two
circles are safety valve, deeper disharmony, pg 38 text two
kidney, bladder
get in trouble with one another, materialized to invisible 3d/6d bridge, 4d bridge, fear, worry, concern bladder and kidney
fear, kidney powerful than bladder T7 vomiting, bitter taste salty, bladder dominent and over powers vomits blood fecal matter
right ring finger, kidney pulse, deep
diaphragm to open T7 pg 38 text one, 11/25, 12 flow, op congestion in kidney
energy cuts off flow vomiting superficial right ring pulse cuts of bowels, superficial pulse right ring finger, umbilical
flow, bladder flow, 23/25 flow, 23 kidney energy 25 bladder energy
get in 25, 11/25 vomiting excreta, right hand on belly
left on top to hold things in
kidney pulse deep pulse, right ring finger, diaphragm, 12 flow, bladder pulse, superficial
pulse right ring finger, umbilicus 23/25 flow
pg 60 61 2 aspects of jiro murai study, bladder and kidney flow
80% circulates in brain 20% go to lungs liver every will come compress 15% breath remain in lungs, 5% go to body to sole of
foot sole of middle toe
inhale 360 breaths it stays before it is exhaled from body
36 exhale and inhale 36 is 4 sets
of 9
1st 9 breaths 8th depth connection divine sourceless source
2nd 9 breaths 7th depth connects to light key energy
9 breaths 6d personal source
4th 9 breahts 3d manifesting source
food to mix with pancreatic juices, small intestine,
large intestine, kidney, carbohydrates, liquid grain carbohydrates to spleen, turns into energy descends front of body, top
of middle toe, middle toe combines and come up body raise to umbilicus distributed to body compressed o2 from body, liver
energy and oxygen, back up middle toe, and raise up into 2 parts compressed o2, another to top of head 4s 12 body flows, energy,
3rd MOC, helps in umbilicus, kidney energy, suprarenal gland, 3rd rib begin of liquid grain end of o2
begining of o2
and end of liquid grain end at belly button
hold 3rd rib and belly button quickie
nausea in disharmony, pg 38 disharmony
in bladder and kidney
kidney energy stressed out animal protein
pg 39 text two
blood energy reverses skin eruptions,
(vyana) festering, open lesions
compressed 02 reversal leads to neuralgia, backup of 2d
blood essence - diaphragm movements moves this dam, 11/25 top
of middle toe, diaphragm flow - light MF pulse, 14 flow, 11/25
neuralgia deep - kidney energy, 2d, deep MF, 9 flow, umbilicus
flow, 11/15, sole side of middle toe, kidney help 3d, unburden 2,5d, animal protein aggressive behaviour, 3d
shingles -
lung, 5,6,7,8, diaphragm flow
pg 39 text two
quickie 3rd depth reversing and increasing, kidney flow for meat eating,
gb flow
pg 40 text two
gb and 12 body function disharmony, at kidney fever, chills, back chills, bladder flow, 23/25
front of kidney fever - kidney flow, 14 flow
gb at head stroke, 16,17,18,19 flow, 20,21,22 flow, 5,6,7,8 flow clears
cold to hot temperature changes in body - 4d reversal and increase, gb flow
15s flow, 10 flow, at heart insanity
T7 spontaneous paralysis of arm
diaphragm flow, 9 flow, 14 flow, waistline congestion - disorder at 8s
pg 41 text two
posterior, ventral harmonizer energy
quickie for faiting, upper lip and between eyebrows hold with one finger, brings back
consciousness, seizures
7d relationships injury to central line
4s and injury above, below, and injury area for treatment
of spine disc projects
spinal cord injury, all injuries in spine, coccyx injury go to front of pulses or above below coccyx
spinal injury, quadriplegia, paraplegia, slide under spine
hand on top of head, and work from front, below it above it
and on the injury, top toe and fingers, 4/12 11/3 flows, 11/12 flows, 9, 10 flow, 23/25 flow, 3 MOC
old injury takes longer
cable in mind and can heal oneself (manotapas mental healing)
curvature of spine - side of shortening
left side spine
curvature shortening Lt 2nd MOC, Lt Supervisor, Lt Bladder,
MCV, 3rd MOC for bent over spines
Post Lunch
disharmony caused at corresponding age critical age or cause invalidism
0-3 yrs reproductive organs - umbilical
- 10 pm
4-5 yrs sides of coccyx - gb - 12mn
6-8 yrs 1st sacrum - liver - 2am
9-10 yrs -L2 - lung - 4am
11-13 yrs
- T12 - large intestine - 6am
14-16 yrs - T2 - stomach - 8 am
17-24 yrs back of head - spleen - 10am
25-32 yrs top
of head - heart - 12 noon
33-40yrs between eyebrow - small intestine - 2pm
41-48 yrs between breasts - bladder - 4pm
yrs 3 inch above umbilicus - kidney 6 pm
57-64yrs umbilicus - diaphragm - 8pm
>64yrs reproductive organs - umbilicus
- 10pm
opposite fingers and toes
3rd MOC, open MCV
circumcision for babies umbilical flow to harmonize
43 text two
9 months of creation with intrauterine cervical vertebra formation and depth continued from pg 42
1 month
6d moon - C1 1d saturn
2 month 5d mars - C2 3d jupiter
3 month 4d mercury - C3 5d mars
4 month 7d sun - c4 7d sun
month 3d jupiter - c5 2d venus
6 month 2d venus - c6 4d mercury
7 month 1d saturn - c7 6d moon
8 month 2d venus/uranus
- c1 1d saturn
9 month 4d mercury, neptune, pluto - c2 3d jupiter
for getting jobs 1 flow and 10 flow
AW seminar
flush for fibromyalgia and neuralgia
tension and stress blood energy - vyana #4 and spinal flush, due to diaharmony of
spinal energy
udana - cognition #4 speech
samana #21 and #14 digestive energy
prana #14 and L2
apana exhalation
depths hand generators, feet 1,4,3rd depths regenerators
about trinity level hands generator creator energy, feet regenerator
recreation energy"
special body flow pg 44 text two
superficial skin - from outside insult
stomach, epidermis, skin
energy, 1d reproductive topical complexion, regulate temprature, left 6 center sole, little toe
dynamic for breat and womb
relieves skin itchy skin, poison ivy, irritation childhood disease, jelly fish bites, stinging neetle skin youthful,
lt middle pulse, athelets foot
pg 45 text two
deep skin, skin reacting from inside, right calf and left calf
connective tissue in body, 2d psychological, mental emotional projects, flabby, loose skin scarring, strecth marks, cellulitis,
hives, scar tissue, deep burns, eczema, psoriasis, plastic surgery, vitiligo
vitilgo is a 3d project
finger point upwards,
calf left flow, uncrossed at feet, parellel 4d, cross hands calf finger point upwards is right flow
for fingers pointing
down right and left flow are reversed
for burn until skin heals
burns all over the body with in 24 hours healing quicker
within hours
deep scars 40 min to one hour every day scar heals
internal adhensions, 4-5 month healing occurs
44 to prevent mosquito bites ticks (due to warmth), chicken pox pg 44, scars from pox, pg 45
acne scarring of acne, pg
45, palming calfs, pg 46, diagonal muscle helper, 4d muscle tension
medial 8 lt and right
right flow op sdie left flow
same side
center of back of knee for 4d projects
reproductive functions metabolism of body, digestion of food, rt ring
finger pulses, rectal projects pg 46 armored muscle, restless leg syndrome, jerking movement in babies
pg 47 5d
adjust skeletal system
expand back and contract chest
1st step left hand on right ball of foot
right hand on left
ball of foot
op side
chest out back short extroverted person posture
back expands, chest contracts
front introverted posture
helps adjust structure
rt rt ball of foot, left lt ball of foot same side
5d, 4d, epilepsy,l
orthopedic, chiropractic adjuster
11/25, 11/15 T1/11 and 15 T1 and each finger quickie
dowager's syndrome
is 4/2d project palming calf, clears 4d and 2d
pg 48 and pg 49 text two
hypochondriacs, 4d disharmony, 6 and little
toe, same side big 4th depth helper
break chain of genetic memory abnormal hereditary syndrome, parents and children helped
arch foot projects, couples can work together for genetic issues in conception
bunions lateral calf pg 51 text two
body flow # relate to depth, good for elimination
SBF 1 - 1d pg 50 text two, heard on left MF pulse, digestive projects,
personal peptobismal - mary says
dysentry, gall stones, indigestion, right flow for dysentry, rt 25 and rt 4/12/11/3 op
left 2
left flow for constipation lt 25, lt 4/12/11/3 rt 2
right flow - liver hepatitis, left flow for pancreatitis,
irritable bowel syndrome, right flow
kidney stones go to the side of stones
right side gall stones can pass stones
pg 51 SBF 2 - 2d, lt ring finger pulse, low 8 and 16
asthma, breathing issues, bunions flow
mental emotional
stress, labor pain, menstrual pain, left end of calf for bunions, good for teeth
personal dentistry flow, op teeth, gum
16 and jaw for TMJ project
reproductive disharmony, labor pains, or going into labor
SBF 3 - 3rd depth pain
pg 52 text two
3d - right middle finger pulse, pain in body
16/5 parellel and cross hands
rt hand on 5 always
calcium in body, fibromyalgia, helps vision, 3rd depth flow,
right ring finger pulse, 4d, SBF 4
pg 53 text two
harmonizer, SBF relationship to 8s with same side hip and opposite shoulder
hip knee replacements, reconstruct hip and
knees, thermostat, right 8 warms, left 8 cools
left 8 constipation, right 8 diahorrea
open pelvis 8 clears this
5 - 5d helper Pg 54
skeletal system R IF pulse, joint projects, arthritis, lubricate joints, arterial venous calcium accumilation
for varicose veins
11/3 and 19
pg 55 text two
hug body, drop shoulder, exhale, 36 breaths
happiness, trinity energy
in trinity 12 organ energy in harmony or disharmony
no attitudes then 12 organ balanced energy
pg 56 text two
energy clears descending energy
balance diaphragm, all respiratory functions
18 and 11/3
respiratory, acidity,
quickie thumb
help same side supervisor, op mediator helped
little finger vascular condition pg 57 text two
17 and
shoulder blade
helps thyroid, helps alkalinity
same side mediators and supervisors
armpits quickie 3 knots and op
forehead - 20s
clears lymph, arm, thyroid, clears out cancer
forehead arm with left finger helps alkalinity
pointing towards T1 in shoulder blade - digestive energy
T3 fingers pointing respiratory energy
fingers pointing to
lower shoulder blade brain essense, diaphragm, bladder, kidney
blood congestion pg 59 text two
nose bleeds blood stag
along spine muscle, kidney energy along spine
kidney flow close to spine, 2nd MOC, supervisory flow, 4 flow, 4d reverasal
and increase
menstruation 28 energy circulation, if function not in harmony pain in abdomen
ovary bleeding finger flows,
13 flow, all toe flows, 8 and op sacrum, and coccyx,
bleeding between periods 13 flow, 3 flow, 15 flow - menometorrhagia
flows, liver kidney, spleen flow, umbilical flow, sacrum and coccyx with high one check 8s helps menstrual system
of blood, stagnated blood, waistline, 11/12 flow, stomach flow, 14 flow, 4 flow, 9 flow 4/12/11/3 flow, 23/25 flow, 1st depth
reversal and increase 19s self help
blood in bowel movement and urine
release shoulders, 11/12 flow, 15 flow, 14 flow,
5,6,7,8 flow, 23/25 flow
kidney and bladder flow
blood in lungs bustline, 3 and 10s 15 flow
9 flow 3rd MOC, supervisory
flow, 23/25 flow, fatique flow, hemorrhoids, piles, 8 op side to hemorrhoids
self help opposite 8 and same side area between
25 and rectum
10 flow, 13 flow, hemorrhoids
immune system and vascular projects
flows 3,15,13,23/25 all MOC, MCV,
supervisory flows, mediators
Neck organ functions
1 front MCV
2 large intestine
3 small intestine
4 stomach
- coming down near ears
5 liver deep in neck
6 kidney closer to midline in back going down
7 MCV in midline back
High one area
1d, 4d, 2d
spleen coming up
kidney energy
stomach coming down - 3inch from knee
goes deep
Low 8 area
2 stomach lines
face flows going down
gall bladder flow
bladder line at back
Nakshtra Tables to know your star details and quality of the stars email with your date of birth, place of birth and
time of birth I can send you the name of your star and you can check the table at
Wayne's Seminar
Text 1
SEL 4 Vyana - Circulatory Issues - Tachycardia, Rhythm Correction
SEL 21 Samana - Digestive
SEL 3 Tumor Release
SEL 2 - Jupiter, SEL 3 - Venus
SEL 3 and SEL 21 - Tumor, Cancer, Digestive Blockages
and Finger flows releases fever SEL 3 and Finger IF, MF, RF, Pinky
SEL 2 and other body flows SEL 1 through 7
- Respiratory Center
Page 1
Can hold SEL 14 if cannot reach 7
Einsten "Be independent of opinion of others"
Whitaker "What you think of me is none of my business"
Page 2
Physio - Greek - Nature
Natural Love of Wisdom
- Natural Function - Understanding
Heart and Circulation - Vyana SEL 4- Dirt and Dust - 4DD - Let go from Head to Toe -
Samana - SEL 14
Grease and Grime SEL 7 - 7GG
36 Breathes = 9 which means totality
1st 9 both inhalation
and exhalation 8th Depth Rel to Source
2nd 9 both Inhale and exhale 7th Depth - Light - Prana Technique
3rd 9 both Inhale
and Exhale 6ht Depth - Source of Me
4th 9 both Inhale and Exhale 3rd Depth - Source of my body
Page 3 Trinity
To manifest 4 - Udana - Speech
Vyana - Circulation 4
Samana 14 if cannot digest work a lot - eat little
working - Eat a lot
Page 5
All things are lawful - does it serve you now?
Listen to the body
Thumbs on 12 placed
on spines for shoulder tension
Pain is resistance to "What IS" - SEL plus Inhale and Exhale
JSJ - Live in the moment
and live abundantly
MB is Mahalakshmi Living abundantly
Animal Protein - Kidney release it
If problem with Kidney
don't overload
Sin is not living life it is living without Guilt
Page 6
JSJ 2 - 20min - circulation 2-20 minutes
to harmonize, disharmony to disappear takes longer
Empty Stomach - Digest the food
Appendicitis - 11 and 25 for 2 hours,
Grab shoulder and hold butt, which wayne did and avoided surgery
Doctor - keeping people intact in trauma plus surgery
2nd Depth - Sadness
Toe Flows, Liver, Kidney, Spleen
3rd Method of correction - Reverses Disharmony, Trinity Flow
The Ki-Eki Theory
Oriental medicine has been called the medicine of Ki. In Japan,
definitions of Ki include (but are not limited to): vapor, steam, breath, feeling, spirit, force, atmosphere, and natural
phenomena. The work "Ki" is difficult to translate but is usually understood to be a term for vital energy. Perhaps it corresponds
to the mysterious natural healing power which modern medicine has a hard time explaining.
In traditional oriental medicine, each organ of the human body
has Ki. The kidneys, for example, have their Ki, the lungs have their Ki, and so on. The organs are connected by twelve Keiraku
(meridians). Each Keiraku has its own characteristics and its own Ki, and performs nurturing and physiologic functions.
Master Jiro Murai, on the other hand, interpreted these matters
differently. In his view, the vital energy handed down by our ancestors is an invisible flow of "gaseous" energy, which he
termed "Ki-Eki". In his view, Ki-Eki has its own flow pathways and th twelve Keiraku (which correspond to the Twelve Organ
Flows of Meridian Medicine) have their own pathways. Therefore the circulation along the Keiraku and the circulation of Ki-Eki
are two seperate things.
In Meridian Medicine, the pathways of Ki-Eki are the Main Central
Flow, the left and Right vertical flows, and the left and right diagonal flows. Ki-Eki can enhance and, more importantly,
move or mobize the Twelve organ flows.
"Ki-Eki has responsiveness to other living things", said Master
Murai. "It vaporizes, solidfies, liquifies and vaporizes again. In going through these changes, it governs creation and nourishment."
The following concepts of traditional oriental thought may shed some light on the effect Ki-Eki has in our bodies.
Responsiveness and Activation
Unfertile chicken eggs have Activation but not Responsiveness,
and thus they cannot be activated. They are lifeless, and will not rather than hatch chicks when incubated. Responsiveness
has a range of Sensitization. The temperature of living things has to reach this range before they can respond and be activated.
Fertilized chicken eggs are alive and have both Responsiveness and Activation, but at room temperature they are not activated.
However, once they are given appropriate Sensitization in the Great Original Ki. they respond and become activated. They become
activated at 105.F, and hatch in twenty-one days.
Similarly, pland seeds are alive, and have Responsiveness and
Activation even while dormant, but they are not activated until they reach the designated temperature range of Sensitization.
Sensitization is governed by the Great Original Ki, which activates the seeds.
The Great Original Ki
Two kinds of Ki make up the Great Original Ki. They are the
Planet Earth Ki (the "Water Ki") that is emitted and rises up from the Earth, and the Sun Ki (the "Fire Ki") that is emitted
from the Sun and envelopes the Earth. As the Sun Ki begins to "flow from the sea toward the mountains" at 4:00 am, the human
body temperature, which reaches its minimum at 4:00 am, slowly begins to rise. Sap in plants begins to go down from the leaves
to the roots. When the Planet Earth Ki begins to flow from the "mountains to the sea" at 4:00 pm, the human body temperature,
which peaks at 4:00pm, begins to go down slowly. Nutrients in plants go up from the roots to the leaves and make them grow.
Master Murai explained that there are similar pathways of Ki inside the human body, and produced the energy pattern figures.
The human body, in order to function properly, needs to have the energy system called keiraku, returned
to its harmonious state. The body, from
the head to the toe is divided into horizontal and vertical system of energy lines,
and each of these energy lines control the organ with which it is associated. Pressing the tsubos, which are points
along these energy lines, helps restore energy to the associated organ and ultimately restores the body back to health.
The route of energy flow is called Keiraku.
The concepts of keiraku (chinese: jingluo, english: meridian),
rokuzo (liuzang, six yin organs), roppu (liufu, six yang organs) are part of Meridian Meridian concepts.
The Ki-Eki Flows
In Jin Shin, Ki-Eki flows through the Main Central, the Diagonals,
and the Verticals. These flows move up the back and down the front. Traditional oriental medicine has the corresponding Governing
Vessel (in the back) and Conception Vessel (in the front). Their functions resemble those of Ki-Eki flows in Meridian Medicine,
but their pathways are different. Beyond that Master Murai did not explain the detail. However, he did privately teach me
the detailed method of these energies and how to unlock them. This method is especially effective in treating disorders for
which other modalities, such as acupuncture-moxibustion and shiastu, are not readily effective.
In traditional oriental medicine, as we have seen, the meridians
or Keiraku connect all the organs of the body. Ki flows in the Keiraku. In Meridian Medicine, however, Ki-Eki flows separately
in its own circulation system. The Twelve Organ Flows of Meridian Medicine, which correspond to the Keiraku, channel as substance
called Tai-Eki. Tai-Eki is postnatal body fluid that an individual has generated from food. It is comprised of nourishing
liquids that circulate to all parts of the body.
The Tai-Eki that gets you through the day does not come from
the food you eat that day, but from the food you ate three days or so ago. Thus, if you need energy today, you ought to have
had nourishing food about three days ago. The day before, eat lightly. On the very day, work on an empty stomach. The food
you eat that morning will enlarge your stomach, burden the digestive system and deplete your energies.
Influence of Sun and Moon on Mind Center - Fasting
Observed by ancient yogi's on Ekadesi (ek=one; desi=10) or 11th day of Lunar Cycle: Source Swami Sivananda
Mind Center travels up and down through each
Chakras or Energy centers in body. During the 11th day of Bright Lunar Cycle (4 days before Full Moon) Mind center finds home
in Ajna Center. During the 11th day of Dark Lunar Cycle (4 days before New Moon) Mind finds home in Heart Center. The significance
of this is if the center is not in harmony Mind spins out of control. To easily control the mind Ancient Yogi's
used to fast during the 11th day called Ekadesi. For Modern day we can do juice fast, salads, nuts and eat foods that is not
processed on these two days to avoid migrane headaches and issues related to brain before full moon, and avoid stress to
the heart before New Moon.
I heard a panel discussion of athletes on the radio. One athlete
made an interesting remark; he said that when he was a teenager, if he ate on the day of competition he made good records.
Now, however, in his twenties, his records went down if he ate on the day of competition.
The 26 Ki-Ten
Master Murai recognized 26 points on each side of the body,
which have great importance in governing the flow of both Ki-Eki and Tai-Eki. These 26 pairs of points are called 26 Ki-Ten.
The positions of these Ki-Ten on human beings are relatively stable. On the other hand, these points move within a range depending
upon the way one uses and abuses one's body. Thus the precise location and condition of each point can tell a great deal about
the status of one's Tai-Eki (Organ Flow) circulation.
Movement-induced changes in structure
Depending upon the way one moves one's body, the positions
of Ki-Ten #1 through 26 on the Ki-Eki Vertical Flows respond in pairs of movements; stretching and contracting. Where a Ki-Ten
stretches, the Tai-Eki runs rapidly; where it contracts, the Tai-Eki stagnates. After several repetitions of the same movement,
changes occur in physiological conditions. If the same movement is repeated year in and year out, changes occur in body structure.
Repetitive movement occurs in athletes, manual laborers or
people whose work involves particular specialized use of the body. For example, a patient who played shamisen(Japanese 3 stringed
instrument) since childhood had an abnormally protruding Thoracic Vertebra #1. The index finger and little finger are where
the Large Intestine Flow and Small intestine Flow originate respectively. These two flows, according to Meridian Medicine,
pass under T1 and flow to the shoulder on the other side. Since playing the shamisen involves heavy use of the fingers, T1
rises up where these two flows pass underneath.
Another example of the repeated movement is the heavy use of
fingers in word-processing and similar activities. The forearm becomes twisted as a consequence, which alters the pathways
of the Tai-Eki and causes such symptoms as tendosynovitis (inflammation of a tendon sheat). This twisting phenomenon causes
the pathways that flow from the shoulder joint to the fingertip to look as if they wrap around the hand and arm. Master Murai
called this "Ta-maki" or hand-wrapping". It is the instances in which use of the muscle system in repetitive movement of the
body causes changes in Twelve Organ Flows which in turn induce changes in the 26 Ki-Ten.
Another example of repeated movements
is heavy use of fingers in typing with computers or similar activities. The forearm becomes twisted as a consequence, which
alters the pathway of Tai-Eki and causes such symptoms as tendosynovitis or inflammation of tendon sheath. This twisting phenomenon
causes the pathways that flow from the shoulder joint to the fingertip to look as if they wrap around the hand and arm.
Nutrition induced changes in structure
Similar kinds of changes occur due to
eating particular foods. In Meridian medicine, there can be disharmonies of the Five Tastes. These disharmonies create changes
in the Twelve Organ Flows by way of the internal organ system and cause disorders.
Depending upon the content of the food
one eats, the functioning of the organs increases or decreases. For example, in Meridian medicine the belief is that regular
intake of sweets stimulates the function of spleen and stomach. This in turn increases or decreases the amount of Tai-Eki,
affecting the speed at which it flows. Again, changes in the Twelve organ flows will cause changes in the 26 Ki-Ten as well.
In this instance the changes in the Ki-Ten begin with disharmonies in the organs. Thus, either diet or use/abuse of the muscle
system can affect the body in the same way; each can result in heightened or diminished functioning of the organs, and increase
or decrease of both the amount of Tai-Eki and the speed with which it flows. These results, in turn, create changes in structure,
or changes in conformation.
Changes in conformation and the 26
Changes in conformation as we have seen,
manifest in the 26 Ki-Ten. There is significance both in the identity of the Ki-Ten – its location that manifest the
change and in the nature of the change itself. In Meridian medicine, pain, knots, or sensitivity to pressure in the Ki-Ten
is interpreted as a reflex manifestation of the disorders. One need to look for change or changes in body structure in the
vicinity – changes in conformation. Next observe the connection between the changes and the pathway of the Twelve organ
flows to see if the flow pattern of the Tai-Eki has also changed – for example, reversing, overflowing, or changing
Location of the 26 Ki-Ten
26 Ki-Ten is a crucial point or fulcrum
of flexing and stretching movements of the body. Consequently, many of the Keiraku points of traditional Meridian medicine
coincide with these numbered energy locks.
Unlike Keiraku points, however, the Ki-Ten
do not exist as dots.
The entire area of the back that corresponds
to the nipple is #10
The Relationship Between Ki-Eki and The Twelve Organ Flows
As we have seen, Ki-Eki is prenatal vital energy transmitted by our ancestors, whereas the Twelve Organ Flows are postnatal
body fluids (liquid components) that an individual has generated from food. Meridian medicine mobilizes the Twelve Organ Flows
using the power of Ki-Eki, a process also known as induction. Therefore, the main points that are used to adjust the Organ
Flows correspond to the 26 Ki-Ten of the Ki-Eki circulation.
Meridian medicine may be practiced on oneself and on others. When one receives meridian medicine energy from another, one
borrows the other's prenatal vital energy - Ki-Eki to stimulate one's stagnated Tai-Eki flow. When one practices it on oneself,
one may use self-help to enhance the circulation of both the Ki-Eki and Tai-Eki as a method of health manitenance.
The Relationship Between Ki-Eki and The Twelve Organ Flows
As we have seen, Ki-Eki is prenatal vital energy transmitted by our ancestors,
whereas the Twelve Organ Flows are postnatal body fluids (liquid components) that an individual has generated from food. Meridian
medicine mobilizes the Twelve Organ Flows using the power of Ki-Eki, a process also known as induction. Therefore, the main
points that are used to adjust the Organ Flows correspond to the 26 Ki-Ten of the Ki-Eki circulation.
Meridian medicine may be practiced on oneself and on others. When one receives
meridian medicine energy from another, one borrows the other's prenatal vital energy - Ki-Eki to stimulate one's stagnated
Tai-Eki flow. When one practices it on oneself, one may use self-help to enhance the circulation of both the Ki-Eki and Tai-Eki
as a method of health manitenance.
The Twelve Organ Flows
The Twelve Organ Flows and the Twelve Keiraku
The question arises whether the pathways of the Twelve Organ Flows
- not twelve, to be precise, and the twelve Keiraku or traditional medicine are the same.
Comparison of the Twelve Organ Flows and the Twelve Keiraku
The lung flow in Meridian medicine is about the same as the Lung Keiraku.
Meridian Medicine large intestine flow crosses the spine at T1, passes by the opposite
side of the mouth and goes by the wing of the nose.
The stomach Keiraku runs only on one side of the body, whereas the meridian medicine
stomach flows crosses over to the other side in the face and many other places. It goes to the chest and then crosses at the
leg. In the Keiraku chart there is only one tributary in the chest; in the Twelve Organ Flow chart another tributary originates
in the chest and goes to the abdomen, where it splits again.
When the meridian medicine Spleen Flow reaches the genital area, it goes up to
the coccyx and crosses the center line before it continues up the front of the body.
The meridican medicine heart flow is a four pathway flow. In the heart keiraku
there is one tributary that goes inside the eye, one that goes to the small intestine, and one that goes through the lung,
comes out at HT1 and joins the Heart Keiraku on the arm.
The meridian medicine small intestine flow goes under T1 and ascends the opposite
side of the body. The small intestine Keiraku ends at the inner corner of the eye BL1 and changes to the Bladder Keiraku,
whereas the Meridian medicine small intestine flow goes up to the side of the head and there changes to the bladder flow.
The Bladder Keiraku has two pathways, whereas the meridian medicine bladder flow
has a third pathway that runs along outside the shoulder blade. Also, the bladder keiraku goes up only as high as BL31, whereas
the meridian medicine flow goes down to the pelvis and up again to the kidney. An old Keiraku book contains a diagram which
shows a branch of Bladder flow going up from BL30 as far as up the BL23 area.
The kidney Keiraku disperses in the throat, whereas the meridian medicine Kidney
Flow goes up further than the throat, passes by the side of the eye, goes down the side of the spinal processes, down to the
coccyx and disperses, also Kidney flow is the only flow that goes through all the Five Yin Organs in the Chinese tradition.
The meridian medicine diaphragm flow corresponds to the pericardium keiraku and
there seems to be little difference between the two.
The meridian medicine umbilicus flow corresponds to the Triple Warmer Keiraku.
The meridian medicine umbilical flow crosses the center line at the chest.
As a sidelight, we should note that the following points. The triple warmer corresponds
to the Diaphragm. The Pericardium is written as "heart-wrap" in Chinese. The heart of the fetus is connected to its mother's
heart by the umbilical cord, which wraps the fetus's heart. Therefore, the Pericardium is the Umbilicus in that it wraps the
heart. There is a theory which equates the Triple warmer with the Diaphragm had existed in the traditional
oriental medicine.
The Gall bladder Keiraku runs from GB29 into the pelvis, whereas the meridian medicine
Gall Bladder flow goes into the pelvis via L4, and comes out at the coccyx.
The liver Keiraku flows through the eye meridian and ends at the top of the head,
GV20, whereas the meridian medicine liver flow goes through the eye and the stomach.
In ancient India each Buddha or Bodhisattva had their own signet: a particular
way of making a formation with the hands and fingers to signify a form of enlightment or purpose. These finger poses were
called mudras which mean 'sign' or 'signal'. Forming
mudras is part of Tantric Buddhist body training, one of the three essential training categories (body, speech and mind) needed
to attain understanding in The Three Secrets. Although the devotee manipulates only ten fingers to form mudras, there are
limitless variations and they can express any message. Each mudra, therefore should be observed as a microcosmos. A mere flexing
of a finger has profound meaning. "If one bends the fire finger, it extinguishes fire. If one straightens the water finger,
water rises...." One can represent and mobilize the entire universe at one's own will with a mere ten fingers.
Master Murai warned us not to form mudras on our own, and prohibited his students
from studying mudras on their own, as mudras could harm the body. The set of mudras for clearing the Fatigue Flow however,
is appropriate for responsible use.
Master Murai's Interpretation of the Twelve Organ Flows
Master Murai was able to cure himself of a terminal illness by fasting and using
hand mudras while meditating. He realized that this must have done something to his body, fasting and mudras made something
inside his body circulate. A question then arises: there have been many people throughout the world who have gone through
the training of fasting and forming mudras, but no one has reported such experience as Master Murai's. Why, the, did Master
Murai have this experience, and not the others?
Judging from what Master Murai told, his experience of Tai-Eki circulation was
followed by extensive research in classical literature on the the Keiraku and so on, which led to an understanding of the
process. For example, Master Murai refers to subjective symptoms and objective symptoms in his explanation of the Pathways
of the Twelve Organ Flows. These concepts are almost identical to "exogenous pathogenic factors" and "endogenous pathogenic
factors" that are discussed in The Inner Classic of the Yellow Emperor: The Spiritual Axis, Tracts and Channels Section. Rather
than saying that disorders caused by exogenous pathogenic factors are Keiraku disorders and those caused by endogenous pathogenic
factors are internal organ disorders, as is said in traditional oriental medicine, Master Murai speaks of them in terms of
above normal and below normal levels of Tai-Eki circulation in the Twelve Organ Flows, and the consequences of these abnormalities.
This is at the core of Master Murai's interpretation of the Twelve Organ Flows.
Master Murai said there were no "tubes" but rather "banks" for the Twelve Organ
Flows. Unlike blood and lymph, which run through vessels, these flows run between skin and muscles, muscles and muscles, and
between bones and muscles. They are similar to rivers in that they run between banks but not through tubes or "pipes" as does
tap water. Once a bank collapses, the Tai-Eki fluid diverts its course and flows backward or sideways. The Tai-Eki then stagnates,
or becomes deficient, or rushes, any of which brings about illness.
Tai-Eki circulation is similar to rivers. On the surface, it seems that all a river
does is flow, but in fact, where the river runs abundantly and unhurriedly in its course, it supplies water and nutrients
to the river bottom and the surroundings as it goes. That is why, where the river runs unhurriedly, the surrounding area is
fertile and plants grow well. Conversely, where the channel is diverted, obstructed or constricted, and the flow is fast and
turbulent as in a rapid, the river does not nurture the surroundings in the same way.
Tai-Eki circulation operates in a similar manner. Where flow is free and abundant,
there is nurturing. Where flow is blocked, there is pooling and stagnation behind the blockage, which causes swelling and
leads to more serious disorders. Where flow is meager or deficient on beyond the blockage or diversion, there is malnutrition
and muscles are depleted and thin.
Two Ways of Unblocking
As long as one's Tai-Eki is circulating normally, as shown is Master Murai's charts,
one never becomes ill. Once Tai-Eki stops circulating normally, however, illness arises. The Tai-Eki flows are prevented from
circulating normally by changes in conformation. This is the main principle of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Therefore, what is important
is to recognize changes in conformation and to know where changes in flows have occured. That is why there are two ways of
unblocking in Jin Shin Jyutsu: The ordinary method of unlocking a blocked Ki-Ten and the method of unlocking changes in conformation.
Master Murai explained that there is meaning to the sequence of numbers for the
26 Ki-Ten. The numbers also represent the sequence of priority that one must use in the process of unblocking them. For example,
a change in Ki-Ten #1 in the back of the knee may be removed by working on #2. Similarly, #4 for #3, #5 for #4, etc. This
method of unlocking blocked Ki-Ten, the "ordinary method", is generally used in the early stages of a disorder, when the treatement
of the disorder is simple and easy.
Here is an example: the inside of the knee is swollen and painful due to changes
in Ki-Ten #1. If it is the right knee, the practitioner sits on the right side of the receiver, puts their right hand on the
receiver's right #1, and the left hand on the receiver's right #2. By holding the two Ki-Ten simultaneously, the pain in #1
disappears, and within a few hours of the treatment, the swelling naturally goes away.
On the other hand, when the disorder is advanced, that is, when there are a) blocked
Ki-Ten, b) changes in the flow platterns of the Tai-Eki, c) changes in conformation, and d) the person's pathological history
to take into account, then another approach using sequences of Ki-Ten is appropriate. This is known as the "Method of Unlocking
Changes in Conformation".
Comparision of Jin shin Jyutsu, Acupuncture-Moxibustion
There are six major differences between the two approaches.
1. Changes in conformation
Changes in conformation are significant in Jin Shin Jyutsu,
whereas in the four methods of diagnosis in traditional oriental medicine (looking, listening, asking, and touching) such
examination is not included.
2. Ki-Eki
Jin Shin Jyutsu mobilizes Ki-Eki to unlock changes in the pathways of the Twelve
Organ Flows. In acupuncture-moxibustion, changes in the Keiraku are treated by using acupuncture points, the Keiketsu.
3. Utilization of Points
In Jin Shin Jyutsu the stagnated Tai-Eki is released through the induction action
brough about by putting the hands on two Ki-Ten. In acupuncture-moxibustion, needles are insertetd into the Keiketsu and the
effect resonates throughout the body. The more skilled the acupuncturist, the more control over the precise amount of stimulus,
and the fewer Keiketsu used.
4. Ho and Sha
Jin Shin Jyutsu does not distinguish Ho and Sha; instead it differentiates the
left-hand properties and the right-hand properties. In acupuncture-moxibustion the effects of Ho are very different from those
of Sha.
5. The four body tendencies
In acupuncture-moxibustion,four basic body tendencies are significant: yang and
excessive, yang and deficient, yin and excessive, and yin and deficient.
6. Induction
The most prominent characteristic of Jin Shin Jyutsu is its method of enhancing
Tai-Eki circulation through the skillful use of induction. This is why Jin Shin Jyutsu works well for symptoms that require
cooling with ice. For example, when there is swelling in part of the body, the approach of modern medicine is to use ice and
wait for the swelling to subside in due course. For these same symptoms of swelling, acupuncture-moxibustion must be bloodletting.
The approach of Jin Shin Jyutsu, however, can reduce the swelling quickly without
using ice or bloodletting. In Jin Shin Jyutsu one induces the blood, which has leaked outside of the blood vessels to cause
an internal-bleeding condition, to move on to other more normal places. Then one further induces the blood into the veins
via capillaries. This result in immediate shrinking of the swelling. I have experienced numerous instances of this kind.
Changes in Conformation
What Are Changes in Conformation?
The most prominent characteristic of Jin Shin Jyutsu lies in working with changes
in conformation. Some common examples are: one breast larger or smaller than the other, protruding or sunken ribs, protruding
hypochondria (upper abdomen), and one leg longer or shorter than the other.
Thirty-Six Changes - 36 Categories of Disorders
Master Murai classified illnesses into thirty-six categories based upon their relationship
to changes in conformation - 36 types of changes.
1. Hanging or drooping
tongue, outside corner of an eye, breast, scrotum, uterus, labium.
2. amount - increase or decrease in one sitting
milk - both sides or one side, menstrual discharge, urine, stool.
3. time
bed wetting, spontaneous ejaculation, bowel movement while sleeping, multiple menstrual
periods within a month, uncontrollable urination and bowel movement.
4. abnormal secretion - unusual
abnormal stool (bloody, watery, viscous, red, white, blue, black. yellow), abnormal
urine (bloody, red, blue, white), pyrosis (sour, bitter, sweet, salty, watery), leucorrhea (white, red, watery, bloody), vomiting
(food, water), blood vomiting, nose bleeding, nasal mucus, ear bleeding, otorrhea, tears, saliva, phlegm, night sweating,
hemorrhoids (blood, white), sweating triggered by intake of fluids, underarm sweating, nose sweating, chest sweating, limb
sweating, head sweating.
5. excess or deficiency secretion - too much too low and none at all
semen, sweat, dead skin, dandruff (over part or all of the head), stool, urine,
milk, menstrual discharge.
6. splitting or cracking
cracked lips, chapping (fingers, heels), chapped labia, breaking off of eye lashes,
breaking off of body hair.
7. growth or non growth
tooth, nail, hair (head, beard, armpit, pubic, body, eyelashes, eyebrow).
8. protrusion or dislocation
lump, wart, prolapse of the anus, lopsided breast, hernia.
9. coming out or shedding
tooth, nail, head hair, beard.
10. expressions of changes - manifestation
goose pimple, birth mark, mole, leukoderma, freckle, spots (black, red, white,
purple, yellow, blue), corn, spots on the white if an eye, white spots or bands on the nails, swelling (blister, etc.).
11. eruption
sneezing, hiccup, yawning, flatulance, cough, belching, groaning, snoring, talking
in sleep.
12. odor
underarm, head, body, genitalia, mouth, scent of the opposite sex.
13. ringing
ear, tooth grinding, growling stomach, growling throat, joint crackling.
14. changes in color
white of the eye (yellow, white, black, blue), tooth (red, black, brown, yellow),
nail (yellow, white, black, blue), hair (blue, red, yellow, brown, white).
15. eyesight
blind, hazy, cloudy, astigmatism, strabismus, nearsightedness.
16. taste
no sense of taste, spiciness, sweetness, bitterness, sourness, rawness, saltiness.
17. smell
no sense of smell.
18. blockage
nose (one side, both sides), constipation, anuria, ear (both ears, one ear), food
not going down to the stomach, genitalia.
19. no sensation
taste, touch, sexual intercourse
20. sleep
insomnia, intermittent sleep, long sleep, conscious sleep.
21. motion or swinging
tooth, nail, eyeball, nose, ear, hand or arm, foot or leg, neck, finger, whole
22. bending backward
arm, leg, finger, neck, back.
23. streching, flexing
arm, leg, finger, toe, chest, abdomen, back, face, genital, tongue, breast, muscle.
24. stuckness or dislocation
neck, shoulder bone, jaw, elbow, wrist, ankle, hip, thigh bone, finger, toe
25. stretched and unable to flex or bent and unable to stretch
finger, toe, elbow, knee, wrist, ankle, neck, hip, back.
26. close, wide apart
eyeballs, belly button, shoulder blades, thigh bones, chest bones, back bones,
teeth, fingers, toes,
27. unruly
head hair, eyebrow.
28. protrusion or sinking
chest bones, vertebrae, throat bones.
29. staying open or closed
mouth, eyelid, anus, pore, cervix, urethral meatus, flow of milk.
30. size, shape
tooth, nail, scrotum, labium.
31. changes in position
shoulder (high, low), eye, nose, mouth, breast, genital (front, back), thigh bone.
32. widening or narrowing
distance between the eyes, distance between the mouth and nose, shoulder width,
distance between the thighs, genital.
33. twisting
finger, arm, neck muscle, torso, leg or foot, head hair, body hair luxation.
34. swelling
headings (pimples, boils, etc.), tonsil, throat, whole body.
35. sinking or maceration
eyeball, nose, backbone, cheek, various parts of body.
36. changes in conformation
one of the two or more shows changes (eyeball, nostril earlobe, hand or arm, foot
or leg, finger, toe, nail, tooth).
The above changes in conformation, accompanied by such sensations as throbbing,
malaise, languidness, itchiness, pain, numbness, hot flashes, heat, cold, and chill, will change the circulation of the Twelve
Organ Flows. A flow may increase or decrease in amount, run faster or slower; change its course, run backward, intertwine,
go diagonally, stagnate, swell, rot, cling, constrict and or knot. These changes in the Tai-Eki circulation manifest themselves
in thousands of different symptoms which are then called illnesses.
Changes in Conformation and the Twelve Organ Flows
If a bone is dislocated or if luxation occurs, the dislocated bone pulls the muscles
that are attached to it. The Tai-Eki then changes its course and runs off to where it is not meant to flow. As explained earlier,
this course change occurs because the "banks" of the flow have been eroded.
Corns and calluses are some common examples of changes in the Tai-Eki flows. When
one Tai-Eki flow runs into another, they form eddies, which manifest as corns and calluses. That is why corns and calluses
keep coming back if one simply shaves them off. As a self help procedure, one may remove a corn or callus on the right side
of the body by putting one's left hand on the corn or callus and one's right hand on the left side of the coccyx; do the converse
for a corn or callus on the left side of the body. This will normalize the Tai-Eki flows, undo the eddies, and the corn or
callus will drop off naturally.
Changes in Conformation and Increase or Decrease in the Twelve Organ Flows
When changes in conformation occur, or in other words, when the amount of Tai-Eki
flow increases or decreases from normal, disorders manifest. Headaches, for instance, are of many different kinds. When the
center of the head aches, it comes from disharmony in the Umbilicus Flow. When the whole head aches, the disharmony originates
in the Bladder Flow. When the neck aches, changes have occured in the Umbilicus and Stomach Flows. The symptom reveals where
the Tai-Eki is blocked in the particular flow; the Tai-Eki stops flowing beyond a particular blockage because a change in
conformation has taken place within the flow.
When Master Murai examined a patient, he would ask the patient not to tell him
the symptoms but to answer his questions. He would then ask specific questions to elicit the patient's condition. By doing
so, he found out accurately which flow was involved, which flow passed through the area of pain, whether there was a change
in conformation in the area, where the next change was, and so forth.
I will illustrate this principle with an example. While Master Murai was still
alive, I treated a patient who had had hiccups for a year and had not been able to stop them. I was not able to stop his hiccups
with the usual methods of Jin Shin Jyutsu, and asked Master Murai for guidance. He told me that I should look for changes
in conformation, and taught me in detail how to examine them.
The most prominent characteristic of this patient was, a bump above and between
the eyebrows. His neck was very taut and felt as if there had been a piece of leather pasted over it. The patient told me
that he used to have his family massage his neck as he sat at his desk studying when he was in high school. Further discussion
with the patient revealed that he had had his hemorrhoids operated upon and that he had had catarrh of the large intestines.
His left hypochondria and pancreas area was swollen, and he had stomach and intestinal disorders. He also had speech impediments.
His little finger was slightly bent. The Small Intestine Flow starts at the little finger and passes between the eyebrows,
where the patient had abnormal muscular tension. That is a sign that his Small Intestine Flow stagnated there. The Small Intestine
Flow turns into the Bladder Flow. The Bladder Flow goes down the back of the head. The back of the patient's neck was as hard
as a piece of taut leather, and the first and second branches of the Bladder Flow on the back were all hard, and the Ki-Ten
#9 and #10 were hardened. His Bladder Flow went only to the anus area and stopped there, since he had had his hemorrhoids
operated upon. All this caused a bump on his forehead, where the Small Intestine Flow changes into the Bladder Flow.
Master Murai told me to work on the Bladder Flow to treat this patient's condition.
He told me to hold the back of the neck and the little toe where the Bladder Flow ends, or the back of the head and the outer
ankle (Ki-Ten #16). I used the first method and the hiccup stopped after one treatment.
It is important to connect the changes in conformation with the Tai-Eki flows one
by one. Only then will the treatment reveal itself.
Three categories of symptoms
One must compare three categories of symptoms: the subjective symptoms and objective
symptoms, both of which appear in the Twelve Organ Flows, and changes in conformation. One will then understand where the
cause lies.
Take, for example, the Large Intestine Flow. Master Murai said that when the Large
Intestine Fow increases its flow beyond the normal level, one may have a toothache, swelling of the cheeks, stopped up nose,
nose bleeding, yellow eyes, heat and dryness of the mouth, numbess in the throat, pain in the front of the shoulders, the
index fingers stretched out (inefficient) and unbendable (excess), heat and swelling where one takes the pulses, and painful
hemorrhoids. One has a toothache, for example, because changes occur in the area of Ki-Ten #21, where the Large Intestine
Flow changes into the Stomach Flow. When the Stomach Flow malfunctions due to some changes, the Large Intestine Flow Stops,
pools up and stagnates, which causes toothaches.
Swelling of the cheeks, stopped up nose, nose bleeding (which is caused by excess
and concentration of Tai-Eki) and heat and dryness of the mouth are all caused because the Stomach Flow, which follows the
Large Intestine Flow, gets bogged down.
Swelling of the throat comes next in line, and it in turn brings about stiffness
in the shoulders. The Large Intestine Flow crosses the center line below T1. The increased volume in the Large Intestine Flow
raises T1, which stiffens the shoulders. In a severe condition the spinal processes from C7 to T2 protrude.
In a further advanced condition, one cannot bend the finger tip where the Large
Intestine Flow originates. Master Murai explained this condition using the following analogy: "This condition is analogous
to the physiological phenomenon of the male genialia. It erects when the erectile tissue in the penis is filled with blood.
Once it is erect, it cannot be bent at will. When there is not enough blood, it cannot be erected at will. The phenomenon
is not simply local. The same principle applies to fingers and hands."
Master Murai gave us a case study. A medical doctor, who had high blood pressure
drew blood from one of his arms by himself. That evening his arm got stuck in an L shaped position over his chest, and he
could not straighten it out. He was referred to Master Murai for consultation. Master Murai examined him and concluded that
he had drawn too much blood from one arm. The Master gave a treatment which sent blood to his arm and the condition was immediately
rectified. It is important that one looks at the overall amount of blood and the overall excess and deficiency of Tai-Eki.
It will not do only to look at the condition locally.
We do not acknowledge the necessity of bloodletting in Jin Shin Jyutsu. When one
examines changes in conformation, one inevitably finds a place where the flow is blocked. This suggests that the flow is deficient
somewhere beyond that point. If one loosens the change that blocks the flow and sends the flow onward, or if one releases
the flow where it is blocked and pooled up and sends it on, things even out and heal. In applying Jin Shin Jyutsu, one moves
the Tai-Eki by using the Ki-Eki, and moves the blood flows by using, in turn, the Tai-Eki. If, according to modern medicine,
a condition requires cooling with ice, it is because too much blood has been released outside the blood vessels and it cannot
go back into the heart through capillaries and veins. Master Murai explained this phenomenon by the following
analogy: "Too many spectators who came and watched a fire haven't gone home, and there is lingering confusion".
In modern medicine, a condition such as this is treated with ice, and one waits
it out until the swelling is naturally gone. In Jin Shin Jyutsu we return the blood to the veins elsewhere via the Tai-Eki
flows, which expedites the absorption of the blood. This is possible because the Tai-Eki circulates outside the blood vessels
from which the blood has leaked.
The Fatigue Flow
Master Murai stated that there is a flow called the Fatigue Flow in addition to
the Ki-Eki Flows and the Twelve Organ Flows. He explained: "When one uses one's muscles, a dreg-like substance
is generated from fatigue. These dregs constitute the substance of the Fatigue Flow. Once these dregs get into the circulation
of the Twelve Organ Flows, the function of the limbs deteriorates, and the Tai-Eki no longer flows well through joints in
the body, and stagnates. A flow thus impaired cannot cleanse the coagulation and debris in it, and stops sending a cleansed
flow to other parts of the body. The pathway of the flow that eliminates these fatigue dregs is called the Fatigue Flow."
Master Murai further said that, "Cancer is often found in the pathway of this flow. This flow also works well with patients
who have illnesses with unknown causes, and who have hard-to-heal illnesses."
How to Utilize for Organ Flow
The mudras to elimate The Fatigue Flow (fatigue dregs) on one's own
Choose the appropriate mudra's according to one's condition, that is, the increase
or decrease in volume and speed of one's left and right flows. (One may be walking, sitting or lying down.)
1. Hold the inside of the left middle finger with right thumb and wrap this with
the other fingers.
2. Next move and hold the back of the left middle finger with the right thumb and
wrap with the other fingers.
3. Hold the ring finger and little fiinger together with the other thumb and wrap
with other fingers
4. Hold the back of the ring finger and little finger with the thumb and other
5. Bend the middle finger, then press it with the opposite thumb.
6. Press back of the right and left middle fingers together.
7. Press the back of the middle finger with the palm side of the thumb (one may
work on right and left hands separately, or alternately).
8. Erect the right and left middle fingers, and press them against each other by
trying to bend the first joint.
Text II
Practical Application of the Art
The difference between Ki-Ten sequences and Tai-Eki sequences
The methods of unlocking each Ki-Ten 1-26 are "methods of unlocking changes", the
purposes of which are to correct the changes in conformation that are present at the numbered places, and to correct the abnormal
increase or decrease of Tai-Eki flows caused by the changes.
Master Murai taught these sequences in his last years as model answers dealing
with the deviation in Tai-Eki flows caused by abnormalities in the Ki-Ten, with added instruction on how to use the hands.
The teaching came about when Master Murai saw students were having a hard time comprehending how to observe changes in conformation
and the methods of using the hands to correct such changes.
The sequences for adjusting each of the twelve organ flows, from the Lung flow
to the Liver flow, are methods of enhancing the Tai-Eki flows. To do this, one uses the 26 Ki-Ten where changes in conformation
tend to occur. In most cases the hands are placed along the pathway of the flow to enhance its running.
At the stage where changes in conformation are not very obvious, and thus, neither
the individual's complaints nor the practitioner's observations (whether the condition is acute or chronic) are very obvious,
you should run the flow using the Tai-Eki sequences. However, if the individual shows not only the symptoms associated with
the twelve organ flows but also symptoms caused by changes in conformation, you must re-examine the entire body with great
care. Pay attention especially to where the Ki-Ten and Tai-Ekis meet, and figure out first of all how to unlock these Ki-Ten.
In such cases, depending upon the degree of abnormality, you must find ways to apply the sequences of unlocking changes in
conformation - the Ki-Ten sequences.
The Ki-Ten sequences illustrate the most frequently used methods of the placing
of hands on changes in conformation and unlocking them, based upon Master Murai's many years of clinical experience. Also,
special attention is paid to denoting the exact orientation of the practioner's hands.
Master Murai in explaining the above said, "To be specific, there are three ways
of using (placing) the hands to adjust the twelve flows. What I am teaching the students is just one of them".
The Ki-Ten 1-26 Sequences
In the course of devising methods of unlocking changes in conformation, Master
Jiro Murai showed some basic methods of unlocking the 26 KI-Ten. Various sequences are used according to each individual's
changes in conformation. There are many ways of unlocking such changes in conformation, depending upon the illness. This is
the secret of Jin Shin Jyutsu. One must not only learn where to start unlocking, but must also learn to observe changes in
When changes in conformation are very drastic, the flow runs as if it goes through
gorges in steep hills. One must use the hands to divert the flow into a tributary, hold it temporarily in a side stream, run
the flow backward and release the excess elsewhere, and so forth, so that one brings the flow back to normal by getting rid
of the overflow first. The sequences of unlocking Ki-Ten 1-26 shown here are the exemplary steps; they are standardized to
make the difficult procedure of the use of the hands feasible even for beginning students.
The 12 Tai-Eki Sequences
When there are few changes in conformation and, therefore, few hindrances to block
the flow of the Tai-Eki, the ordinary method of unlocking blockages is used. In such cases the flow pattern
is almost normal. All one needs to do is enhance the flow. This is done by using the 12 Tai-Eki sequences.
Unlocking Ki-Ten 14 on Ki-Eki Vertical Flow
Method of unlocking changes in conformation sit on the left side
A method of unlocking changes by unlocking Left 9 first, then sending the flow
from Left 14 down to the left foot.
An alternate method of unlocking changes in conformation:
sit on the left side
Release the excess at Left 14 down to the right leg, and bring the flow back to
normal by holding Left 1.
Ordinary method of unlocking blockages: sit on the left side
If 14 is stopped up, unlock it together with 15, the next one down.
The Ki-Eki Vertical Flows
The following method of running the Vertical flow is basic method of Jin Shin Jyutsu,
using only the main Ki-Ten on the Ki-Eki Vertical Flow to enhance the flow of Ki-Eki throughout the body, thereby improving
the flow of the twelve Tai-Ekis, and in turn, the flows of blood and lymph, and finally activating the working of the nervous
system. The method was taught by Master Murai in his last years, when he was devising the sequences for unlocking changes
in conformation and special ways of using the hands. Later, he published it in his textbooks and taught it to students.
Master Murai taught this method as the basic application of the art of Jin Shin
Jyutsu, saying, "When you apply JSJ for the first time as home therapy, do only this method of running the Ki-Eki Vertical
flows every day. Then, you will eventually get well naturally." You can use this basic method without concerning yourself
about the ordinary methods or methods of unlocking changes in conformation of the Ki-Eki Vertical Flows.
How to circulate the Ki Eki Vertical Flow
(When the practitioner sits on the left side of the receiver)
Step 1
The first placement of the practitioner's right hand (RI) is on the receiver's
right Ki-Ten 4, 11, & 12. The first placement of the practitioner's left hand (LI) is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 20.
Step 2
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same (RI). The practitioner's
second placement of the left hand (L2) is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 21 (to the left side of his/her nose).
Step 3
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same (RI). The practitioner's
3rd placement of the left hand (L3) is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 22 (on the left chest).
Step 4
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same (RI). The 4th placement
of the practitioner's left hand (L4) is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 15 (on the groin).
Step 5
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same (RI). The 5th placement
of the practitioner's left hand (L5) is on the receiver's right Ki-Ten 5 (on the right foot).
Step 6
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same (RI). The 6th placement
of the practitioner's left hand (L6) is on the receiver's right Ki-Ten (25) (on the right outer thigh).
Step 7
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same (L6). The 2nd placement of
the practitioner's right hand (R2) is on the receiver's right Ki-Ten 2 (on the right hip).
Step 8
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same (L6). The 3rd placement of
the practitioner's right hand (R3) is on the receiver's right Ki-Ten 9 (on the right back).
Step 9
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same (L6). The 4th placement of
the practitioner's right hand (R4) is on the indentation between the two muscles (long and short) that comprise the biceps.
Step 10
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same (L6). The 5th placement of
the practitioner's right hand (R5) is on the palm side of the receiver's right middle finger.
Step 11
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same (R5). The 7th placement
of the practitioner's left hand (L7) is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 14 (on the left hypochondrium).
Using the Sequences
One is able to obtain immediate effects from the treatment if one observes changes
of conformation and applies the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu in an integrated way, utilizing professional knowledge of the art.
However, it will take time if one applies this method as a general home remedy. Master Murai warns that one should wait for
eight hours (a minimum of six hours) to apply Jin Shin Jyutsu a second time, if one wishes to treat twice a day. This time
is needed for the cells to rest up. If treatments are done without proper intervals, the effect is as if the receiver becomes
intoxicated, having been treated for too long, which can bring adverse effects.
When one applies acu-moxa, shiatsu, massage, chiropractic or seitai, sometimes
it is necessary to move the patient's body. This could be a problem with seriously ill persons. Jin Shin Jyutsu, however,
can be applied to someone who is immobile in the supipne position.
Using the Tai-Eki Sequences
Each of the twelve Tai-Eki flows has a time to be creating its flow. Each flow
takes two hours to complete its route, and the entire circle takes twenty-four hours (one day) to complete.
When you treat a seriously ill person, give the treatment on a particular flow
when the flow is active, for example, work on the Lung Flow between 4:00 - 6:00am, the Large Intestine flow between 6:00 -
8:00 am, the Stomach flow between 8:00 - 10:00 am, etc., until you have worked on all twelve flows in the course of
twenty-four hours. This will enhance the twelve Tai-Eki flows and contribute to longevity.
The Ki-Eki Sequences
In addition to making the entire length of the Ki-Eki flows run (Vertical Flows), there are methods of
unlocking each individual Ki-Ten.
How to Unlock
Practical Application of the Art
The difference between Ki-Ten sequences and Tai-Eki sequences
The methods of unlocking each Ki-Ten 1-26 are "methods of unlocking changes", the purposes of which are to correct the
changes in conformation that are present at the numbered places, and to correct the abnormal increase or decrease of Tai-Eki
flows caused by the changes.
Master Murai taught these sequences in his last years as model answers dealing with the deviation in Tai-Eki flows caused
by abnormalities in the Ki-Ten, with added instruction on how to use the hands. The teaching came about when Master Murai
saw students were having a hard time comprehending how to observe changes in conformation and the methods of using the hands
to correct such changes.
The sequences for adjusting each of the twelve organ flows, from the Lung flow to the Liver flow, are methods of enhancing
the Tai-Eki flows. To do this, one uses the 26 Ki-Ten where changes in conformation tend to occur. In most cases the hands
are placed along the pathway of the flow to enhance its running.
At the stage where changes in conformation are not very obvious, and thus, neither the individual's complaints nor the
practitioner's observations (whether the condition is acute or chronic) are very obvious, you should run the flow using the
Tai-Eki sequences. However, if the individual shows not only the symptoms associated with the twelve organ flows but also
symptoms caused by changes in conformation, you must re-examine the entire body with great care. Pay attention especially
to where the Ki-Ten and Tai-Ekis meet, and figure out first of all how to unlock these Ki-Ten. In such cases, depending upon
the degree of abnormality, you must find ways to apply the sequences of unlocking changes in conformation - the Ki-Ten sequences.
The Ki-Ten sequences illustrate the most frequently used methods of the placing of hands on changes in conformation and
unlocking them, based upon Master Murai's many years of clinical experience. Also, special attention is paid to denoting the
exact orientation of the practioner's hands.
Master Murai in explaining the above said, "To be specific, there are three ways of using (placing) the hands to adjust
the twelve flows. What I am teaching the students is just one of them".
The Ki-Ten 1-26 Sequences
In the course of devising methods of unlocking changes in conformation, Master Jiro Murai showed some basic methods of
unlocking the 26 KI-Ten. Various sequences are used according to each individual's changes in conformation. There are many
ways of unlocking such changes in conformation, depending upon the illness. This is the secret of Jin Shin Jyutsu. One must
not only learn where to start unlocking, but must also learn to observe changes in conformation.
When changes in conformation are very drastic, the flow runs as if it goes through gorges in steep hills. One must use
the hands to divert the flow into a tributary, hold it temporarily in a side stream, run the flow backward and release the
excess elsewhere, and so forth, so that one brings the flow back to normal by getting rid of the overflow first. The sequences
of unlocking Ki-Ten 1-26 shown here are the exemplary steps; they are standardized to make the difficult procedure of the
use of the hands feasible even for beginning students.
The 12 Tai-Eki Sequences
When there are few changes in conformation and, therefore, few hindrances to block the flow of the Tai-Eki, the ordinary
method of unlocking blockages is used. In such cases the flow pattern is almost normal. All one needs to do is enhance the
flow. This is done by using the 12 Tai-Eki sequences.
Unlocking Ki-Ten 14 on Ki-Eki Vertical Flow
Method of unlocking changes in conformation sit on the left side
A method of unlocking changes by unlocking Left 9 first, then sending the flow from Left 14 down to the left foot.
An alternate method of unlocking changes in conformation:
sit on the left side
Release the excess at Left 14 down to the right leg, and bring the flow back to normal by holding Left 1.
Ordinary method of unlocking blockages: sit on the left side
If 14 is stopped up, unlock it together with 15, the next one down.
The Ki-Eki Vertical Flows
The following method of running the Vertical flow is basic method of Jin Shin Jyutsu, using only the main Ki-Ten on the
Ki-Eki Vertical Flow to enhance the flow of Ki-Eki throughout the body, thereby improving the flow of the twelve Tai-Ekis,
and in turn, the flows of blood and lymph, and finally activating the working of the nervous system. The method was taught
by Master Murai in his last years, when he was devising the sequences for unlocking changes in conformation and special ways
of using the hands. Later, he published it in his textbooks and taught it to students.
Master Murai taught this method as the basic application of the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, saying, "When you apply JSJ for
the first time as home therapy, do only this method of running the Ki-Eki Vertical flows every day. Then, you will eventually
get well naturally." You can use this basic method without concerning yourself about the ordinary methods or methods of unlocking
changes in conformation of the Ki-Eki Vertical Flows.
How to circulate the Ki Eki Vertical Flow
(When the practitioner sits on the left side of the receiver)
Step 1
The first placement of the practitioner's right hand (RI) is on the receiver's right Ki-Ten 4, 11, & 12. The first
placement of the practitioner's left hand (LI) is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 20.
Step 2
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same (RI). The practitioner's second placement of the left hand (L2)
is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 21 (to the left side of his/her nose).
Step 3
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same (RI). The practitioner's 3rd placement of the left hand (L3) is
on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 22 (on the left chest).
Step 4
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same (RI). The 4th placement of the practitioner's left hand (L4) is
on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 15 (on the groin).
Step 5
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same (RI). The 5th placement of the practitioner's left hand (L5) is
on the receiver's right Ki-Ten 5 (on the right foot).
Step 6
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same (RI). The 6th placement of the practitioner's left hand (L6) is
on the receiver's right Ki-Ten (25) (on the right outer thigh).
Step 7
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same (L6). The 2nd placement of the practitioner's right hand (R2) is
on the receiver's right Ki-Ten 2 (on the right hip).
Step 8
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same (L6). The 3rd placement of the practitioner's right hand (R3) is
on the receiver's right Ki-Ten 9 (on the right back).
Step 9
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same (L6). The 4th placement of the practitioner's right hand (R4) is
on the indentation between the two muscles (long and short) that comprise the biceps.
Step 10
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same (L6). The 5th placement of the practitioner's right hand (R5) is
on the palm side of the receiver's right middle finger.
Step 11
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same (R5). The 7th placement of the practitioner's left hand (L7) is
on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 14 (on the left hypochondrium).
Using the Sequences
One is able to obtain immediate effects from the treatment if one observes changes of conformation and applies the art
of Jin Shin Jyutsu in an integrated way, utilizing professional knowledge of the art. However, it will take time if one applies
this method as a general home remedy. Master Murai warns that one should wait for eight hours (a minimum of six hours) to
apply Jin Shin Jyutsu a second time, if one wishes to treat twice a day. This time is needed for the cells to rest up. If
treatments are done without proper intervals, the effect is as if the receiver becomes intoxicated, having been treated for
too long, which can bring adverse effects.
When one applies acu-moxa, shiatsu, massage, chiropractic or seitai, sometimes it is necessary to move the patient's body.
This could be a problem with seriously ill persons. Jin Shin Jyutsu, however, can be applied to someone who is immobile in
the supipne position.
Using the Tai-Eki Sequences
Each of the twelve Tai-Eki flows has a time to be creating its flow. Each flow takes two hours to complete its route, and
the entire circle takes twenty-four hours (one day) to complete.
When you treat a seriously ill person, give the treatment on a particular flow when the flow is active, for example, work
on the Lung Flow between 4:00 - 6:00am, the Large Intestine flow between 6:00 - 8:00 am, the Stomach flow between 8:00 - 10:00
am, etc., until you have worked on all twelve flows in the course of twenty-four hours. This will enhance the twelve Tai-Eki
flows and contribute to longevity.
The Ki-Eki Sequences
In addition to making the entire length of the Ki-Eki flows run (Vertical Flows), there are methods of unlocking each individual
Ki-Ten. These sequences are shown in the following illustrations.
How to Unlock Ki-Ten 1 and 2
Unlocking Ki-Ten 1 is mainly used to treat leg malfunctions. When one has swollen and painful knee joints, this method
alleviates the swelling naturally overnight.
Unlocking Ki-Ten 2 is used when the Tai-Eki flows that ascend the body and the venous blood that ascends from the legs
to the heart do not circulate well. Master Murai explained that, "leg pain comes from two conditions. One is when a flow going
down to the leg does not go down properly because of changes in conformation along the way. The other is when a flow that
comes up from the leg stagnates on the way. Unlocking Ki-Ten 1 helps the deficient condition where the flow cannot go down
to the leg, and unlocking Ki-Ten 2 helps the excess condition where the flow is stagnated."
1 flow good for Knee joints, swelling. Heel to big toe 1 and 6 most troubled use 5,6,7,8 flow is used to release the same.
2 flow is good for 12 organs. Blood in the vein is not going back to the heart readily - excess in leg problem with flow up
or down. Cold below knee - blood not going down, if foot very cold - blood in vein not going up.
How to Unlock Ki-Ten 1
To work on the receiver's right side, the practitioner sits on the right side of the receiver.
Step 1
The first placement of the practitioner's left hand (L1) is on the receiver's right Ki-Ten 2 on the hip. The first placement
of the practitioner's right hand R1 is on the receiver's right Ki-Ten 1 on the knee.
Step 2
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 2nd placement of the pracitioner's right hand R2 is on the
receiver's right Ki-Ten 5 on the foot.
Step 3
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same (L1). The 3rd placement of the practitioner's right hand R3 is on
the receiver's right Ki-Ten 7 on the foot.
Escape route if blood. Vertical flow to unlock changes.
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 2
Sit on the right side - For left flow
Start with 25 then open 9 and 14
then 23,10,9,25,26
open escape route
more complex then do vertical flows to unlock changes
swelling in foot 2,23,9,10,26,3,4
How to Unlock Ki-Ten 2
To work on the receiver's left side, the practitioner sits on the right side
Step 1
The first placement of the practitioner's left hand L1 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 2 on the hip. The first placement
of the practitioner's right hand R1 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 6 on the foot.
Step 2
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 2nd placement of the practitioner's right hand R2 is on the
receiver's left Ki-Ten 8 on the knee.
Step 3
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 3rd placement of the practitioner's right hand R3 is on the
receiver's right Ki-Ten 5 on the foot.
Step 4
The 4th placement of the practitioner's right hand R4 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 2 on the back. The 2nd placement
of the practitioner's left hand L2 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 9 on the back.
Step 5
The practitioner's right hand placement R4 stays the same. The 3rd placement of thhe practitioner's left hand L3 is on
the receiver's left Ki-Ten 26 on the back.
Step 6
The practitioner's right hand placement R4 stays the same. The 4th placement of the practitioner's left hand L4 is on the
receiver's left Ki-Ten 3 on the shoulder.
Step 7
The practitioner's right hand placement R4 stays the same. The 5th placement of the practitioner's left hand L5 is on the
receiver's left Ki-Ten 4, 11 & 12 on the neck.
How to Unlock Ki-Ten 3
Ki-Ten is located in the area of Cervical Vertebra 7, Thoracic Vertebrae, 1,2 and 3 with Thoracic Vertebra 1 in the center.
This is an area that most easily gets tense and stiff. This is where all the effects of overuse of the hands, arms and fingers
come to be felt, because of the interlocking movement of the three joints in the shoulder, elbow and hand.
The Large Intestine and Small Intestine flows in Jin Shin Jyutsu go under Thoracic Vertebra 1 to the opposite shoulders.
When someone, such as musical instrument player or a typist uses the index finger - the start of the Large Intestine flow,
the thumb - the end of the Lung Flow, and the little finger - the start of the Small Intestine Flow, repetitively and diligently,
changes in conformation appear in the area of Ki-Ten 3 - in the shoulder area. This is because overuse of the fingers is transmitted
by the interlocking movement of the three joints on the arm. The changes in conformation, in turn, block the Tai-Eki flows,
which result in various symptoms. To treat this condition, one has to unlock Ki-Ten 3 first, since adjusting the Large and
Small Intestine flows alone does not easily rectify the problem.
Overuse of arms is related to fingers.
Back of tooth brush gently shave around inner 19 for muscle tension will release, then 3 flow.
Muscles like soft, gentle touch.
Most elbows problems changes in inner 19s. Wrists and shoulders show changes in conformation on 10 area full shoulder pain.
Innerconnectiveness of joints check leg movements is Ok.
Reelatively if no other changes of conformation shoulder and neck labels release excess through both arms and back.
Unlock favorite flows.
How to Unlock Ki-Ten 3
To work on the receiver's left side, the practitioner sits on the right side of the receiver.
Step 1
The practitioner's first left hand placement L1 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 3 on the back. The practitioner then places
his or her right hand on the receiver's hand in the following sequence.
A. The radial or thumb side of thhe proximal point of connection phalange on the index finger R1.
B. The radial side of the proximal phalange on the middle finger R2.
C. The radial side of the proximal phalange on the ring finger R3.
D. The radial side of the proximal phalange on the little finger R4.
Step 2
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 5th placement of the practitioner's right hand R5 is on the
receiver's right Ki-Ten 21 side of the nose.
Step 3
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 6th placement of the practitioner's right hand on the receiver
R6 is on the radial side of the forearm below the right elbow joint near acupoint LU5.
Step 4
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The practitioner places his or her right hand on the receiver's
right fingers in the following sequence.
A. the palm side of the thumb R7.
B. the palm side of the index finger R8.
C. the palm side of the middle finger R9.
D. the palm side of the ring finger R10.
E. the palm side of the little finger R11.
Step 5
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The practitioner's 12th right hand placement is on the inside
of the receiver's left thigh R12.
Step 6
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The practitioner's 13th right hand placement R13 is on the receiver's
right Ki-Ten 7 on the sole side of the big toe.
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 4
Sit on the left side
Step 1
L1 on 13 and R1 on 4
Step 2
R1 on 4 and L2 on 2
Step 3
L2 on 2 and R2 on ring finger
R2 on ring finger and L3 on big toe
(middle and index fingers bend unvoluntary)
Step 4
R3 on supraclavicular area L4 on lateral groin area
then L5 scapular area
Step 5 - use on special occasion
R4 on perianal area and L6 on index finger
L7 lower thoracic area back of adrenals
L8 mid occiput
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 5,6.7 & 8
Sit on the right side
To work on the receiver's left side
Step 1
The first placement of the practitioner's left hand L1 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 5 on the foot. The first placement
of the practitioner's right hand R1 is on the receiver's right Ki-Ten 15 on the groin.
Step 2-a
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 2nd placement of the practitioner's right hand R2 is on the
sole side of the receiver's left little toe.
Step 2-b
The 2nd placement of the practitioner's left hand L2 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 6 on the foot. The 3rd placement
of the practitioner's right hand R3 is on the sole side of the receiver's left 4th toe.
Step 2-c
The 3rd placement of the practitioner's left hand L3 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 5 on the foot. The 4th placement
of the practitioner's right hand R4 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 7 on the foot.
Step 3
The 4th placement of the practitioner's left hand L4 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 8 on the knee. The 5th placement
of the practitioner's right hand R5 is on the sole side of the receiver's right little toe.
Step 4
The 5th placement of the practitioner's left hand L5 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 2 on the hip. The 6th placement of
the practitioner's right hand R6 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 8 on the knee.
How to Unlock Ki-Ten 9
Ki-Ten 9 and 10 are the most frequently used points. Ki-Ten 9 is on the back side of the body, directly behind Ki-Ten 14
in the hypochondrium area. Ki-Ten 14 is in the area where important organs of digestion, such as the liver, gall bladder,
stomach, and pancreas, are located. It is often necessary to work on the back and the front in order to rectify the dysfunction
of these organs, hence the frequent use of Ki-Ten 9 and 10. Ki-Ten 9 is located at the juncture of the upper and lower body
where flexing and stretching movements occur, which also explains the frequent use of the point.
In Jin Shin Jyutsu it is explained that, when changes in conformation become extreme, the twelve Tai-Eki flow turn sideways
and flow in a horizontal band around the body connecting Ki-Ten 14 and 9.
Method on Unlocking Ki-Ten 9
Sit on the right side
To work on the receiver's left side
Step 1
The first placement of the practitioner's left hand L1 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 9 on the back. The first placement
of the practitioner's right hand R1 is on the anterior side of the elbow joint in the left upper arm of the receiver.
Step 2
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 2nd placement of the practitioner's right hand R2 is on the
receiver's left Ki-Ten 17 on the ulnar or little finger side of the wrist joint, at the indentation where the anterior and
posterior sides of the wrist meet.
Step 3
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The placement of the practitioner's right hand is as follows:
R3: on the thumb side of the proximal phalange of the receiver's left ring finger.
R4: on the thumb side of the proximal phalange of the receiver's left middle finger.
R5: on the thumb side of the proximal phalange of the receiver's left index finger.
If 23 done skip to Step 6
Step 4
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 6th placement of the practitioner's right hand R6 is on the
receiver's right Ki-Ten 5 inner ankle.
Step 5
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 7th placement of the practitioner's right hand is below the
receiver's left Ki-Ten 15 in the groin area on the medial line in the thigh R7.
Step 6
The practitioner's moves his or her right hand to the receiver's left Ki-Ten 9 on the back R8. The 2nd placement of the
practitioner's left hand L2 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 4, 11 & 12 on the neck.
then unlock with vertical
Step 7
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same R8. The 3rd placement of the practitioner's left hand L3 is on the
receiver's right Ki-Ten 21 in the nose area.
How to Unlock Ki-Ten 10
Ki-Ten 10 is located in the lung, trachea and heart area, and is used frequently to treat bronchitis, asthma-like coughing,
difficult breathing and heart disorders. To unlock Ki-Ten 10, one first releases the excess flow that has accumulated at Ki-Ten
10 down the opposite leg, and then loosens Ki-Ten 10 itselt. Because of this procedure, the practitioner needs to use the
right and left hands differently, and has to sit on one side of the receiver while releasing the flow to the leg, and on the
other side while loosening Ki-Ten 10 itself.
One application of this procedure is for a heart attack. To ease the pain, thhe practitioner holds the left Ki-Ten 10,
left little finger - the Heart flow, and the left ring finger - the Diaphragm flow, simultaneously. The heart is located in
the left side of the body, and only the left Ki-Ten 10 and left fingers are used.
To treat someone who is having difficulty breathing, sandwich Ki-Ten 10 on the back and Ki-Ten 13 on the chest to ease
the condition. The practitioner must use the opposite hands for this procedure, ie the practitioner's right hand on the receiver's
left chest, or the practitioner's left hand on the receiver's right chest.
Shiastsu masters 10 blocked in 50-60s develop bronchitis.
Step 1
Lower 10 for escape route L1-Low10
Step 2
Hardened place R2 bull's eye
How to Unlock Ki-Ten 10
Step 1
The practitioner sits on the right side of the receiver. The first placement of the practitioner's left hand L1 is on the
receiver's right Ki-Ten 10 on the back. The first placement of the practitioner's right hand R1 is on the receiver's left
Ki-Ten 1 on the leg.
Step 2
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 2nd placement of the practitioner's right hand R2 is on the
receiver's left 16 on the foot.
Step 3
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 3rd placement of the practitioner's right hand R3 is on the
receiver's left Ki-Ten 7 on the foot.
Step 4
The practitioner moves to the left side of the receiver's body. The 4th placement of the practitioner's right hand R4 is
on the receiver's right Ki-Ten 10. The 2nd placement of the practitioner's left hand L2 is on the indentation between the
two muscles in the receiver's right biceps, midway between top and bottom.
Step 5
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same R4. The 3rd placement of the practitioner's left hand L3 is on the
palm side of the receiver's right thumb.
Step 6
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same R4. The 4th placement of the practitioner's left hand L4 is on the
palm side of the receiver's right index finger.
Applications of Ki-Ten 10
Do heart flow on left side only because of the natural location of heart - to release tension in heart area
1. Heart Attack - treating others
The practitioner pupts the right hand on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 10 while holding receiver's left little and ring fingers
at the same time.
Cannot remove hand once started, until medical support.
To release tension in the heart area
2. Heart Attack - Mudra for treating oneself
Bending the right index and middle finger hold the base of the left little and ring fingers at the same time.
3. Difficulty Breathing
The practitioner puts his or her right hand on the receiver's left chest while placing the left hand on the receiver's
left Ki-Ten 10 on the back. Left chest, sit left; Right chest, sit right.
If still persisting one rib at a time.
Lightly more thoroughly go to 14 left side with right hand. Diagonal.
Left opposite 1
5,6,7 repeat step 3
How to Unlock Ki-Ten 11 & 12
This procedure is used to undo the tension in the neck muscles. The procedure is used often to loosen the tension in the
middle of the front and back sides of the neck.
Similar to the circulation of Ki-Ten Vertical flow, normal stiffness of the neck area is relieved by holding Ki-Ten 11
& 12 simultaneoulsy and releasing the Vertical flow to the anterior side of the body, from the chest to the abdomen to
the legs. However, when the stiffness is stubborn, one needs this special method of unlocking Ki-Ten 11 & 12 to loosen
the neck. When stiffness extends to the front and back of the neck, one needs to work in the following sequence to loosen
the knots:
1. the Front of the Neck
2. Ki-Ten 11 & 12
3. the Back of the Neck
4. the method of circulating the Vertical flow up to the steps which involve the Ki-Ten on the foot
When the severe stiffness not only throughout the neck but to the shoulder, back, hip and lower back areas, and to the
first and second lines of the Bladder flow, you first use the method of unlocking the Bladder flow, and last you unlock Ki-Ten
10, as preliminary work. After that, go through steps #1, #2, and #3 to remove all the knots in the neck. Finally, apply the
method of running the Ki-Eki Vertical flow. This will release the flow into the chest, abdomen, and leg. It takes time, but
one treatment usually gets the desired result.
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 11 & 12
Sit on the right side for Left flow
For neck pain, fullness on right do the right flow then add basic of unlocking Vertical flow - do not bring this up rather
let nature takes its course, then do the right of Vertical Flow.
How to Unlock Ki-Ten 11 & 12
To work on the receiver's left side, the practitioner sits on the right side of the receiver
Step 1
The first placement of the practitioner's left hand L1 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 11 & 12 on the back of the
neck. The first placement of the practitioner's right hand R1 is on the indentation formed in the middle of the receiver's
left biceps, midway between top and bottom.
Step 2
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 2nd placement of the practitioner's right hand R2 is on the
palm side of the receiver's left thumb.
Step 3
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 3rd placement of the practitioner's right hand R3 is on the
receiver's Ki-Ten 21 by the nose.
Step 4
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 4th placement of the practitioner's right hand R4 is on the
receiver's right temple.
Step 5
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 5th placement of the practitioner's right hand R5 is on the
receiver's right Ki-Ten 9 on the back.
Step 6
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The 6th placement of the practitioner's right hand R1 is on the
receiver's Ki-Ten 15 in the groin.
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 13
Sit on the right side
The upwards 13 flow starts at the nipple area and disperses to the opposite neck and head - temple and parietal area
Both right and left flow meet at the back of the skull occiput area and merges with the umbilicus, large intestine, small
intestine and main central flows.
Step 1
R1 on midsternum, L1 on mid scapular area
Step 2
R1 on mid sternum and L2 on T1 first thoracic vertebra
Step 3
L2 on 1st Thoracic Vertebra and R2 on upper 19 - deltoid area
then R3 on back of 19 - triceps area
Step 4
L2 on 1st thoracic vertebra
R4 on xiphoid area
Step 5
L3 on mid scapular area T10 area
R5 on Index and Middle finger for Large intestine and small intestine flow
Step 6
L3 on T11 area and R6 on index finger
then L4 on Lumbar area
then R7 on pubic area
Downward 14 flow collects and through the medial inguinal area flows to the opposite medial and frontal thigh.
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 14
Sit on the right side for left flow
Step 1
L1 on lower scapular area
R1 on front of the thigh
Step 2
L1 on lower scapular area
R2 on lateral ankle
Step 3
L1 on lower scapula and R3 on back of the thigh just under gluteal fold
Step 4
L1 on lower scapula and L2 on back of 19 triceps medial area
Step 5
L2 on back of 19 R4 on medial aspect of wrist ulnar area 17 area
Step 6
L3 on the opposite lower scapular area and R5 on the opposite frontal thigh area
Step 7
L3 on the same area and R6 the medial ankle of the opposite leg
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 15
Sit on the right side for Left flow
Step 1
R1 on sole aspect of medial foot and L1 on lateral aspect of frontal thigh
Step 2
L1 on the lateral aspect of frontal thigh and R2 lateral popliteal area
Step 3
R2 on lateral popliteal area and L2 on posterior iliac crest
Step 4
R2 on lateral popliteal area and L3 on posterior lower rib lower scapular area 9 area
followed by L4 middle of scapula 10 area
Step 5
L4 on 10 area middle of scapula and R3 on brachial area medial aspect
Step 6
R4 on thumb and L1 opposite lateral frontal thigh - the original start area
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 16,17,18 & 19
Sit on the left side for left flow
Step 1
Outer side of the little toe and R1 on the lateral ankle 16 area
Step 2
R1 on the lateral ankle 16 area and L2 on 25 area
Step 3
L2 on 25 area and R2 on brachial 19 area
Step 4
R2 on brachial 19 area L3 on medial wrist 17 area
Step 5
L4 on on 18 area thumb aspect of the wrist area
R3 on the frontal thigh
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 20,21 & 22
Sit on the left side for left flow
Step 1
L1 on 20 area near scalp line
R1 on 4 area
Step 2
R1 on 4 area lateral occiput and L2 on 21 area under the eye
Step 3
R1 on lateral occiput 4 area and L3 on 22 area mid calvicular area
Step 4
R1 on the 4 area lateral occiput and L4 on opposite index finger proximal joint
Step 5
R1 on 4 area lateral occiput and L5 on 14 area
Step 6
R1 on 4 area lateral occiput and L6 frontal thigh area
Step 7
R1 on the 4 area lateral occiput and L7 medial ankle 5 area
Step 8
R1 on occiput area and L8 on 10 area lower end of scapula
Step 9
L8 on the lower end of scapula and R2 17 area wrist ulnar aspect
How to Unlock Ki Ten 23
This procedure is used to loosen the stiffness and tension at BL23, the healing point for the kidneys, which coincides
with Ki-Ten 23 of Jin Shin Jyutsu. It takes some effort to loosen the stiffness of Ki-Ten 23 - BL23. Repeated application
of this procedure improves the flow and especially, circulation in the lower back, legs and feet.
There are times when a fever is imminent. Ki-Ten 23 is hardened at such times. You may treat this condition by putting
your hands on the receiver's Ki-Ten 23 and the same side Ki-Ten 10 simultaneously. Within five minutes the chill goes away
and shivers disappear. Then work on the opposite side Ki-Ten 23 and 10. This procedure yields amazingly quick results. The
practitioner sits on the same side as the Ki-Ten being treated. The hands do not cross the spine.
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 23
Sit on the right side for left flow
After Step 3 go to flow 9
How to Unlock Ki-Ten 23
To work on the receiver's left side, the practitioner sits on the receiver's right side
Step 1
The first placement of the practitioner's right hand R1 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 5 inner ankle. The first placement
of the practitioner's left hand L1 is on the receiver's left Ki-Ten 25 on the outside of the thigh.
Step 2
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same R1. The 2nd placement of the practitioner's left hand L2 is on the
receiver's right Ki-Ten 2 on the lower back.
Step 3
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same R1. The 3rd placement of the practitioner's left hand L3 is on the
receiver's left Ki-Ten 23 on the lower back.
Step 4
The 2nd placement of the practitioner's right hand R2 is on the top side of the receiver's right 4th toe. The practitioner's
left hand placement stays the same L3.
Step 5
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same R2. The 4th placement of the practitioner's left hand L4 is on the
receiver's left Ki-Ten 9 on the back.
Step 6
The 3rd placement of the practitioner's right hand R3 is on the back side of the receiver's left ring finger. The practitioner's
left hand placement stays the same L4.
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 24
Sit on the left side for left flow
Step 1
R1 on great toe and L1 on mid ankle 24 area
Step 2
L1 on mid ankle 24 area dorsal foot R2 on anterior 25
Step 3
R3 on 23 and L1 on mid ankle 24 dorsal foot
Step 4
L1 on dorsal mid ankle 24 area and R4 on 9 area lower scapular area
Step 5
R5 on 26 area and L1 on mid ankle 24 area
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 25 & 26
Sit on the right side for left flow
Step 1
R1 area is frontal 25 might find hardened ligament in the lateral aspect of the thigh
and L1 26 area - muscle that stretches when arm is raised
Step 2
L1 on the 26 area and R2 the ulnar area of wrist 17 area
hurts at the beginning when pressed
corner of the bottom ligament - hard as bone
Step 3
L1 in the 26 area R3 posterior elbow area - ligament in between the bones on the back, outside
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 26
Sit on the right side for left flow
Step 1
L1 on the ulnar side of the little and ring fingers
R on the 26 area knots along the shoulder blade
Step 2
R on the 26 area
L2 on opposite 21
Step 3
R on the 26 area
L3 on the brachial area lateral elbow
Step 4
R on the 26 area
L4 upper border of patella
Step 5
R on the 26 area
L5 on the 4 area lateral occiput
Method of Unlocking Ki-Ten 24 & 26
Sit on the right side for left flow
Have the receiver hold the root of the little fingers
Left hands on the 24 area with opposite 26 which is the muscle that stretches when arm is raised and follow with same side
26 and then opposite 24 - mid ankle dorsal foot
1. Unlock Ki-Ten 24 & 26 as a preliminary procedure when the receiver has too many symptoms to report, and when the
practitioner does not know where to start. This preliminary procedure will reveal where the root of the problem lies.
2. After one unlocks Ki-Ten 24 & 26, make sure to circulate the Main Central flow so that the left and right Tai Eki
flows are even.
How to Unlock the Back of the Neck
Used to Relieve the Tension alongside the Cervical Vertebrae
To work on the back of the left side of the receiver's neck, the practitioner sits on the receiver's right side
Step 1
The practitioner places his or her left hand on the tense area along the left side of the receiver's cervical vertebrae
inside Ki-Ten 4, 11 & 12 - L1. The practitioner places his or her right hand on the vertical line below the sei ketsu
at the corner of the radial side of the fingers of the receiver in the following order:
1. Thumb
2. Index finger
3. Middle finger
4. Ring finger
5. Little finger
Step 2
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L1. The practitioner places his or her right hand on the joints of
the palm side of the receiver's fingers in the following order:
1. Thumb
2. Index finger
3. Middle finger
4. Ring finger
5. Little finger
The joint between the proximal and distal phalanges on the thumbs; the joint between the proximal and middle phalanges
on the other fingers
May be used for those that have had a stroke
swollen glands or anything along this line
ear infection at the base of ear
tonsillitis, lower teeth extraction - helps blood go to proper places
Ki-Eki Sequences
How to Unlock the Front of the Neck
Method of Loosening the Tension in Sternomastoid Muscle
To work on the receiver's left front neck, the practitioner sits on the receiver's left side
Place the hand on the most tense area on the sternomastoid
Step 1
The first placement of the practitioner's right hand R1 is on the receiver's left front neck. The first placement of the
practitioner's left hand L1 is on the outer indentation of the receiver's left biceps on the upper arm.
Step 2
The placement of the practitioner's right hand stays the same R1. The practitioner places his or her hand on the receiver's
left fingers in the following order:
L2: the palm side of the thumb
L3: the radial side of the proximal phalange on the index finger - thumb side base and 1st joint
L4: the radial side of the proximal phalange on the middle finger
L5: the ulnar side of the proximal phalange on the ring finger - little finger side
L6: the ulnar side of the proximal phalange on the little finger
Step 3
The practitioner's left hand placement stays the same L6. The 2nd placement of the practitioner's right hand R2 is on the
receiver's left 14 in the hypochondrium area.
Step 4
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same R2. The 7th placement of the practitioner's left hand L7 is on the
inside of the receiver's right thigh. Very high # 1.
Step 5
The practitioner's right hand placement stays the same R2. The 8th placement of the practitioner's left hand L8 is on the
sole side of the receiver's right little toe.
The 9th placement of the practitioner's left hand L9 is on the sole side of the receiver's right 4th toe.
How to Unlock the Front and Back of the Neck
Abnormal tension along the cervical vertebrae is difficult to treat even with acumoxa, shiatsu, and seitai, but this special
Jin Shin Jyutsu method of unlocking the back of the neck is very effective on such a condition. This method is used often
to treat whiplash, when a tread-like tension of pencil-lead size exists along the cervical vertebrae.
When an individual complains that they cannot turn their neck because of stiff shoulders, or because the wrong posture
during sleep has caused a stiff neck, one finds extreme tension in the sternomastoid. This condition is hard to treat with
ordinary methods, but the special method of unlocking the front of the neck works wonders.
When you have applied this method and stiff feel that tension exists, do it as second time, and the difference will be
Method of Unlocking the Ki-Eki Main Central Flow
Sit on the right side
R1 on the xiphoid area
R2 on the tail bone
L1 on the lower thoracic vertebrae 23 area
L2 on the lower scapular area
L3 T4 vertebral area
L4 the lower cervical spines - 11 area
L5 the mid cervical spines - 12 area
L6 upper lumbar vertebrae
L7 mid occiput 4 area
L8 mid parietal area - Grant concourse GV20
L9 Pubic area - Have the receiver push the pubic bone toward the chest
R1/L1, L3 enhances appetite
R2/L7 enhances eyesight - brightness
Pubic symphysis warms the legs and feet
Method of Unlocking the Changes in Conformation on the Ki-Eki Main Central Flow
Where there is knot in the solar plexus
Sit on the right side
Step 1-1
R1 on xiphoid area and L1 below the Thoracic vertebrae 6 mid scapular area - hardened
Step 2
R1 on xiphoid area and L2 other hand on the ulnar
or little finger side of brachial area - the most protruding bone
Step 3
R1 on xiphoid area and L3 on the mid 19 frontal
Step 1-2
R2 on the pubic symphysis and L4 on the ulnar aspect of brachial area
The Tai-Eki Sequences
Including the Second Version of the Pathways Of the Twelve Organ Flows
Pathways of the Twelve Organ Flows, the Methods of Adjustment, Corrections, and step-by-step illustrations of some of the
most frequently used Adjustments.
Lung Flow
Tiger 4-6 am.
When the Liver Flow has ascended the body from the big toe and arrived at the stomach at 4:00am, it turns into the flow
that creates the lungs. It converges with the substance from the stomach, branches, and the main flow, then continues to ascend
the body, circulating through the lung, trachea, and acromium. As it flows down the arm it branches near the wrist. One branch
circles the thumbnail and the other circles the index fingernail, where it turns into the Large Intestine flow at 6:00am
The lungs occupy the majority of the chest cavity space, and are seperated into the left and right. The right lung has
three lobes, and the left two, which are attached to the 5th Thoracic Vertebra. The trachea branches out into two at the 5th
Thoracic Vertebra. The lower parts of the lungs touch the diaphragm. Numerous capillaries run from the inner to the outer
part of the trachea, and from the outer to the inner part of the blood vessels. The main Lung flow goes in and out of the
3rd Thoracic Vertebra. However, when the flow portal is narrowed due to overeating or over-exercise, the flow goes out the
1st Thoracic Vertebra and into the 10th Thoracic Vertebra.
When the portal narrows extremely, or when it closes, the Heart flow reverses its courses from the backside, which causes
illnesses in the lungs, trachea, hands, shoulders, back, and brain. There can be vomiting of blood. If the flow runs backward
in the chest cavity, it results in lung illness or asthma. If the flow reverses all the way to the hand, coughs and phlegm
result. If the flow runs backward on the neck, it causes epilepsy or insanity.
When the Lung Flow increases to above the normal level, the chest becomes enlarged. The lungs swell and become full. The
heart beats harder and faster. Coughs occur. Phlegm is produced, the nose gets stopped up. There is a pain in the lower part
of the breast. The inner side of the upper arm and inner elbow hurts. Both the shoulders and back hurt. The eyes become less
focused. The chest feels heavy. One feels chills, and night sweat occur. The wind feels as though it is blowing into the body.
Urination decreases while fever goes up. Schizophrenia can occur.
When this flow is deficient, one feels chilled on the shoulders and back, and they hurt. When compressed oxygen becomes
deficient (Ki Soku) the body becomes pale, and the body becomes moist. Spicy food increases the Lung flow, and decreases the
Liver flow. A pregnant woman prefers spicy food when her body is creating the fetus's lungs.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Lung
The Liver flow starts out at the line on the first phalange of the big toe at 2:00 am, goes up the inside of the ankle,
knee and thigh, past the umbilicus and into the stomach at 4:00am.
At 4:00am the Liver flow turns into the Lung flow in the stomach, and as it proceeds to the lungs, it converges with the
substance that is derived from the food that has been turned into thin gruel in the stomach and distributes part of the flow
on the outside of the large intestines.
The remaining main flow goes through the diaphragm and enters the lung from the bottom part of the lung, circulates through
the lung, goes to the trachea, comes out to the first rib and to the acromion area, goes into the inner indendation of the
base of the arm and into the axilla, down on the lateral side of the arm and the outer edge of the medial side of the elbow,
and branches out into 2 branches approximately five inches from the wrist - ie proximal to the wrist.
The first branch reaches the inner - medial side of the thumb nail, circles the nail and creates the thumb. The other branch
circles the nail from the inner -medial corner of the index finger, and turns into the Large Intestine flow at the outer lateral
corner of the nail at 6:00 am and continues upward.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Lung
Sit on the left side for left flow
Left hand on 14
R1 on lateral 22
R2 on mid 19
R3 on 18
R4 on TV 1 - thoracic vertebra
R5 on opposite 22
R6 on 13
Lung Correction
C3,4 & 5 - Deflates enlarged lungs
T3 & T4 - Expand the shrunken lungs
C7 & T1 - Decreases the blood in the lungs
To increase the blood supply to the lungs, melt out the disorder at T10 to bring it back to normal.
To rectify a deficiency in inhaling, press rib 9 and 10.
When exhaling is deficient, press ribs 2,3 and 4.
How to Adjust the Lung
Sit on the left side for left flow
R L acupoint LU1 below collarbone on upper chest
R L middle of upper arm - deltoid
R L acupoint LU7 on the left forearm
R L3 the subsequent steps are to enhance the circulation of the Large Intestine flow.
R R22
R R13
Large Intestine Flow
Rabbit 6-8am
When the Lung Flow reaches the index finger at 6:00 am, it turns into the flow that creates the large intestine. It flows
up the arms, crossing the center line of the back at T1, goes around the neck and descends the front of the upper body. As
it descends, it branches and a part flows back up to the head, crosses the center line under the nose, and at 8:00 am at the
cheekbone turns into the flow that creates the stomach.
The large intestine originates in the right iliac cavity, and ends at the anus. It constitutes one fifth of the entire
intestines, and contains the cecum, colon and rectum. The large intestines circles the naval in a clockwise direction.
When the Large Intestine Flow increases to above the normal level, the cheeks swell. The eyes turn yellow, teeth ache,
the nose bleeds. The throat becomes numb, and may swell. The index fingers bend and will not straighten out. The front of
the shoulder aches, the upper arm aches, and the area where the pulses are taken becomes hot and swollen.
When this flow is deficient, goose pimples may appear on various parts of the body, and they do not easily go away. When
this flow becomes extremely deficient, the arm becomes nonfunctional.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Large Intestine
The Lung Flow reaches the inside tip of the index finger at 6:00am and turns into the flow that creates the large intestine.
It starts at the tip of the nail, goes up the outer arm and around the shoulder to T1, where the flow that comes from the
right arm crosses the flow that comes from the left arm, then goes under the spine and comes out onto the other side. It then
goes around the neck, down to the chest and comes up onto the skin surface, then branches into 2 flows at the breast area.
The first flow goes into the lung, passes through the lung, goes through the diaphragm, and disperses to the outside of
the large intestine in a semi-circle a half inch from the side of the umbilicus.
The second flow goes into the throat and the lower gum, then comes back out to the side of the mouth, curves round one
side of the face, goes from under the nose out to the opposite side of the nostril, along the side of the cheek bone and turns
into the flow that creates the stomach at 8:00 am.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Large Intestine
Sit on the right side for left flow
L1,2 & 3 - Shrinks the intestine
T10 & 11 - Builds up the intestine
L3,4 & 5 - Stops diarrhea
T8,9 & 10 - the right side of these flows with left inner thigh - Eliminates constipation
To normalize the sigmoid flexure, melt the disorder at T11
How to Adjust the Large Intestine Flow
Sit on the right side for left flow
The first places which the practitioner holds are the receiver's Ki-Ten 3 and the index finger, the originating point of
the Large Intestine Flow. These are the two places on the flow where changes in conformation are most likely to occur.
Next, the practitioner will hold Ki-Ten 13, where the branch of the Large Intestine Flow that circulates in the Large Intestine
and the branch that goes up from the breast to the face separate.
The third hand placement is on Ki-Ten 14, which is used to enhance the flow into the large intestine. If there are abnormalities
manifested in the large intestine, one may extend the placement of the hand down to the area of the large intestine. The fourth
and fifth hand placements are on the terminating point of the Large Intestine Flow by the side of the nose, and Ki-Ten 22.
These points are used to enhance the flow and to take it on to the next flow, the Stomach Flow. One places the hands on the
pivotal points along the Tai-Eki pathways to ensure that the flow circulates smoothly without stagnation.
Stomach Flow
Dragon 8-10am
When the Large Intestine Tai-Eki reaches the cheekbone at 8:00am, it turns into the flow that creates the Stomach. It circulates
through the cheeks, and twice crosses over to the opposite sides of the face: once at the bridge of the nose, and again at
the base of the chin. It then descends the body, crossing the center line twice more, its branches circulating through the
stomach, pancreas and gall bladder, and both kidneys. Two branches of the flow go down each lower leg, dividing once more
in the foot, and arriving at the first three toes. At 10:00am in the big toe the Stomach Flow becomes the flow that creates
the spleen.
Stomach illnesses are caused by constant over-abundance of food, overeating, eating the wrong food, eating at the wrong
time, or not spending enough time eating. Additionally, stomach disorders can be caused by too much smoking, or by using one's
hands and arms excessively. Conversely, stiff shoulders can be caused by stomach malfunctions. A stiff left shoulder comes
from a deficiency of pancreatic juice, and a stiff right shoulder from a deficiency of bile.
When a Stomach Flow increases to above the normal level, depression and insanity can set in. The skin becomes warm and
perspires. The nose becomes stuffed, and there may be nosebleeds. The mouth becomes dry and the lips crack. The facial complexion
darkens, the head aches. The neck may swell and the throat becomes numb. The abdomen retains water, the kneecaps swell and
ache. The upper part of the breast swells. The appendix area, the back side of the outer ankles, and insteps hurt. The inner
thighs hurt. The middle fingers bend and will not straighten out. The front half of the body becomes hot while the back half
becomes cold. The body may shiver from chill. When the flow further increases, the appetite increases tremendously due to
a malfunctioning stomach, the body turns yellow, and then diseases can set in.
When this flow is deficient, the front half of the body becomes cold and goose bumps appear. The inside of the stomach
becomes cold, the body feels cold, and the abdomen swells. The stomach feels full, cold and bloated.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Stomach
The Large Intestine Flow reaches the cheekbone at 8:00am and turns into the flow that creates the stomach. It starts at
the cheek bone, goes up from above the nose to the center between the eyebrows, then down to the bottom of the opposite eye,
along the jaw bone and to the front of the opposite ear. It then reaches the corner of the head, turns in the direction of
the eye, goes through the throat and reaches the chest, then branches into 2 A and B flows at the acromion area.
The first flow A goes inward and directly to the stomach, then branches out into 2 a and b branches in the stomach. Branch
a goes into the umbilicus, down the inner thigh and converges with B on the outer side of the knee. The right b flow goes
down to the pancreas, and the left b flow goes down to the gall bladder. Each flow goes to the kidney on its respective side,
comes out of the kidney to the back, and disperses at T12. B flow goes from the acromion directly down to the abdomen, comes
out to the groin at 1 inch from the umbilicus and converges with A, then down to the inner thigh, and, at 3 inches above the
knee, comes out and flows to the lower outer edge of the knee, and branches into c and d. c runs on the outside of the front
of the leg to the third toe. d goes down the back of the leg and branches into two; one goes to the second toe and the other
goes to the outside corner of the first - big toe and changes into the flow that creates the spleen at 10:00am.
The flow goes to the same side of the leg but during session hold the opposite leg as bypass.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Stomach
Sit on the left side for left flow
Stomach Correction
C7 - Shrinks esophagus
T5 - Enlarges esophagus
T6 - Enlarges pylorus
T11 - Enlarges stomach
L5 - Shrinks stomach
T1,6,9 & 11 and so on - Stop a stomachache. The treatment depends on the pain.
How to Adjust the Stomach Flow
The pathways of the Jin Shin Jyutsu stomach flow, unlike those of the acu-moxa stomach meridian, go not only through the
same side hypochondrium area but also to Ki-Ten 14 on the opposite side hypochondrium area, and through the opposite side
kidney. The flow also goes from Ki-Ten 14 on the same side to the opposite inner thigh, down the outer leg below the knee,
then to the foot in two branches.
The practitioner places the right hand on the originating point of the flow - by the left side of the nose - with the hand
pointing toward the direction of the foot.
Sit on the left side for left flow
Step 1
R left side of nose on acupoint - thumb points down
L1 1
L indentation below L collar
Step 2
L left side of nose on acupoint
Step 3
L left side of nose on acupoint
Step 4
L left side of nose on acupoint
Step 5
L left side of nose on acupoint
R inner thigh
Step 6
R left side of nose on acupoint
R lower leg on acupoint ST 36
Step 7
L left side of nose on acupoint
R7 on the sole side of the big toe
Spleen Flow
Snake 10-12pm
When the Stomach Flow rounds the big toe at 10:00am and arrives at the medial inner edge of the big toe nail, it turns
into the flow that creates the spleen. It ascends the legs and the front of the body, divides, and a branch enters the heart
at noon where it turns into the flow that creates the heart.
The Spleen Flow together with the adrenal glands creates the nerve flow and the whit blood cells. When one eats too many
sweets, the Spleen Flow increases and the spleen becomes enlarged, while the Kidney Flow decreases. The spleen is attached
to T11.
When the Spleen Flow increases to above the normal level, the root of the tongue hardens and hurts, the voice comes out
with difficulty, and one may become mute and deaf. Eating can cause nausea and vomiting. Food does not seem to go down, there
can be sudden pain in the stomach. One yawns a lot, and the body feels heavy. Energies drain from the body and one feels lethargic.
The chest can feel disturbed. When one is upset the lower part of the heart hurts, and the entire body feels cold and deficient.
Blood clots can form in the abdomen. Women develop leucorrhea. Jaundice can develop. One becomes numb on the inner side of
the kneecap and the groin when standing up.
When the Spleen Flow is deficient, one generally develops anemia. The thumb can bend and will not straighten out.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Spleen
The Stomach Flow that reaches the outer side lateral of the big toe goes to the inside medial edge of the big toe nail
and turns into the flow that creates the spleen at 10:00am. It goes on up from the edge of the nail to the inner ankle, under
the ankle and comes out from under the heel. It then ascends the inner leg between the lower leg bones on the fibula side,
then goes by the inside of the back of the knee to the groin. It then branches out into A and B at the joint of the ninth
rib. A curves again and goes up toward the back, then toward the throat and disperses at the root of the tongue. B circumscribes
the outside of the stomach, goes up the middle of the chest, and enters the heart. It turns into the flow that creates the
heart at the third rib at noon.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Spleen
Sit on the left side for left flow
R1 on the tail bone
1 on medial ankle
2 on opposite 14
3 on same side 22 subclavicular
4 on the opposite side supraclavicular 22
Spleen Correction
T1 & L2 & 3 - Decreases Spleen Flow
T10, 11 & 12 - Increases Spleen Flow
The portal for the Spleen Flow is T11. When this portal is closed, the Liver Flow runs backward into the Spleen Flow, which
in turn pushes the Spleen Flow back into the Kidney Flow and causes great harm. The spleen, similar to the stomach, expands
and contracts.
Large Intestine Flow
Rabbit 6-8am
When the Lung Flow reaches the index finger at 6:00 am, it turns into the flow
that creates the large intestine. It flows up the arms, crossing the center line of the back at T1, goes around the neck and
descends the front of the upper body. As it descends, it branches and a part flows back up to the head, crosses the center
line under the nose, and at 8:00 am at the cheekbone turns into the flow that creates the stomach.
The large intestine originates in the right iliac cavity, and ends at the anus.
It constitutes one fifth of the entire intestines, and contains the cecum, colon and rectum. The large intestines circles
the naval in a clockwise direction.
When the Large Intestine Flow increases to above the normal
level, the cheeks swell. The eyes turn yellow, teeth ache, the nose bleeds. The throat becomes numb, and may swell. The index
fingers bend and will not straighten out. The front of the shoulder aches, the upper arm aches, and the area where the pulses
are taken becomes hot and swollen.
When this flow is deficient, goose pimples may appear on various parts of the body,
and they do not easily go away. When this flow becomes extremely deficient, the arm becomes nonfunctional.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Large Intestine
The Lung Flow reaches the inside tip of the index finger at 6:00am and turns into
the flow that creates the large intestine. It starts at the tip of the nail, goes up the outer arm and around the shoulder
to T1, where the flow that comes from the right arm crosses the flow that comes from the left arm, then goes under the spine
and comes out onto the other side. It then goes around the neck, down to the chest and comes up onto the skin surface, then
branches into 2 flows at the breast area.
The first flow goes into the lung, passes through the lung, goes through the diaphragm,
and disperses to the outside of the large intestine in a semi-circle a half inch from the side of the umbilicus.
The second flow goes into the throat and the lower gum, then comes back out to
the side of the mouth, curves round one side of the face, goes from under the nose out to the opposite side of the nostril,
along the side of the cheek bone and turns into the flow that creates the stomach at 8:00 am.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Large Intestine
Sit on the right side for left flow
L1,2 & 3 - Shrinks the intestine
T10 & 11 - Builds up the intestine
L3,4 & 5 - Stops diarrhea
T8,9 & 10 - the right side of these flows with left inner
thigh - Eliminates constipation
To normalize the sigmoid flexure, melt the disorder at T11
How to Adjust the Large Intestine Flow
Sit on the right side for left flow
The first places which the practitioner holds are the receiver's Ki-Ten 3 and the
index finger, the originating point of the Large Intestine Flow. These are the two places on the flow where changes in conformation
are most likely to occur.
Next, the practitioner will hold Ki-Ten 13, where the branch of the Large Intestine
Flow that circulates in the Large Intestine and the branch that goes up from the breast to the face separate.
The third hand placement is on Ki-Ten 14, which is used to enhance the flow into
the large intestine. If there are abnormalities manifested in the large intestine, one may extend the placement of the hand
down to the area of the large intestine. The fourth and fifth hand placements are on the terminating point of the Large Intestine
Flow by the side of the nose, and Ki-Ten 22. These points are used to enhance the flow and to take it on to the next flow,
the Stomach Flow. One places the hands on the pivotal points along the Tai-Eki pathways to ensure that the flow circulates
smoothly without stagnation.
Stomach Flow
Dragon 8-10am
When the Large Intestine Tai-Eki reaches the cheekbone at 8:00am, it turns into
the flow that creates the Stomach. It circulates through the cheeks, and twice crosses over to the opposite sides of the face:
once at the bridge of the nose, and again at the base of the chin. It then descends the body, crossing the center line twice
more, its branches circulating through the stomach, pancreas and gall bladder, and both kidneys. Two branches of the flow
go down each lower leg, dividing once more in the foot, and arriving at the first three toes. At 10:00am in the big toe the
Stomach Flow becomes the flow that creates the spleen.
Stomach illnesses are caused by constant over-abundance of food, overeating, eating
the wrong food, eating at the wrong time, or not spending enough time eating. Additionally, stomach disorders can be caused
by too much smoking, or by using one's hands and arms excessively. Conversely, stiff shoulders can be caused by stomach malfunctions.
A stiff left shoulder comes from a deficiency of pancreatic juice, and a stiff right shoulder from a deficiency of bile.
When a Stomach Flow increases to above the normal level, depression and insanity
can set in. The skin becomes warm and perspires. The nose becomes stuffed, and there may be nosebleeds. The mouth becomes
dry and the lips crack. The facial complexion darkens, the head aches. The neck may swell and the throat becomes numb. The
abdomen retains water, the kneecaps swell and ache. The upper part of the breast swells. The appendix area, the back side
of the outer ankles, and insteps hurt. The inner thighs hurt. The middle fingers bend and will not straighten out. The front
half of the body becomes hot while the back half becomes cold. The body may shiver from chill. When the flow further increases,
the appetite increases tremendously due to a malfunctioning stomach, the body turns yellow, and then diseases can set in.
When this flow is deficient, the front half of the body becomes cold and goose
bumps appear. The inside of the stomach becomes cold, the body feels cold, and the abdomen swells. The stomach feels full,
cold and bloated.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Stomach
The Large Intestine Flow reaches the cheekbone at 8:00am and turns into the flow
that creates the stomach. It starts at the cheek bone, goes up from above the nose to the center between the eyebrows, then
down to the bottom of the opposite eye, along the jaw bone and to the front of the opposite ear. It then reaches the corner
of the head, turns in the direction of the eye, goes through the throat and reaches the chest, then branches into 2 A and
B flows at the acromion area.
The first flow A goes inward and directly to the stomach, then branches out into
2 a and b branches in the stomach. Branch a goes into the umbilicus, down the inner thigh and converges with B on the outer
side of the knee. The right b flow goes down to the pancreas, and the left b flow goes down to the gall bladder. Each flow
goes to the kidney on its respective side, comes out of the kidney to the back, and disperses at T12. B flow goes from the
acromion directly down to the abdomen, comes out to the groin at 1 inch from the umbilicus and converges with
A, then down to the inner thigh, and, at 3 inches above the knee, comes out and flows to the lower outer edge of the
knee, and branches into c and d. c runs on the outside of the front of the leg to the third toe. d goes down the back of the
leg and branches into two; one goes to the second toe and the other goes to the outside corner of the first - big toe and
changes into the flow that creates the spleen at 10:00am.
The flow goes to the same side of the leg but during session hold the opposite
leg as bypass.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Stomach
Sit on the left side for left flow
Stomach Correction
C7 - Shrinks esophagus
T5 - Enlarges esophagus
T6 - Enlarges pylorus
T11 - Enlarges stomach
L5 - Shrinks stomach
T1,6,9 & 11 and so on - Stop a stomachache. The treatment depends on the pain.
How to Adjust the Stomach Flow
The pathways of the Jin Shin Jyutsu stomach flow, unlike those of the acu-moxa
stomach meridian, go not only through the same side hypochondrium area but also to Ki-Ten 14 on the opposite side hypochondrium
area, and through the opposite side kidney. The flow also goes from Ki-Ten 14 on the same side to the opposite inner thigh,
down the outer leg below the knee, then to the foot in two branches.
The practitioner places the right hand on the originating point of the flow - by
the left side of the nose - with the hand pointing toward the direction of the foot.
Sit on the left side for left flow
Step 1
R left side of nose on acupoint - thumb points down
L1 1
L indentation below L collar
Step 2
L left side of nose on acupoint
Step 3
L left side of nose on acupoint
Step 4
L left side of nose on acupoint
Step 5
L left side of nose on acupoint
R inner thigh
Step 6
R left side of nose on acupoint
R lower leg on acupoint ST 36
Step 7
L left side of nose on acupoint
R7 on the sole side of the big toe
Spleen Flow
Snake 10-12pm
When the Stomach Flow rounds the big toe at 10:00am and arrives at the medial inner
edge of the big toe nail, it turns into the flow that creates the spleen. It ascends the legs and the front of the body, divides,
and a branch enters the heart at noon where it turns into the flow that creates the heart.
The Spleen Flow together with the adrenal glands creates the nerve flow and the
whit blood cells. When one eats too many sweets, the Spleen Flow increases and the spleen becomes enlarged, while the Kidney
Flow decreases. The spleen is attached to T11.
When the Spleen Flow increases to above the normal level, the root of the tongue
hardens and hurts, the voice comes out with difficulty, and one may become mute and deaf. Eating can cause nausea and vomiting.
Food does not seem to go down, there can be sudden pain in the stomach. One yawns a lot, and the body feels heavy. Energies
drain from the body and one feels lethargic. The chest can feel disturbed. When one is upset the lower part of the heart hurts,
and the entire body feels cold and deficient. Blood clots can form in the abdomen. Women develop leucorrhea. Jaundice can
develop. One becomes numb on the inner side of the kneecap and the groin when standing up.
When the Spleen Flow is deficient, one generally develops anemia. The thumb can
bend and will not straighten out.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Spleen
The Stomach Flow that reaches the outer side lateral of the big toe goes to the
inside medial edge of the big toe nail and turns into the flow that creates the spleen at 10:00am. It goes on up from the
edge of the nail to the inner ankle, under the ankle and comes out from under the heel. It then ascends the inner leg between
the lower leg bones on the fibula side, then goes by the inside of the back of the knee to the groin. It then branches out
into A and B at the joint of the ninth rib. A curves again and goes up toward the back, then toward the throat and disperses
at the root of the tongue. B circumscribes the outside of the stomach, goes up the middle of the chest, and enters the heart.
It turns into the flow that creates the heart at the third rib at noon.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Spleen
Sit on the left side for left flow
R1 on the tail bone
1 on medial ankle
2 on opposite 14
3 on same side 22 subclavicular
4 on the opposite side supraclavicular 22
Spleen Correction
T1 & L2 & 3 - Decreases Spleen Flow
T10, 11 & 12 - Increases Spleen Flow
The portal for the Spleen Flow is T11. When this portal is closed, the Liver Flow
runs backward into the Spleen Flow, which in turn pushes the Spleen Flow back into the Kidney Flow and causes great harm.
The spleen, similar to the stomach, expands and contracts.
Heart Flow
Horse 12-2 pm
When the Spleen Flow enters the heart at 12 noon it turns into the flow that creates
the heart. It then goes out the four exits of the heart. These flows and their branches circulate the torso, arms and head.
The flow that reaches the tipof the little finger at 2:00pm turns into the flow that creates the small intestine.
When the Heart Flow increases to above the normal level, the eyes turn yellow.
The armpits, upper arms, and the back side of the inner elbow hurt. The throat becomes dry and one chokes up and coughs. The
solar plexus hurts, one craves food and drink, the heart area hurts, the side of the body aches. The palms become hot and
feverish, and hurt.
When this flow becomes deficient, anemia causes one to faint. Bitter taste increases
the Heart Flow and decreases the Lung Flow.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Heart
The Spleen Flow goes from the third rib to the heart, enters the heart, and turns
into the flow that creates the heart at noon. It then goes out the four exits in the heart.
Flow #1 goes from the heart directly into the lung, circulates inside the lung
and branches into A and B. A goes into Thoracic Vertebra 3 and comes out to the chest. B goes downward, turns to the back
at the side of the axilla, goes across the center line at Thoracic Vertebra 7 and enters the opposite kidney.
Flow #2 goes out the lower exit of the heart, through the diaphragm, and enters
into the small intestine one inch above the umbilicus.
Flow #3 goes upward from the third rib, sandwiches the throat with the opposite
flow, goes through the eye, and enters the cerebrum.
Flow #4 goes up the chest a little way and the left flow enters the left lung and
the right flow enters the right lung. The flow then goes through the trachea, comes out to the axilla, goes down the outside
of the inner upper arm, comes out to the inside of the elbow and goes down to the backside of the inner tip of the little
finger, through and out of the nail and turns into the flow that creates the small intestine at 2:00pm.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Heart
Sit on the right side for left flow
R1 on little finger
R2 opposite 22 subclavicular
R3 right lateral quadrant
R4 right groin area
R5 opposite knee medial aspect
R6 medial ankle
R7 sole of the feet medial aspect
Heart Correction
C6 - Contracts the main arteries
T5 - Contracts the heart
T8, T9 - Enhances heart functions
T2 - Slows down the heart
T1 - Stops pain in the heart
Hold the left big toe with the right thumb to slow and calm the heart.
Hold the right big toe with the left thumb to increase the heartbeat.
Small Intestine Flow
Sheep 2-4pm
When the Heart Flow reaches the inner corner of the little fingernail at 2pm it
turns into the flow that creates the small intestine. From the little finger it ascends the outer arm and crosses to the opposite
side shoulder and branches at the acromium. One branch goes through the heart and stomach, and disperses. In the intestine
it will converge again to form a new flow. The other branch ascends to the head and divides at the cheek. One branch goes
to the top corner of the head and at 4:00pm turns into the flow that creates the bladder.
The length of the small intestine is four fifths of the entire intestine. It measures
about thirty-three feet. The bottom portal of the stomach is the upper portal of the small intestine. Food and drink are filtered
in the small intestine, and the liquid goes to the bladder while the solid matter goes on to the large intestine.
When the Small Intestine Flow increases to above the normal level, one becomes
deaf. The eyeballs turn yellow and protrude (Basedow's disease). The throat and cheeks swell, and can hurt. Tonsillitis can
develop. One coughs up lumpy phlegm (sometimes dark colored) in the morning. One feels as if the neck is being wrung. The
feet become extremely cold, The neck, chin, shoulders, upper arms, outer elbows and inner elbows all ache.
When this flow is deficient, one loses the strength to lift heavy things. The voice
becomes hoarse. Rheumatism develops. Blood spots form on the outer skin.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Small Intestine
The Heart Flow that reaches the inner corner of the little finger turns into the
flow that creates the small intestine at 2:00pm. It goes up the outer arm from the outside corner of the nail, comes out to
the back of the shoulder, where the right and left flows cross. They then go out to the opposite side shoulders and branch
into A and B at the acromion area.
A goes down diagonally and inward from the breast area, enters the heart, comes
out of the heart reaches the stomach and disperses.
B goes up to the head, comes out at the cheek and branches into a and b
a goes from the corner of the eye into the ear
b goes up from the cheek through the indented area below the eye, along the side
of the nose up to the opposite top corner of the head and turns into the flow that creates the bladder at 4:00pm.
A, which dispersed on the outside of the stomach, then goes into the intestine,
where the left and right flows converge and form a new flow. This flow is colorless and viscous. It turns the starch in food
into sugars, and it also transforms fiber into peptone and emulsifies sucrose and fat. This milky substance is called chyle.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Small Intestine
Sit on the right side for left flow
R1 right 13 chest
R2 right 19 brachial region
R3 left knew 1 area
R4 Left big toe
Bladder Flow
Monkey 4-6pm
The Small Intestine Flow that goes to the corner of the head turns into the flow
that creates the bladder at 4:00pm. The left and right flows cross at the hair whirl on the back of the head, then descend
the back of the body, seperating into three branches on each side of the torso. The Third Bladder Line, unique to Jin Shin
Jyutsu, has its own specific adjustment. These six flows merge into two as they continue their descent down the back of the
body, and at 6:00pm the Bladder Flow reaches the outside of the fifth toe and turns into the flow that creates the kidneys.
When the Bladder Flow increases to above the normal level, one may develop a piercing
headache. The entire head, and the top of the head, forehead, and nape of the neck all hurt. The eyes hurt and are pulled
so that they roll upward and backward in the head. The eyeballs may turn yellow and bloody lines can appear. Tears run from
the eyes. The nose becomes stuffy and bleeds. The neck feels as if it is being yanked. The little fingers bend and will not
straighten out. The lower back feels full and heavy. The back hurts. The thighs become stiff and may swell up as if the bones
have been broken. The back of the knee will not bend. The calves feel as if they are knotted, or are splitting apart. Hemorrhoids
develop. Epilepsy develops. Insanity follows.
If the Bladder Flow changes its course due to an increase in the volume, it causes
strong neuralgia in the abdomen, shoulders, hands and arms, face, etc. One has a prickling or tearing pain. Tears won't stop
flowing. Styes appear in the outer corners of the eyes and become infected. There may be a disorder in the urinary tract or
in the genitals six months after the stye appears. The cheeks and teeth ache and become infected. One cannot raise the arms
as far as the head, nor rotate them toward the back.
When this flow is deficient, anemia develops due
to an increase in white blood cells.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Bladder
The Small Intestine Flow that goes to the corner of the head turns into the flow
that creates the bladder at 4:00pm. It starts out at the corner of the head, goes across diagonally and reaches the hair whirl
on the back of the head, where the right and left flows cross, then branches into A and B.
A goes across to the ear lobe and disperses.
B goes into the brain at the edge of the back of the skull, comes back out of the
brain and then branches into a and b.
a goes vertically down the spine one inch from the spine and enters the coccyx,
then goes into the bladder. As it goes downward, it curves inward at the coccyx and goes up, then branches into e and f.
e goes into the kidney, comes out to the back and then into the bladder and goes
f goes down along the lumbar spine, comes out to the side of the coccyx, behind
the anus, then goes down and into the back bend of the knee and merges with c.
b branches into d and c at the back side of the shoulder.
d goes down the vertical muscles alongside the spine, running 1 1/2 inches away
from the spine, to the ischium, where it merges with c.
c goes down the outer side of the vertical muscles along the spine, 3 inches away
from the spine and, as it goes down to the thigh, merges with d at the ischium, then through the thigh and into the back bend
of the knee, where it merges with f, then goes down the outer leg and the outer ankle, reaches the outside of the little toe
and turns into the flow that creates the kidneys at 6:00pm.
Bladder Correction
Temporary without using Ki-Eki stimulates nerve. Nerve fatique.
Stimulating 2nd line Bladder Flow slightly below each vertebra 1/2 inch from spine
T8 & 9 - Stimulates bladder
T10,11 & 12 - Enlarge ureter
L3, 4 & 5 - Contracts bladder
L1,2 & 3 - Contracts bladder artery
T10,11 & 12 - Enlarges uterus
S1,2 & 3 - Disorders of the genitals
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Bladder
Sit on the right side for left flow
L - occiptal area
R1 - 25 area
R2 - popliteal area
R3 - back of the ankle - achilles tendon
R4 - 2nd lumbar area
R5 - 23 area
R6 - mid scapular area 10 area
R7 - acromian process back of the shoulders
How to Adjust the Bladder Flow
In this method of adjustment, one induces the flow to circulate from the top of
the head down to the toes along the first and second lines of the Bladder Flow. The places one uses are Ki-Ten 4-11-12, 3,
10, 9, 23, the side of the coccyx area where the second and third lines merge, a point on the back of the knee where the first
line and the others merge, and Ki-Ten 16 on the foot. This method is used to relieve the tension that extends all the way
from the back of the neck down to the lower back. The tense area feels like a single piece of board. First, one prepares an
"escape route" for the Tai-Eki to flow from the lower back area down to the tip of the toes. One then loosens the stiffness,
working one's way up, in the order of Ki-Ten 23,9,10, and 3.
In some cases, when the tension exits only in the upper shoulder Ki-Ten 3 and the
back shoulder Ki-Ten 10, one may open up the pathway from above and move down, in the order of Ki-Ten 10,9 and 23. The practitioner
must use the appropriate method according to the change in conformation that is present at the time.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Third Line of the Bladder
This method is one of the secrets of Jin Shin Jyutsu which is used when the first
and second lines of the Bladder Flow are absolutely stiffened from the neck down to the lower back, a condition which has
stagnated and strained the Bladder Flow.
First, one loosens and releases the knots in the neck and shoulders down through
the legs by working on the 3rd line of the Bladder Flow. After that, one does the ordinary adjustment method on the 1st and
2nd lines of the Bladder Flow. Using the 3rd line is a temporary measure to relieve the tension in the neck and shoulder areas,
thereby easing the patient's pain.
This method is also used to treat extreme headaches, which cause the patient to
cry, and when painkillers are of no help. It is effective on tension in the back of the neck, and on neck strain
from sleeping in the wrong posture.
One uses the ordinary method of adjusting the Bladder Flow after one uses this
method of adjusting the 3rd line of the Bladder Flow.
How to Adjust the Third Line of the Bladder Flow
Sit on the right side for left flow
L - L4,11,12
R - L sacro-iliac joint where the 1st line of the Bladder Flow
passes through the pelvis
L - L3
L - outside 3, on the 3rd line
L - outside 10, on the 3rd line
L - outside 9, on the 3rd line
L - outside 23, on the 3rd line
R - L16
R - L acupoint BL 65
Recheck with step 1 then ordinary bladder flow
Kidney Flow
Cock 6-8 pm
When the Bladder Flow reaches the outside of the fifth toe at 6:00pm, it turns
into the flow that creates the kidneys. It ascends the body, passing through all the five yin organs of traditional oriental
medicine: heart, lung, spleen, liver, and kidney, as well as the bladder, pancreas and stomach. After one of the branches
of the Kidney Flow circulates through the heart, it descends to the diaphragm and turns into the flow that creates the diaphragm
at 8:00pm.
The kidneys are attached to the top of the 2nd Lumber Vertebra. They govern excretion
and urination, ear function, and the growth and decline of bones, marrow, nails and teeth. As the Kidney Flow increases, muscles
harden and the body chills. When the flow becomes deficient, the body bloats with water, and diabetes, leprosy, beriberi,
and other disorders set in.
One can tell from the color of the stools what organ disorders are present Yellow
for the liver, dark yellow for the stomach and spleen, red for the diaphragm, bloody red for the small intestines, charcoal
gray for the large intestines, light blood color for the bladder, pitch black for the umbilicus, and blue for the lungs.
When the Kidney Flow increases to above the normal level, one produces phlegm mixed
with blood, and there may be a dry cough. The inside of the mouth becomes feverish and the tongue dries. The top part of the
esophagus becomes swollen, and the throat gets dry and hurts. The chest feels uncomfortable and upset. and can feel as though
there is food stuck in the back of the chest. One loses one's appetite, and does not seek food even when starving. One becomes
dizzy upon standing up, and vision is not stable. There may be heart pain. The intestinal walls swell. The back, buttocks,
and groin hurt. The soles of the feet become feverish and hot.
When this flow is deficient, the heart beats faster. Edema appears in the entire
body. Fear rises.
Groning, Black.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Kidney
The Bladder Flow reaches the outside of the fifth toe, and at 6:00 pm turns into
the flow that creates the kidneys. It then crosses the sole of the foot diagonally from the inner corner of the little toe
to below the inner ankle, comes out at the heel, goes up the back of the leg, passes between the ligament and bones inside
of the knee, goes by the inside of the groin and reaches the anus. From there it goes across to the other side, comes out
to the opposite lateral side of the coccyx, goes along the genitalia from behind and comes out to the front, then along the
pubic bone and up to the lower abdomen, and into the left and right kidneys at the umbilicus. It then goes back out and around
the bladder, up to where the 8th rib attaches, enters the liver and spleen, comes out to the pylorus and goes up the chest,
into the lung along the 4th rib, and branches into A and B at the portal - trachea.
A goes out of the lung and up to and through the throat, and branches into C and
D at the root of the tongue.
C disperses at the root of the tongue.
D goes up the side of the nose, then from the front of the head to the back of
the head, down along the cervical vertebrae, then 1/2 inch away from the spine, down along the spine to the coccyx, then from
the coccyx to the inside of the inner thighs, where it disperses.
B goes from the 3rd rib to the heart, circulates in the heart and goes down into
the diaphragm, where it turns into the flow that creates the diaphragm at 8:00pm.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Kidney
Sit on the right side - for left flow
L1 on tail bone
R1 on achiles tendon left side
R2 pubic area
L2 right lower quadrent - bladder area
L3 on liver area
L4 on 13 area right nipple
L5 sternoclavicular junction right side
L6 12 area cervical plus 4 area
R3 on junction of thoracic and lumbar vertebra
R4 posterior iliac crest
Kidney Correction
C6,L1, 2 & 3 - Contracts kidney - renal arteries
T10,11 & 12 - Dilates kidney - renal arteries
T12, L1 & 2 - Contracts kidneys
T7 - Expands Kidneys
How to Adjust the Kidney Flow
Unlike the Kidney meridian found in the acupuncture-moxibustion tradition, the
Jin Shin Jyutsu Kidney Flow starts at the tip of the foot and goes to the opposite side of the coccyx circles round the genitalia
and comes up to the side of the pubic bone. This is why the practitioner sandwiches the coccyx and pubic bone with both hands
on the same side - step 2.
The left Jin Shin Jyutsu Kidney Flow goes through the bladder, right kidney, stomach,
liver and right lung, up from the throat to the head, down the back of the head, down the back, and disperses at the coccyx.
The right flow does the same but on the left side, going through the bladder, left kidney, pancreas, spleen, heart and left
Bladder Flow is the only Tai-Eki that goes through the back, and the Kidney Flow
is the only Tai-Eki that goes through all the five yin organs in traditional oriental medicine. This explains the importance
of the Kidney Flow. In Jin Shin Jyutsu, one puts one's hand on each of the yin organ areas and makes sure that the Tai-Eki
is induced into each area.
Sit on the right side for left flow
R - L5
L - Right side of coccyx
R - Right side of pubic bone
L - Bladder and right kidney area front
L - Stomach and liver areas for left Flow;
Left - stomach, spleen and pancreas areas for right flow
L - Right lung area for left flow;
Left - lung area for right flow
L - Right 22 in the lung area
L - Right Ki-Ten 4,11 & 12
R - Right Ki-Ten 23
R - Right side of sacro-iliac joint on the buttock
Diaphragm Flow
Dog 8-10 pm
When the Kidney Flow reaches the diaphragm from the heart at 8:00pm, it turns into
the flow that creates the diaphragm. It ascends to the heart, comes out of the heart at the base of the third rib, and branches.
One branch descends circulates in the stomach, and disperses at the small intestine area. The other branch goes into the armpit,
ascends the inner arm going through the elbow to the palm of the hand, and branches. One branch goes to the tip of the middle
finger and the other goes to the ring fingernail where at 10:00 pm it turns into the flow that creates the umbilicus.
When the Diaphragm Flow increases to above the normal level, the outer and inner
elbow suddenly contracts. The armpit swells and becomes red. When the flow increases further, the chest and back become full,
and the heart starts to beat forcefully. The palms become feverish. The face turns red. The inside of the heart hurts as if
it were pricked by a needle. The eyes narrow and become slanted upward. One tends to want to laugh all the time. These malfunctions
are due to frequent and over eating, where one eats while food is still in the stomach.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Diaphragm
The Kidney Flow turns into the Diaphragm Flow at 8:00pm, comes out of the diaphragm
and goes to the bottom of the chest and right into the heart, then comes out of the heart at the base of the third rib, where
it branches into A and B.
A descends from the third rib into the stomach, circulates in the stomach and continues
to descend. It comes out at one inch below the umbilicus and disperses in the direction of the small intestine.
B comes out at three inches below the armpit - to the side of the nipple, goes
up into the pit of the arm, runs along the middle of the inner arm, comes out into the dent in the outer elbow joint, runs
along the middle of the inner elbow, reaches the middle of the palm and branches into a and b.
a goes from the center of the palm out to the tip of the middle finger.
b goes out from the center of the palm to the inside of the ring finger, then round
the tip of the nail, reaches the back of the nail, and at the top of the nail at 10:00pm turns into the flow that creates
the umbilicus.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Diaphragm
Sit on the left side for left flow
R1 on right elbow 19 area
L1 on left 14
R1 on posterior elbow
L2 on left 25
R2 on left lateral ankle 16 area
Diaphragm Correction
C4 & 5 - Normalizes the diaphragm
Angina pectoris is related to this flow
Umbilicus Flow
Pig 10-122 am
When the Diaphragm Flow rounds the tip of the ring finger at 10:00pm, it turns
into the flow that creates the umbilicus. It ascends the arm, goes through the shoulder, and down to the sternum between the
third ribs where it branches. One branch goes through the heart, pancreas, and stomach. The other ascends the neck and branches
near the ear. These branches circulate the head, and when one branch reaches the lower edge of the eye at midnight it turns
into the flow that creates the gall bladder.
When the Umbilicus Flow increases to above the normal level, one becomes deaf.
The ears ring, the throat swells, the throat becomes numb. One sweats at night and while eating. The corners
Umbilicus Flow
Pig 10-122 am
When the Diaphragm Flow rounds the tip of the ring finger at 10:00pm, it turns into the flow that creates the umbilicus.
It ascends the arm, goes through the shoulder, and down to the sternum between the third ribs where it branches. One branch
goes through the heart, pancreas, and stomach. The other ascends the neck and branches near the ear. These branches circulate
the head, and when one branch reaches the lower edge of the eye at midnight it turns into the flow that creates the gall bladder.
When the Umbilicus Flow increases to above the normal level, one becomes deaf. The ears ring, the throat swells, the throat
becomes numb. One sweats at night and while eating. The corners of the eye hurt, or fester. The outer side of the cheeks,
back of the ears, the shoulders, upper arms, elbows, buttocks, hurt. The ring fingers bend and stiffen. These illnesses are
due to fever in the stomach.
When this flow is deficient, thin people develop neuralgia and heavy people develop rheumatism throughout the entire body.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Umbilicus
The Diaphragm Flow reaches the inside of the ring finger at 10:00pm, and turns into the flow that creates the umbilicus.
It goes up the outer lateral edge of the ring finger nail, along the outside of the wrist joint and into the indentation of
the elbow bone, through the bone structure and up to the root of the arm at the shoulder on the back, up to the outer edge
of the shoulder, through the shoulder bone structure, and then down to the
sternum between the third ribs and branches into A and B.
A disperses around the opposite side third rib, collects again at the bottom of the fifth rib and enters the heart. It
then comes out of the heart and the left flow goes into the stomach via the pancreas.
B goes to the fornt of the shoulder, under Thoracic Vertebra 1 and comes out two inches from the opposite ear, where it
branches into C and D.
C goes across the head diagonally from the back of the ear to the outer corner of the eye, up the side of the eye (temple),
into the back of the head, where the left and right flows converge.
D goes into the ear from behind the ear, comes out to the lower edge of the eye and turns into the gall bladder flow at
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Umbilicus
Sit on the right side for right flow
R1 on 20 forehead
L on elbow area
R2 14 area left
L2 on left temporal area near the earlobe
R3 posterior iliac crest
R4 25 area - lateral thigh
R5 lateral and posterior ankle
R6 left ring finger
umbilical area collects
chest area disperses
Gall Bladder Flow
Rat 12-2 am
When the Umbilicus Flow reaches the lower edge of the eye at midnight, it turns into the flow that creates the gall bladder.
It branches immediately and circulates the cheek bone and side of the head and branches again at the back of the head. These
branches descend, going to the liver, gall bladder, spleen, and pancreas, dividing and dispersing until two branches reach
the toes. The flow that reaches the inside medial part of the big toe at 2:00am turns into the flow that creates the liver.
When the Gall Bladder Flow increases to above the normal level, therre is a bitter taste in the mouth and one sighs deeply.
The skin loses its luster, and develops goose bumps. One is unable to turn sideways while lying down. The corners of the head,
jaw, outer corners of the eyes, below the breast, ribs, outer knees, shins, upper bones of the outer ankles - lateral malleolus,
front and side of the outer ankles, and all joints in the bodyhurt - rheumatism, whole body neuralgia.
When this flow is deficient, the ring finger bends and does not straighten out, or it does not move.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Gall Bladder
The Umbilicus Flow that reaches a place a quarter inch from the outer corner of the eye immediately branches into A and
B to create the gall bladder at midnight.
A circles the cheek bone, goes up to the temple from the front of the ear, circles the ear a quarter inch above the hair
line, that is to say, above the ear in a semi-circle, then goes round to the inside of the bone below the ear, round to the
back again in a semi-circle, from the back of the head to the front of the head, then makes three little turns at the inner
corner of the eye, in effect drawing a semi-circle, then branches into C and D at the bone in the back of the head.
C goes directly to the hollow of the acromion.
D goes from Thoracic Vertebra 1 diagnonally to the posterior shoulder blade, descends to the hollow of the acromion, comes
out to the front of the shoulder and crosses B at the hollow of acromion and then goes down. It merges with B at the start
of the seventh rib, where it immediately branches into E and F.
E immediately goes into the stomach. F goes to the umbilicus and disperses.
From the cheek bone, B goes by the fourth rib via the front of the shoulder, merges with C where the seventh rib is attached,
and goes down to the abdomen. The left flow goes to the liver and gall bladder and the right flow goes to the spleen and pancreas.
Both flows then go to the back on their respective sides, into the abdomen at Lumbar Vertebra 4, down vertically, in through
the pelvis, out to the sides of the anus, to the opposite sides of the buttocks, down the outer legs, into the outer ankles
and branch into G and H.
From the inside of the outer ankle, G immediately goes up via the instep to the fourth toe.
From the outer ankle, H goes across the foot to the top of the big toe and to the top of the nail and changes into the
flow that creates the liver at 2:00am.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Gall Bladder
Sit on the right side for left flow
R1 on right 20
L1 on 4 area
R2 on right 25
R3 on posterior/anterior ankle
R4 right 14
R5 left 14
R6 left supraclavicular area 22
R7 left 25
Liver Flow
Ox 2-4am
When the Gall Bladder Flow reaches the tip of the big toe nail at 2:00am, it turns into the flow that creates the liver.
It then ascends the leg and goes through the groin where the left and right flows cross. The right flow goes into the liver,
and the left flow goes into the pancreas. They continue to ascend to the diaphragm where they branch. One branch ascends through
the eye to the top of the head where it changes into the cerebrum flow. Another branch goes immediately into the lungs and
at 4:00am turns into the flow that creates the lungs.
When the liveer Flow increases to above the normal level, the lower back hurts and one is unable to lie on one's stomach
or back. One becomes thristy. The rib cage protrudes and feels full. Men develop abdominal discomfort and pain, and women's
lower abdomen become swollen and can hurt. Women gain weight. The throat becomes dry, the chest becomes full and tense. Deep
nausea occurs. One may vomit. Necrosis develops. One becomes near-sighted. Tart food increases the Liver Flow and decreases
the Spleen Flow.
Pathway of the Flow That Creates the Liver
The Gall Bladder flow that reaches the inside of the big toe at 2:00am turns into the flow that creates the liver at the
tip of the nail, goes up the side of the inside of the foot, by the inner ankle, through the inside of the back of the knee
between the bones and ligament, comes out to the inner thigh, goes underneath the groin, comes out to the inner thigh, goes
underneath the groin, comes out to the pubic hair, where the left and right flows cross, then up into the abdomen, and by
the side of the stomach. The right flow goes into the liver, the left flow goes into the pancreas, and both flows go through
the diaphragm and branch into A,B and C.
A goes up to the first rib and disperses at the opposite side as it enters the pleurae.
B goes to the opposite side at the throat, through the bottom of the eye, up to the head and becomes the Cerebrum flow.
It continues to go to the top of the back of the head, then down along the esophagus, and disperses outside the stomach.
C immediately goes into the lung and changes to the flow that creates the lungs at 4:00am.
The liver flow is the mid eye level 20 either side.
Thus, the Twelve Tai-Eki Flows complete their circulation through the body and become the first flow for the next day,
the flow that creates the lungs. They repeat this cycle of circulation daily to build and nourish the body.
Method of Adjusting the Flow that Creates the Liver
Sit on the right side for left flow
Liver flow 20 mid eye level
R1 - right 22 area on the clavicular bone
L1 - 4 area left
R2 - right 14
R3 - left inner thigh high 1
R4 - ankle 5 area - medial aspect
R5 - left thumb
L2 - opposite 4
Liver correction
C6 - contracts the common hepatic artery
T10, 11 & 12 - dilates the common hepatic and liver
L1,2 & 3 - contracts the liver
How to Eliminate Putrifactive Gas in the Body
The practitioner sits on the receiver's right side
Gas stagnating in the stomach - abdominal portion only
R1-thumb on little toe medial aspect
L1 - left 25 - S1 joint inbetween sacrum and iliac bone
R2 - 4th toe - bladder 65
R3 - 3rd toe
R4 - 2nd toe
L2 on 2 left posterior iliac crest
Method of applying the art on the fatique flow
Your right on their right
this and MC on one self
the finger mudras
if from top do not cross at step 3
step 3 is high 4s
Step 1
L palm and R palm
Step 2
L sole and R sole with thumb
Step 3
high 4s
if from top do not cross at step 3
Step 4
L 4 and R on 14 right
Step 5
R 4 and L 14 left
Last Step
R on mid 4
L on xiphoid
14 might not warm up if the pelvis has problems
Have the receiver press the place one finger below the umbilicus with his or her right hand if the person has had disorders
of genital organs
The Sequence of Adjusting the Fatigue Flow
A Sit on the right side for left flow
Step 1
R1 on upper 19 left
L1 acromion joint upper 26
R2 18 area left
R3 left index finger
R4 xiphoid area
R5 front upper 26 right
R6 right inner groin area
R7 right 8/1 inner thigh
R8 lateral ankle 16 area
R9 right great toe
Step 2
R10 23 area adrenal/kidney area left
L2 left 4 area
R11 9 area infrascapular
The Sequence of Adjusting the Fatique Flow
B Sit on the left side
Step 3 - Sit on the left side
R1 on GV20
L1 on mid 13
L2 mid 14
L3 on mid pubic symphysis
Step 4 - Sit on the right side
R2 on mid 25 or tail bone
L4 on 11th thoracic vertebra
L5 on 6th thoracic vertebra
Lymph intermingled with fatigue flow
Boils, sores with fluid, tiny white bubbles on hands
Special Methods of Application of the Art on the Fatigue Flow
Same as Now Know Myself
Step 1 - the main step
L1 on right 26 area
L2 on 9 area
R1, R2, R3 on right brachial area 19
Step 2
L3 on 23 adrenal area on right posterior back
R4 on lateral right ankle
R5 right great toe web
Step 3
R5 on right great toe lateral aspect
L4 on posterior illac crest left
L5 on infrascapular area left 9 area
Step 4
L5 on infrascapular area left 9 area
R6 on left brachial region 19
R7 left wrist and thumb pad 18 area
After Step 4 go to methods A and B
Methods of Eliminating Low Back Pain
Effective when one has pain after waking up from sleep; when it feels tense and full as one gets up; when the pain comes
and goes quickly
Sit on the left side for left flow
Hold the back and sole sides of each toe at the same time. It is quite painful, but stay in position until the pain disappears
Step 1
L1 Right great toe to little toe
R1 23 area on left - adrenal and kidney region
Step 2
L1 all toes on sole side
R2 9 area on left infrascapular area
Step 3
L1 All toes sole side
R3 10 area on left mid scapular area
Step 4
L1 all toes on sole side
R4 3 area on left thoracic vertebra 1
Step 5
L1 all toes on sole side
R5 right 23 adrenals and kidneys
Step 6
L1 all toes on sole side
R6 infrascapular area right 9 area
Step 7
L1 all toes sole side
R7 mid scapular area 10 on right
Step 8
L1 all toes sole side
R8 back to the ring finger
Stopping the lower back pain 1st strategy
Sit on the left side for left flow
Step 1
L1 hold both sides of the toes with left fingers
R1 on 23 left side adrenal and kidney area
Step 2
R1 on 23 area
L2 hold the back of the fingers on right hand of receiver
Stopping lower back pain strategy 2
Step 1
R on left 25
L3 on ring and little finger right side
Step 2
R on left 25
L2 on all toes except great toe on right
Step 3
R on left 25
L1 hold the toes in the order little toe, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and great toe 5 on the left
Stopping the lower back pain 3rd strategy
Knee pain is stopped by treating low back pain. When the knee hurts, there is a hardened vertical line along Ki-Ten 10
& 9. Knee pain stops when one adjusts Ki-Ten 10 and 9.
Step 1
L1 left great toe
It hurts to hold L1, but stay with in until the pain stops.
R1 lateral 25 lateral thigh on the left
It hurts when it is pressed. Stay with it until the pain stops.
The energy passes by the outside from Great toe via the Knee to opposite chest and right arm. When there is pain the energy
goes where the pain goes.
Step 2
R2 tense line on the left side of the neck
Step 3
L2 Right 13 below the rib where it bulges
The energy similarly is passed by the outside of right arm
Method of Calming the Palpitations of the Heart
Sit on the right side
Step 1
L1 on right anterior thigh 25 area
Stops the heart palpitations
R1 on Lateral ankle and Posterior ankle left side
Stops heart palpitations
Step 2
R1 on lateral ankle on the left
L2 on the left 10 mid scapular area
Dilates the heart valve
Step 3
L2 on the mid scapular area
R2 left 17 area ulnar aspect of the wrist
Method of Eliminating the Stagnation of Food in the Stomach and Back Pain
R1. Put your right hand on the back of the receiver's head. As the flow begins to move,
R2. Move the hand to the forehead. When the flow is sufficiently moving,
R3. Move your hand to the back. Put the center of the hand on Thoracic Vertebra 5. As the back flow begins to melt and
R4. Move your hand to the top center of the head. Sit on the left side.
L Put the palm side of your wrist on the solar plexus, where the bones fork. Leave the hand in place until the very end.
Press lightly at the beginning, and increase the pressure gradually.
Method of Self-Adjustment for Various Changes that Have Occured in the Body-Anterior Side
Hard of hearing
Vision Blurs and becomes hazy
Lower teeth ache and fall out
Below and inside of the knee hurts
Below and outside of the knee hurts
Mentruation stops; the uterus becomes crooked; heavy menstrual flow
the chest becomes swollen
blood congestion in the back side of the lung
the reversal will cause tonsilitis; the heart stops beating
thyroid gland
Place right hand on left upper quadrent - Spleen area
Left hand on the opposite 25
Right foot on the left knee
Method of Self-Adjustment for Various Changes that Have Occured in the Body-Posterior Side
A. Move the right fingers to the right and left of the neck as necessary. One may also move the fingers up and down the
B. Left hand on right iliac crest and ischial tuberosity 2/25
Right foot on left popliteal fossa posterior knee.
Full lower back and pain
Thrusting inward
loss of muscle mass sciatica
Caution: If one places one's right fingers and palm on the right side, the flow goes backward and the pain doubles
numb fingers
heavy back, coughs and phlegm
40 year old shoulder
swollen muslces
stiff shoulder
anemia and fainting