Lymphatic Vessels are actually The Electrical Meridians in the body!
Meridians are not a channel as per Jiro Murai. He mentioned to his students that they are like river and just like river
flows with banks on either end and in stagnation the banks gets sluggish the energy blocks initially starts as a congestion
with the path that is not receiving energy being dry like the river beds. Jiro Murai also mentioned to his students that the
Pericardium (yin energy) as per Acupuncture is Umbilical energy in Jin Shin Jyutsu and the Triple heater or
Triple Foci (yang energy) as per Acupuncture is Diaphragm energy in Jin Shin Jyutsu. As per Dr. Tsun Nin Lee MD of Academy
of Pain Research says this is the lymphatic vessels. According to Indian Mythology Vishu is depicted as a man sleeping on
snake bed on ocean with a umbilical cord connecting to human beings. The ultimate lymphatic source vessel. Also all Yin Meridian
has the element wood which is also ether by some texts. Vishu is considered element ether and his heart essence is Lakshmi.
All Yang meridian has element Metal and Lakshmi is considered element metal with essence of vishu in her heart.
These theories are based on the Ancient Indian Medicine called Nadi Vaithiyam which means feeling the pulse and making
the diagnosis, which is also pracitized in China as ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine - TCM, and also medically called
Thalamic Neuron Theory -TNT.
Why Acupuncture needles work in strategic points in body. Because these points are located in meridians which are the
physiological control points that controls certain derangements.
For example
Physiological Stat vs Abnormalities that results
arteriole smooth muscle - hypertension, hypotension
cardiac muscle contractility - systolic, diastolic dysfunction
lower esophageal sphincter - achalasia, regurgitation
anal spincter - tenesmus, fecal incontinence
bladder spincter - urinary retension, incontinence
bronchial smooth muscle - bronchial asthma, COPD
skeletal muscle tension - spasm, contracture, flaccidity
peristalsis (rhythmic contraction of GI tract) - constipation, diarrhea, cramping, vomiting
tension of ciliary muscle in eyes - accomodation abnormalities
heart rate - tachycardia, bradycadia
So the treament is to disperse the focus of abnormality and tonify the deficiency.
Cancer is change in tissue and change in brain focus of the problem
To treat cancer both the local tissue and brain focus signals need to be treated. Cancer is focus of congestion in a
sea of decificiency.
Central control of peripheral functions
Biofeed back control of temperature through galvanic/electrical resistance of skin
blister formation under hypnosis
stress ulcers in soldiers and gastric erosions in rats
stroke induced cardiac arrhythmias
hypothalamic electrostimulation induced atherosclerosis in rats
head injury induced neurogenic pulmonary edema
Fast mucle (white mucle) and slow contracting mucle (red muscle) switch from nerve transposition
blood pressure and vascular changes in epileptic and brain tumor patients
vital sign changes from frontal and temporal lobotomies
disuse atrophies
Hierarchy of controls of bodily functions
periphery controlled by CNS - Brain
new brain controlled by old brain which is primitive brain
Old brain controlled by Master brain which is popular old brain (tribal brain)
Master brain controlled by composite hommunculus - fetal position
hommunuclus contains integrated circuit
Integrated circuit consists of neural pathways equivalent to acupuncture meridians with clusters of neurons representing
acupuncture points
Hommunucles is similar to Master Choa's thought forms of elementals, or genie's. Eg temperature, pain, pressure has miniature
human like representations in brain similar to human fetal shape
The more ancient an herb is like ginsing can take a form of human shape and is considered very old and expensive as per
chinese cultural belief.
Similar to the movie City Slickers - the one thing that never gets revealed in treatment of any pathology
-THE ONE THING THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT IS TO FIND THE ABNORMAL FOCUS and treat this point with the acupuncture, moxibustion,
cupping or any other modalities.
Find the abnormal focus and normalize the point. So the four key words are
1. Shift - focus to brain
2. Stimulate - abnormal focus
3. Repeat - repeat stimulating the abnormal focus
4. Normalize - the focus
Physics has very few principles and explains a lot vs Modern Medicine has a lot to learn and explains only a few conditions.
So keep it simple the treatment strategies. Learn the four diagnostic technique, and 8 categories to diagnose illness.
Brain has Master programs so focus on getting rid of the Master program code from brain for bad learning and teach brain
to learn to be well and to heal.
Learning to be sick is Pathogenesis and
Learning to be well is Healing
Advantage of all beings - they can learn, adapt, survive, fall sick if they learn bad things, heal if they learn good
Pathogenesis: Any adverse stimulations can cause malfunctions of the Master Brain.
Emotional: anger, sadness etc
Physical: accidents, repetitive strains like working hard on computers, etc
Environmental: temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, etc
Chemical: diets, drugs, toxins
Infections: bacterias, viruses, parasites, etc
Jet lag stresses the body by altering biological rhythm.
Surgery is a extreme stimulation of the body
SARS - is heat condition - treat so the body can receive the cold energy
Avian Flu is a cold condition - treat so the body can receive heat or warming effect
Strong Stimulation, Repeated stimulations that makes the pathology recur.
Healing: Beneficial stimulations that may induce normalization of the Master brain
Some surgeries, nerve blocks, trigger point injections, physcial therapy
Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Traditional chinese medicine
Mental exercise - Qi Kung, hypnosis, biofeedback, biogenics
Manual medicine - Osteopathy, chiropractics, Tui-Na
Neuromuscular Stimulations - Yoga, Tai-Chi, Exercises
Aromatic therapy
Therapeutic massage, Therapeutic touch etc
Strong stimulations, Repeated Stimulations for healing
Acupuncture and Meridian Theory
There are 12 pairs or meridians
Meridians are connected head to tail, forming a complete loop
Supervisor vessel - REN and Governing vessel - DU form a loop around the sagittal plane of the body
Qi - vital energy travels along the meridian network to maintain health
Maldistribution of qi leads to congestion or deficiency of qi results in diseased states
The Governing vessel - DU is ascending energy on the back - PRANA inhalation from the back
and the Supervisor vessel - REN is descending energy - APANA exhalation through the front
Homunculus - miniature human - is a well established scientific fact
Homunculus organization logical
Mutiple homunucli must exist
Fetal configuration reasonable - ball like structure - space saving
Organization of homunculus
Fetal position
More complex functions, more representations - large head, large hands, large feet - represented in brain
crossing over of distal parts of extremities
Central equivalence of Meridians, Acupuncture Loci and Qi
Meridians = Neuronal chains
Acupuncture points = Neuronal locus cluster
Qi = Neuronal transmission
(like chakras - similar to neuronal chains and SEL = acupuncture points)
8 distant points of acupuncture
1. Con Valley LI-4
Between thumb and finger
Used to treat face and mouth conditions
2. Internal Gate PC-6
Proximal to wrist on flexor surface
Treat thorax, front of chest and internal organs
3. Split space LG-7
proximal to styloid process of radius
treat head and neck
4. Leg three interior ST-36
1 inch distal and lateral to the tibial tuberosity
Treat abdomen
5. Tri Yin Merger SP-6
3 inches above medial malleolus
Treat pelvic region
6. Fold center UB-40
Popliteal fossa
treat back
7. Grand concourse GV-20
Vertex of head
Treat anal region
8. Inner court ST-44
between 2nd and 3rd toes
Treat face
8 Golden Acupuncture points
1. LI-4 ConValley - Near base of thumb - to treat facial conditions
2. LU-7 styloid process of radial bone - treat neck conditions
3. BL-40 back of popliteal region - treat the back conditions
4. PC-6 inner wrist - treat internal conditions of organs
5. TH-8 in the mid forearm - treat anterior chest conditions
6. ST-36 on the medial tibial region below knee - treat abdominal conditions
7. SP-6 3 inch above the ankle on the posterior aspect - treat reproductive issues especially in female
8. GB-34 on the lateral tibial region below knee - treat all major conditions and tonify qi
Meridian Loop
Total length of genomes = 121,024 nucleotide pairs
long chromosome in cell makes a circular DNA in human
Genetic Loop
flows with the rhythm of nature
economy of cellular energies
improves survival
12 meridians maintains 24 hour rhythm
rhythm is the natural behaviour of universe
Evolution of Genetic Loop
more advanced organism has more complex longer loop
length of loop becomes lumbersome
so there is unpackage and repackage through breakdown into components and reassemble when necessary
There is a Rosette formation of chromosomes after fertilization
As per RG Nagele etal chromosome 107, 1998
each haploid occupies 1/2 circle
internal order of 23 identical chromosome and order in each circle identical
homologs directly opposite one another
to reconsititute the genetic loop for embryological development
HOX and HOM gene complexes I (HOX is mammal gene and HOM is fruitfly gene)
embryological development recapitulates evolution
early embryos of different animal look similar
Karl Ernst Von Baer experience was he had a jar for fish, salamander, chicken, rabbit and human embryos. When the label
fell of he could not identify the embryos from each since they resembled each other.
HOX and HOM gene complexes II
Determination of anterior posterior body axis
Drosophila fruit fly gene HOM
Mammals HOX gene
Expression of genes along body axis matches the spatial order of genes of chromosome
head and tail sequence similar in man and worm
We are the product of universe not a microcosm of macrocosm but need to be the microcosm of universe to survive the rhythm
of the macrocosm
acupuncture stimulates CNS which stimulates abnormal neurons in master homunculus to normalize neuronal activities and
reduces symptoms
There are 8 congregation points for 8 tissues
Solid organs - Heart, liver, lung, kidney and pancreas
Stimulate by Express Gate or Zhang Men - LV 13
Located at the distal end of 11th rib
Hollow viscera - Stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder, gall-bladder
Stimulate by Torso Center or Zhong Wan CV-12
Located midway between the tip of xyphoid process and the umbilicus
Qi vital energy
Stimulate by Shan Zhong or Chest center CV-17
located on the middle of the sternum between two nipples
Stimulate by Ge Shu or Diaphragm transport UB-17
located approximately 1 1/2 inches to the side of the spine between the 7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae
Sinews of tendon
Yang Ling Chuan or Yang Dune Spring GB-34
located between the tibia and the fibula proximally just below the knee
Blood vessels
Ge Shu Tai Yuan or Grand Canyon LG-9
volar surface of the wrist just lateral to the radial artery
Da Shu or Grand ventilation UB-11
located approximately 1 1/2 inches lateral to the spine between the first and second thoracic vertebrae
Yuan Zhong or suspended bell GB-39
approximately 3 inches above the lateral malleolus on the lateral side of the leg
When disease enters stomach it also travels from exterior to interior
During blastula stage the ectoderm cells travel to endoderm and some of these cells are represented on the yin aspect
of the body after completion of fetal stage so yang on back, yin in front with stomach points on the front and gall bladder
points on the side of the body
phlegm syndrome - abnormal fluid metabolism with fluid excess caused by derangement of CNS controls
fluid disturbance not necessarily the cause but the result of CNS disturbances
Readjustment of CNS circuit with Meridian medicine leads to healing
To be Continued ...